Chapter 19

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I waved Craig goodbye as he drove off in his car, leaving me outside of my house. I took a deep breath, looking if he was gone before walking across the street towards Kyle's house. I opened the door, lost in my thoughts about Craig and Kyle. Why does Craig like me? I replayed the scene once again.

I shook my head before looking up at him, giving him a closed eyed smile. "I'll go out with you." He smiled slightly at my words, nodding before walking closer. My eyes widen slightly as he pulled me into a hug, this didn't seem like Craig at all. "Remember to tell me if anyone's being mean, you have to now since we're a couple." I nodded, looking at the wall while progressing what I'd just done.

I sighed as I took my jacket off before walking over to the couch, laying down in it. Now that I think about it, Craig isn't that bad. Not only does he make me feel better when Bebe's being a b*tch but he's also very caring in his own way. I smiled slightly as I thought about how nervous he'd been before asking me. My smile faded and guilt filled my body as Kyle's crying face popped up in my head. His red hair hanging from the sides of his face, his pale skin blushing red by his nose and those forest green eyes, watering as he looked at me. I sat up, shaking my head. "DON'T THINK ABOUT HIM!" I grabbed my hair, clenching my fists as I tried to get Kyle out of my mind. I felt my heart race as it hurt. "You can't." I looked up at the ceeling, feeling my eyes tear up. "You just can't." 

I flinched as the front door opened, revealing Kyle and Stan. I looked at them both with wide eyes. I looked at Stan as he scratched the back of his neck. I then looked towards Kyle, feeling my heart race as he smiled at me. "I..." I looked away to hide my red face before standing up. "I'll be in my room." I stood up, making my way upstairs and into Ike's room. Once I'd entered Ike's room I closed the door with wide eyes and a racing heart. "W-Why did he smile like that?" I replayed the scene in my head, blushing as I did. "Didn't he cry at school?" I walked over to the bed, laying down. "Why does he have to do that to me?" I clenched my shirt just above my chest, shaking my head. "W-Why can't he just ignore me..."

I jumped slightly as my phone lit up, showing that I'd just got a message. I opened it, sighing when I saw Bebe's text. I closed her text and went to the new text message. 

Craig- I'll pick you up in front of your house tomorrow

I smiled slightly, quickly typing an answer.

Me- Says who?

I smirked as he quickly responded.

Craig- Me

Craig- Be ready at 7:50.

I smiled, turning the phone off as I stood up, walking over to the window. "Yeah, don't think about him. And besides, I'm dating Craig and Kyle's dating Bebe." I flinched as I got another message, I opened it and felt my heart race.

Kyle<33- Come down, I've made dinner :P

I sighed slightly before exiting the room, walking downstairs into the kitchen. "Where's Stan?" I said as I entered the kitchen to find Kyle on his phone by the table, stuffing his face with pasta. He swallowed quickly as he saw me, choking slightly, causing me to chuckle. "Err- He left not to long ago." I nodded before making my way over to the table. I began eating as an awkward silence filled the room. I looked up, only to be met by Kyle's green eyes. He then quickly looked away. "Y-You know. About what happened in school." I tilted my head as he looked back at me. "How about we do something tomorrow?" My eyes widen as he smiled at me. "Y-Ye-" I looked down, interrupting myself. Bebe will only get mad. "I don't know..." His smile faded, causing my heart to break. "I-It's not like I don't want to, it's just-" I looked away as he looked towards me with curiosity filled eyes. "I mean-" I sighed before looking up towards him, smiling. "Yeah sure." He then smiled, nodding slightly as I looked down. It can't get worse between Bebe and me. I looked up at Kyle as he typed something on his phone, resting my chin on my hand. And Bebe can't hurt me any more that she's already done, I've got Craig by my side now. He then looked away from his phone, meeting my eyes. "What?" I shook my head. "Nothing." I stood up, putting my plate and glas in the dishwasher. 

"I'm quite tired, goodnight." He then waved slightly before going back to typing on his phone.

???'s POV

Earlier today

I sighed as I walked down the hall. I'm certain someone's made Kyle and (Y/n) like that, they both had the same expression, and their eyes... My thoughts were cut of when Nichole came running towards me. "H-Help." My eyes widen as I reached out towards her, making her stop. "N-Nichole... What is it?" She took a deep breath before looking up at me. "I-It's (Y/n). B-Bebe dragged her down the hall and I bet she'll-" I nodded, interrupting her before quickly walking down the hall. "Bebe. Of course, I should've known." I stopped slightly when I heard screaming from around the corner.

"JUST SHUT UP!" I flinched as I heard a loud thud, followed by Bebe's voice again. I peeked slightly, only to see Bebe standing in front of (Y/n). Bebe was talking as (Y/n) sat, obviously hurt. "I guess she was just helping her... Maybe Bebe actually changed." I was about to leave when Bebe yelled again. "LISTEN TO ME!" I looked back to see Bebe kicking (Y/n). I stood there with wide eyes.

"Yes, she has changed, but not for the better, she's even worse than before."

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