Chapter 17

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"I'm sure there's someone behind this... I'm sure."

Your POV

We kept on discussing the project, but something felt weird. Kyle's answers were short and cold and it felt awkward between us. But I guess it's since yesterday and what I said about Bebe... And I bet the guys told him about this morning. "Let's go talk to the school today after school." I nodded , letting out a tired "Sure" before widening my eyes slightly. "Wait, I-I can't today..." He looked down at me, tilting his head slightly. "Why?" I hesitated before telling him. "I promised Craig to hang o-" "-You can't be serious. This is schoolwork." I looked down, feeling my heart sink slightly. "We can do it at Lunch." I looked up at him, tilting my head. "We have quite a long lunch today, and if we're late then we can just come up with an excuse." He scratched the back of his neck, causing me to smile. He behaved like he used to. I gave him a closed eyed smile before feeling as if someone was looking at me. I opened my eyes, looking around the classroom only to meet Bebe's eyes. I swallowed, looking at Kyle slightly before looking back at Bebe. I felt my heart start to race as she mouthed the words "Remember what I said." My eyes widen slightly as I looked down at my hands, fidgeting with them. She can't get angry just because we're doing our group project. I looked up at Kyle, meeting his green eyes. "Yeah." I smiled at him again, causing him to smile slightly too. After that we began talking like we did before.

"So class, that was all the time we had today." I packed my stuff before exiting the classroom. "Don't forget about the project." I looked back, smiling at Kyle. "No I won't" I then went to my locker, getting my stuff for the next lesson. I quickly made my way to the lesson, not wanting to be late.

The lesson went by quickly and I got a lot of work done. I yawned slightly as I walked out of the classroom. It was time for lunch. I looked around the group of students before seeing Craig, about to wave as I felt someone grab my arm, dragging me somewhere else. "Wha-" I looked back to see Bebe, feeling my heart speed up. "I told you not to mess with me." She then turned right, causing me to stumble slightly by the quick steps. "Stop, we have to do our school-" "-Yeah sure. I told you to stay away from him. Didn't I?" She turned again, left this time. "But we have to-" "-JUST SHUT UP!" She pulled my arm, throwing me against a wall. "I told you, not once but TWICE to stay away from him, didn't I ?" I put my hand against my head, inhaling sharply. "LISTEN TO ME!" She screamed before kicking me in the stomach. I exhaled, wincing slightly as I laid down, clenching my stomach. I took a deep breath before looking up at her, not wanting her to kick me again. "Good." She took a step closer, kneeling down. "Do you think I'll be-"

"Hey, Bebe... And (Y/n)" Bebe flinched slightly, looking back. I looked down, closing my eyes while trying to get the pain to go away. "O-Oh. Hi Stan." I opened my eyes, looking up at Stan who stood there, looking at me with a conserned face. "What's going on?" Bebe tilted her head, looking back at me before smiling at Stan. "Oh, This? Well (Y/n) had a bit of a problem. It's that time of the month you know." I narrowed my eyes as I looked at her. She scratched the back of her head before flinching, looking back at me with wide eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..." She laughed awkwardly before looking back at Stan. "You can go." Her eyes widen slightly. "But (Y/n)-" "-I can take her to the nurse." He smiled at her, causing her to nod before walking away slowly.

"Let's go" My eyes widen as he walked over to me, smiling. "Why are you doing thi-" He shrugged mumbling something before putting my arm around his neck. I looked down, thinking about what he said before widening my eyes. "I... I don't have to go to the nurse. B-But thank you." I pulled my arm away before making my way towards my locker, thinking about the situation. If we went to the nurse she'd see that what Bebe said wasn't true. And if that happens I'd have to tell them. But I know Bebe's kind. And I don't want it to end up like last year.

My thoughts was cut of when I felt someone grab my arm, making me stop. "Where were you? Lunch's almost over." I looked up, meeting Kyle's green eyes. "I-I-" "Did you spend Lunch with Craig instead of helping me?" He let go of my arm, causing my eyes to widen. "N-No. I-I can tell Craig that I have to do the-" He crossed his arms. "I've already done it." He handed me a paper with the results. "You know, you've been hanging out with Craig a lot lately..." Kyle looked down before looking up at me with teary eyes. "I... I actually thought that I..." He shook his head before turning around, walking away as I stood there. I felt my heart sink as I thought of the image again. Was Kyle almost crying?

I shook my head, feeling my eyes tear up. You can't get close to him, he's with Bebe. She'll hurt you, break you, make the situation just like last year. And besides,

They're in love with each other.

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