Chapter 21

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"F-F*cking Bebe"

I flinched as the door opened by the whole class entering, one by one. I quickly glanced down at the bench, making sure that there wasn't any comments left. "Hey Bebe!" I looked up towards the cheery voice. Wendy was making her way towards Bebe with a huge smile spread across her pale face. "Oh, Hi Wendy." Wendy then looked around the classroom, locking eyes with me for a moment before furrowing her eyebrows. She then rolled her eyes, whispering to Bebe before they both looked at me. I quickly looked away, sighing as I felt a lump form in my throat making it hard to breathe. "Hey (Y/n)!" I looked up at Kyle as he approached, making me forget all about Wendy and Bebe. "Hey..." I tried to flash him a quick smile before looking down. "You okay?" I nodded before scratching the back of my neck. "Well okay then, let's get started."

Time skip

I sighed as I made my way out of the last lesson before lunch. I hurried to leave my things in the locker before making my way towards the principal's office. I flinched slightly when I got a text.

Craig- The principal freaked out over a few things... I don't think I can make it.

I sighed as I looked at the text, feeling my heart sink before the phone buzzed again.

Craig- I'd leave if I could but I think it'd only get worse, I miss you :P

I chuckled slightly before quickly typing an "I miss you too ;P"

I looked up from my phone, thinking about going to the cafeteria... Who am I trying to fool, I haven't got anyone to eat with. I shook my head, smiling at my thought. I then stood up, almost tripping as I walked into someone.

"(Y/n)-" I looked up as I felt the person grab my arm, preventing me from falling. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as I got lost in Kyle's green eyes. "I was actually looking for you." He pulled my arm, making me gain balance again. "Why?" I looked up at him, tilting my head slightly. "Well, our last lesson is cancelled so I thought that we could leave earlier." He flashed me a quick smile as I nodded. "Yeah sure." He then nodded as well, grabbing my arm. "Let's go." He then began to drag me out of the school. I looked over at Kyle, seeing a childish smile starting to form in his face. The smile caused me to laugh slightly, making Kyle look at me. "What is it?" I then looked away, shrugging. "I don't know." He then sighed, quickening our pace.

"Where are we going?" Kyle looked back at me before smirking slightly, looking away before shrugging. "I don't know." I then laughed slightly "Fair enough." I then quickly looked back. "What is it?" I looked at him again, scratching the back of my head. "Nothing, I just saw a squirrel." He then nodded as he pulled my arm even harder as he began to walk even faster. I looked back once again, I couldn't get the feeling of someone following us out of my mind. I then looked down, smiling. But it might just be in my head.

My eyes widen as Kyle stopped and turned around, causing me to walk into him. "W-Were here." I nodded at his words as I awkwardly backed away from him. I then looked up, tilting my head as I read the big words. "Whistlin' Willy's" I looked over at Kyle who was smiling. "Wha-" "Let's go." He then quickly disappeared, causing me to chuckle before following him.

"An arcade?" I smiled slightly as I looked around. There was a lot of games by the walls and some tables in the center. "Yeah, I don't know if you like games but, well." I looked over at Kyle who was scratching the back of his head as he glanced over at me slightly, probably trying to see my reaction. "Well I like games so you don't have to worry." I gave him a closed eyed smile, causing him to look away. "Lets start with that one." Kyle looked over at me, showing a faint blush on his cheeks. I then looked away as well. "Yeah sure."

We both walked over to the game, which was the typical 'Guitar hero'. Kyle started and got an almost perfect score. "Wow." I stared at him in awe as he put the guitar back. "How'd you get so good at it?" He looked at the game before scratching the back of his neck. "Stan and I used to play... A bit too much actually." He the let out a chuckle, causing me to do the same. "How about you give it a try?" He grabbed the guitar again, handing it to me. "Yeah sure." I then began to play.

Small time skip

I took a deep breath as I played the last tone, looking back at Kyle. He looked at the game, and then at me with wide eyes. "Wow." I put the guitar back before turning towards Kyle again. "I'm surprised..." I then let out a chuckle.

"...That you got to play through the whole song. You were at the red part through the whole song." I then began to laugh before looking up at him. "I said that I like games, but I forgot to mention that I suck at them." He then rolled his eyes before chuckling slightly. "Let's just get something to eat." I nodded as I followed him to order some pizza.

When he was done ordering and we'd gotten it we sat down at one of the tables in the center of the arcade. "So when are we even doing a presentation on the group project?" I asked as I looked up at him. He then looked at me with wide eyes before chocking slightly. "O-Oh. Next week some time." I then nodded slightly. I looked up to ask something else, only to widen my eyes as Kyle was leaning closer.


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