Chapter 25

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"Why is Kyle called 'Kyle<33'?"

My eyes widen as I shook my head. "N-No, it's not like that. He wrote that name in when he gave me his number, and I don't know why I haven't changed it but it's really nothing like that." Craig shrugged before putting the phone down. "You believe me?" He looked up at me, raising one of his eyebrows. "Yeah, why wouldn't I believe you?" I shrugged, walking over to the couch. "I..." His words replayed in my mind.

Would he believe me if I told him about Bebe? About me living with Kyle? Or would he simply just laugh, call me wierd, leave me and go and hang out with Bebe?

"There's something I think you should know as well." I looked up at him before taking a deep breath.

Don't. If you tell him about you living with Kyle he'll only leave you. He'll leave you like Kyle did. You can't take it back once you've said it you know. Do you want to be alone? You'll be all alone. There'll be no one left.

"Please trust me when I say that nothing's going on between me and Kyle." He nodded. "I trust you." I took another deep breath, shoving the voice into the back of my head. "I'm kind of living in Kyle's house with him. My parents and his parents went on a trip together and they left us alone since they trusted us." I looked up at him, panicking slightly as he looked away, sighing. "I-I know it's weird and all, but I didn't ask for it to h-happen." He looked at me, tilting his head slightly, causing me to freak out even more "B-But nothing's going on between us, and I'm with you and he's with Bebe so why should we-" "-I told you that I trust you, didn't I?" He sighed, shaking his head. "You have to trust me as well..." I looked down, feeling my heart sink. Why is this happening? Why is Craig with me? Why does he like me?

"You okay?" I looked up at him with a serious expression. "Why did you choose to be with me? It's obvious that you're popular with the girls in the school so why me?" His eyes widen for a slight moment before shrugging.

"I guess because you seemed different, you didn't feel like the other girls and I guess I liked that." he leaned back onto the couch, continuing. "Who am I kidding, I did like you because you were different. You're not slutty, you're kind, you're hard to read, you're unpredictable, you're funny, you're beautiful, you're just you." He looked over at me with a slight blush covering his cheeks. "I love you (Y/n), and I want you to tell me if anything's bothering you or if anyone's hurting you. I want you to trust me." I stared at him with wide eyes, opening and closing my mouth to try to come up with an answer. "I-"

We both looked towards my phone as it lit up, letting me know that I'd gotten a message. I looked at Craig, gaining a nod before grabbing my phone. I opened the message, widening my eyes.

Mom- (Y/n) sweetie, Kyle isn't answering his phone. Why's that?

Me- I don't know, I'm not at home.

Mom- Could you please go home and see if he's there and if everything's okay?

I looked up at Craig. "I'm sorry but I have to go." I stood up, not waiting for an answer before hurrying out of his house. What if Kyle's hurt. What if I am the cause of him not answering. What if he's doing something he'll regret. I ran, trying to ignore the voice in my head. It was getting quite annoying by now.

Why? You really are stupid aren't you. Why would you care about him? You'll be all a-

I shook my head, shoving the voice to the back of my head once again. I looked up, sighing in relief as I saw Kyle's house. I hurried inside, taking my jacket and shoes off before turning around. I widened my eyes when I saw Kyle standing by the stairs, staring at me. "Why haven't you answered your phone? Mom texted me, they seemed worried." I said, breathing heavily. "I know, I just talked to them." "-Well why then? You made them worried. You made me worried-"

He began to walk closer, crossing his arms. "You shouldn't be the one complaining. You haven't answered my calls." I swallowed, so that's why Craig asked about Kyle's name before. "You don't think I was worried? You didn't come home yesterday and you didn't go to school today." He shook his head. "I didn't answer because I was out looking for you." He then turned around, walking towards the stairs. "And don't say that you were worried, you've never thought about me nor my feelings. You made that very clear all those times when you ignored me." He then walked up the stairs, leaving me speechless.

I shook my head, smiling before walking up the stairs as well. I walked into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door before undressing and stepping into the shower. I then turned the water on. I'm not sure if it was the situation, the adrenaline or something else but it all hit me. Kyle's words, Bebe's actions, the fact that I ignored Craig's confession, the fact that I can't seem to get Kyle out of my mind when he doesn't think of me that way.

It all hit me in the form of a wave of emotions, causing my heart to race, my hands to shake and my eyes to spit out tears. I wanted to scream, I did, but I'm sure Kyle would've heard me. And the last thing I want is for anyone to interrupt me or even worse, to see me like this. I bit my lip, closing my eyes as all of Kyle's words replayed in my head.

You liked him all along right?

Me and Bebe a couple? Well we're not.

You don't think I was worried?

I can't handle more lies.

"I'm not the one lying, you are." I shook my head, turning towards the wall. "I-I'm not-" I inhaled sharply, hiccupping slightly. "All you've d-done is lying" I leaned my head against the wall, tears still streaming down my now numb cheeks. "Y-You made me think that we had a chance..." I shook my head again as I thought back at his hurt face. I did that. I made that face appear on him. I don't have the right to blame him. "I-I wasn't lying." I inhaled again, falling to my knees. "I wasn't lying- I was afraid." I shook my head, covering my face with my hands. "I was afraid that you would leave me. I was afraid that you would hate me. I was afraid that you would react the same way they did." I slowly stood up, turning the water off. "I didn't tell the truth because I was afraid of what the consequence would be-" I smiled as I shook my head, putting my hand on my forehead.

"But the consequence by not telling the truth was exactly what I was afraid of."

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