Chapter 8

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"Sure, why not? It's not like we're doing anything except sleeping." Cartman and Kenny then looked at each other, smirking.

"Aw shit."

I shook my head, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly. "On second though, I think I'll sleep uppstairs. I began to make my way to the stairs but I was soon stopped by Kenny grabbing my shoulders. "Don't worry, we won't do anything weird." He turned me around slightly, smiling at me. "W-Well, I guess..." We began to fix in the living room. The boys carried some mattresses into the room while I got pillows and stuff. I was quite excited to be honest. I've never done anything like this, not even when I was younger. When we'd made our beds, put all the pillows in place and stuff we all stood there, looking at the mattresses. "Well, I'm not tired..." We all looked at Cartman, and I couldn't help but to feel suspicious. "Me neither." I sighed as the boys all agreed, I just wanted to sleep. "Hey, did you guys know that the movie's actually based on a true story?" I rolled my eyes as the boys sat on the couch, waiting for Cartman to tell the story.

"Well, in 1659 there was this old man who lived in a big mansion. He'd been feeling lonely ever since his wife died so he bought a doll to fill the empty room in his heart, but the doll began to talk, telling him to do things, bad things. The doll told him to lure teenagers into his house and to kill them, and by doing that he'd be able to see his wife again. He succeeded three times but when the fourth group came they outsmarted him, killing him. And they say that the man swore to succeed, possessing the doll to be able to finish his job...." Cartman then pulled a doll out of his shirt, making me flinch slightly. "This doll."

I shook my head, getting the scared feeling out of my head. "What are you, f#cking 10? That's a story you just came up with, and that's just a doll you bought on eBay." I nodded, agreeing with Kyle. "Well, let's just sleep, I'll sleep on the couch." I walked towards the couch, getting stopped by Cartman. "I would actually like to sleep on the couch if it's okay." I shrugged, making my way towards the mattresses. "Well, we've only got 2 mattresses so I'll share with (Y/n)." My eyes widen as I looked at Kenny while he made his way towards me. "Err-" "Actually Kenny, I'll share with you. I don't think (Y/n)'d like to share with you since you're a freaking pervert." Stan said, dragging Kenny away from me while Kenny just sighed. "Well I guess we'll have to share." I looked at Kyle, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Y-Yeah..." We all laid down, Cartman on the couch, Kenny and Stan next to each other and Kyle, next to me. I had my back facing his back so that it wouldn't get to awkward, not that it wasn't awkward. I then turned around, facing Kyle's back since he was facing the other way.

As I looked at him, his red hair, his fair skin. I couldn't see his face but it popped up in my mind, making my cheeks heat up. I think I actually l- 'You can't like him.' I flinched slightly as Nichole's words replayed in my mind. Bebe likes Kyle, I can't like Kyle. I held my hand out, reaching for his hair. My face heat up and I became as red as a tomato when he turned around, causing my hand to touch his cheek. "I-I-I'm sorry." I quickly moved my hand away, looking at the blushing Kyle. "N-No problem." He then looked back, looking if the guys were asleep. "Can't sleep?" He shook his head. "Me neither..." I grabbed my pillow, hugging it slightly while repositioning my head. "Well, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for earlier..." I glanced at him, tilting my head. "For what?" He then turned red again. "Ah- Well earlier in your room when y-yo-" My eyes widen as I realized. "D-Don't worry, it was my fault to..." He smirked slightly, repositioning his head as well.  "I can't say I regret it though" My eyes then widen as I quickly turned away, hiding my fever hot head.

"I was just kidding... Hey." He grabbed my shoulder, dragging it so that he was able to see my red face. "I-It's okay..." I felt my cheeks heat up even more when he stared at me, slowly leaning closer. "Wha-" I tried to say something but I couldn't think straight when he was looking at me like that. He was only inches apart when I closed my eyes, leaning closer as well. My whole mind exploded when our lips met. We were both being shy at first, but small kisses soon turned into making out.

"Hey (Y/n), (Y/n)."

I flinched as I looked over at Kyle, heating up slightly. I'd just fantasized about us kissing... "You know, I was just kidding." He scratched the back of his head. "N-No problem." We then locked eyes, causing Kyle to look at me the same way he did in the fantasy. We both began to lean closer, and when we were only inches apart-


We both flinched, moving away from each other. "Stan?" Kyle the hurried upstairs, leaving me there.

"What a f#cking c#ckblock."

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