Chapter 14

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"You should've listened"

My eyes widened as she grabbed my foot, slowly twisting it again. "B-Bebe, stop. I-It isn't my f-fault he-" She let out a laugh. "You could've declined, you could've told him you didn't want his help." She looked up at me while smiling. She forcefully twisted the foot again, making the throbbing pain grow stronger and stronger. I screamed before kicking her in the face with my free foot, breathing heavily while feeling my eyes tear up slightly. She looked away, holding her cheek. My eyes widen and my heart started to race when she slowly looked back at me. She didn't ever smile sadistically, she just looked really angry. "You b*tch." She stood up, walking over to one of the cabinets. I looked at her as she opened it, grabbing something. "Yeah, this'll do." My gaze followed her as she made her way towards me again, sitting down in front of me. She then took out a surgery knife from behind her back. I looked at her with wide eyes as I felt my heart start to beat even faster than before. "Hey, why are you looking at me like that? You brought this upon yourself." She grabbed my leg, holding it in place as she put the knife against it, slowly cutting my jeans. "B-Bebe, stop that. I-I won't be with-" "Well, you should've thought about that earlier." She put the knife on my leg again, pressing down while dragging it across my skin. I let out a yelp in pain as I felt tears form in my eyes again.

"HEY, WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I snapped my head towards the source of the sound, widening my eyes when I saw who it was. "Craig, h-hey. I- She-" "Shut you f*cking mouth Bebe." He pushed her, making her fall of the chair before grabbing my hand, dragging me out of there. I glanced up at him as we quickly walked out of the room, his eyes was filled with anger. I looked down, feeling my heart sink slightly. I don't know why but I hoped Kyle would save me... But that would just make the situation worse, so this is for the best... "Hey, get in." I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Craig yelling at me. I looked up to see him sitting in a car, telling me to get in. "B-But school-" "You can't stay in school like that." I looked away for a brief moment before looking back at him, nodding. I got inside the car. He drove away as the car was filled with awkward silence. Why did he save me? I glanced at him, flinching when our eyes met. "Errr, thank you for s-" Why did she do that?" I looked down at my hands as I began to fidget with my shirt. "I-I don't know..." He let out a sigh before stopping the car. "H-Hey Craig." He looked up at me.  "P-Please don't tell Kyle about this." His eyes widen for a second before he shrugged. "Sure." He got out of the car, making his way towards my side. He opened the door before grabbing my arm, putting it over his shoulder. "I-I can w-walk-" "No you can't, not with your ankle and leg. You're hurt." I sighed, giving up as he took me inside a house. "Is this your house?" He nodded as we made our way into a bathroom. "Here, sit down." He put me on the toilet as he started to look in some drawers and cabinets. "Ah, found it." He grabbed a roll of bandage before walking over to me, bandaging my leg and ankle. "Thanks." He looked up at me as I gave him a closed eyed smile. "No problem." He held his hand out for me to take. I smiled slightly as I grabbed it, causing him to help me up. "Want to watch some Tv?" I shrugged, letting out a small "Sure" as we made our way to the livingroom. We spent about two hours just watching Tv and talking. Craig is quite funny actually.

"Hey, it's getting late so I think I'll get going now." Craig stood up, stretching before nodding. "Sure, let's go." I tilted my head slightly. "Let's go, I'm driving you home." I scratched the back of my head, laughing awkwardly. "I-I can walk home, you don't h-have to-" He sighed, rolling his eyes before grabbing my arm, pulling me to his car. "You can't be serious." He then drove me home, not even saying a word. "Thank you for today." I looked down at my hands, smiling. "Sure, whatever. Where do you live?" "Oh, the house facing Kyle's." He nodded, before making his way there. Once we'd arrived he stopped, letting out a small goodbye. "Yeah, goodbye." I got out of the car, waving slightly as he drove away before making my way across the street to Kyle's house. I opened the door, walking inside before sighing, taking my shoes off. "Where have you been?" I looked up to see Kyle in the couch, looking at me. "Ah, I didn't feel well so I left school early and then I met Craig." He sighed, standing up. "Bebe told me what happened, about him beating her up." I widened my eyes. "No he didn-" "I don't like you being with him." my Eyes widened again as I felt my heart sink. He didn't listen to me. "Just listen, he didn't d-" "No, don't defend him just because he treated you specially, he doesn't mean any of it." I looked down, clenching my fist. "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do" "Who I am? I'm the one who's going to look after you to make sure you don't do anything you'll regret, and he's not a good person!" I looked up at him, letting out a chuckle. "Sure, he isn't. And you don't like me being with him? Well what if I told you that I don't like you being with Bebe?" His eyes then widen as I felt my heart beat faster. Did I just say that? I tried to stop but I couldn't, my mouth had a life of it's own. "What do you mean? Bebe isn't a bad person, Craig was the one who beat her up." I let out another chuckle, making my way towards the stairs.

"Yeah, you're right. Bebe isn't a bad person, I don't know what I was thinking."

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