Chapter 23

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It was the same broken facial expression I'd seen in the mirror last year.

Time skip

I quickly opened my eyes when the sound of the door closing woke me up. I sat up, scratching the top of my head while yawning before quickly jolting up from the couch. "What time is it?" I picked my phone up from the table before checking the time, widening my eyes. "We start in ten minutes!?" I hurried up the stairs, changing into a gray hoodie and a pair of black jeans before putting my hair into a messy bun and wiping the mascara off from under my eyes. I then hurried down the stairs, tripping at the last step, causing me to hit my face into a table just by the stairs. "Since when was this table standing here!?" I touched my cheek, the spot where it hurt. I looked at my finger, cursing when I saw the blood covering it. I then hurried into the bathroom, putting a small bandage at the wound before running as fast as I could to school.

"Salamander sh*t." I said as I entered the school, not seeing anyone. I ran towards my locker, getting the books for the first lesson before running to the classroom, knocking before entering. "I-I'm sorry that I'm late." I took a deep breath as I closed the door. "Yes, but make sure it doesn't happen again." I nodded at the teachers words before walking to my desk, feeling a pair of eyes following me. I sat down before looking out in the classroom, but no one was looking. I raised my eyebrows, why did it feel like someone was looking when they weren't. I sighed as I opened the page that was written on the board, starting to quickly read through it.

Time skip

"Hey!" I looked up from my phone to see Wendy walking towards Nichole and Bebe. I sighed, looking around the hallway. "Yeah right!" I sighed once again, the whole hallway is empty, why did they have to stand right in front of me? "I got a text from Kyle yesterday by the way." I sighed, now I knew why she had to stand in front of where I was sitting at least. I looked down at my phone again, trying to ignore them. "He asked me out!" My eyes widen before I looked up, meeting Bebe's eyes. She smirked at me, mouthing 'I told you' before giving Wendy a closed eyed smile. I looked down, feeling my heart beat harder as I thought about them going out. I then let out a quiet chuckle before shaking my head. There's no way that he'd do that, not after yesterday. And he did say that they weren't a couple which mean that she lied before, why wouldn't she lie again?

"(Y/n)!" I looked up with wide eyes, seeing Craig a few meters down the hall. "O-Oh, hi!" I hurried towards him, smiling. "Let's get out of here." I nodded as we began to walk towards the exit. "Hi Kyle~" I looked back, widening my eyes at the sight. Bebe was standing in front of Kyle on her toes, hugging Kyle as he leaned down, kissing her. I quickly looked away from them, trying to swallow to get the lump in my throat away.

"You okay?" I nodded, not saying a word as we made our way into his car, driving home to him. "You haven't said a word, are you sure that you're okay?" I smiled at him, nodding. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be okay?" I said as we walked into his house. "Okay... Let's watch a movie or something." I nodded as we made our way into their living room. "What happened to your cheek by the way?" I sat down in the couch, following him with my gaze as he went to get the tv remote. "O-Oh, that? I kind of tripped when I ran down the stairs this morning." I scratched the back of my neck before looking up at Craig, widening my eyes when I was met by a smile spread across his face. 

"Clumsy." I gave him a closed eyed smile. "Yeah." My eyes then quickly shot open when he sat down next to me, putting his arm around my neck before slowly pulling me closer to him. He then turned the tv on, skipping through some channels. An action movie then popped up on the screen, catching Craig's attention. 

My eyes widen and I felt my heart sink as an eerily familiar scene played on the screen. A girl stood in the corridor to a school, staring at something with wide eyes. That something just happened to be her crush making out with a b*tch from the school. I averted my gaze from the tv, thinking back at what happened earlier. 

I had three different voices telling me three different things inside of my head. The weakest one's telling me that this was all Bebe's fault, which's just absurd and pathetic. That that voice even exists, that I let it exist. And that I even listen to it, even a bit.

The second, which is the second strongest is telling me that it doesn't matter. What's done is done and I can't change the past. I should be happy that it happened because now I can focus on being with Craig more, I can focus on trying to make him happy and to make sure not to disappoint him.

I glanced up at him. His blue eyes were fixated on the screen. He was completely relaxed, showing no emotion on his face which actually were kind of cute. I then looked down, remembering Kyle's broken face from yesterday as the third voice grew louder.

The strongest voice has been talking constantly ever since yesterday. It's telling me that I deserve this, that I brought this upon myself for not listening to Bebe. If I'd just kept myself from getting close to Kyle in the first place this wouldn't have happened. I could still have been friends with Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Cartman, maybe even the girls! I knew Kyle was going to react that way, I've been through this one time already! If I had just listened for once and not been so greedy I could have prevented this from happening.

I could've prevented Kyle's feelings from being hurt.

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