Chapter 10

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"Anyways... I'm just glad that my friends are okay."

I gave them a closed eyed smile as I said it. When I opened my eyes I saw Kyle, covering his face with his hands. After a minute or two he removed them, revealing a faint blush on his cheeks. "Anyways, how'd you do it?" He looked directly at Cartman, Kenny and Stan. "It was easy, we all sneaked upstairs when you two was in bed. And once we'd successfully done we smeared some red mixed with brown and black paint on the walls and in the bathtub-" "We also tore and ruined one of my hats..." I let out a chuckle as I looked at Stan, seeing his expression change into a frown. "Well... Anyways. Stan then screamed before running into your parents room, waiting for the right moment to knock some stuff of the shelves and stuff. When you then went into the room to look he ran out, locking the door so that we'd be able to do the same in the hall as we did in the bathroom.-" "And well, there's not much more to it." Kyle then let out a small chuckle while shaking his head slightly. "Sounds like you spent a lot of time planning Cartman... As usual." Cartman then scratched the back of his neck before mumbling some stuff. "Let's all just go get some sleep" we all nodded, agreeing with Kenny. We decided to sleep the way that we were going to before they pranked us, leaving me to share the mattress with Kyle.

"Well, goodnight..." I nodded, blushing slightly when Kyle said that before laying down. "Goodnight"

Time skip

I woke up, stretching slightly before quietly getting up from the mattress. I looked around the room, noticing that I was the one who woke up first. I then quietly made my way upstairs to change and do my hair. I changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and a white tank top before brushing my hair, leaving it down. The sound of people talking then caught my attention so I made my way downstairs to find the guys awake. "Oh, hi (Y/n)." I waved slightly at them while taking the last few steps down the stairs. "Well, what's the plan for today?" Stan asked while stretching, yawning loudly. "Bebe said that she'd be having a small party." I looked at Kenny before looking away, remembering Nichole's words. "Well, (Y/n) and I can't go, we'll be working on the group project." My eyes widen slightly as I looked over at Kyle, blushing when he winked at me. I snapped out from it when I heard Cartman let out a loud sigh. "Boring." He then grabbed his stuff, walking over to the door with the other two behind him. "Well, we'll leave now. Have fun doing the group project." I jumped slightly when they shut the door, slamming it as they did. "Well, let's get this started with." I nodded, getting my laptop before taking a seat in the couch.

Another time skip

*Yawn* I blinked a few times, making the tears from yawning go away. "We're finally done planning." I nodded, taking my phone to check the time. "Well, that took like half day." Kyle's eyes widen as I showed him the time. "And we haven't even eat-" *Growl* I quickly hugged my stomach, hiding my blushing face. "I-I'm sorry." I felt my cheeks turning even redder when Kyle burst out laughing. "It's okay, I'm hungry to." I looked up at him, laughing awkwardly. "Let's go get some Chinese food." I nodded my head, feeling my stomach growl again. We both put on our jackets and shoes on before making our way to a restaurant called city wok.

"Welcome to shitty wok can I take your order please." My eyes widen as I tried not to laugh when he said 'shitty wok' "Err, Yeah. Two city chicken please." "Two shitty chicken?" I turned away, facing the door as I put my hand in front of my mouth, trying not to laugh while Kyle kept his cool, ordering the food. "Okay, two shitty chicken coming right up." I turned around as the old Chinese man disappeared. I looked over at Kyle as he looked at me before we both burst out laughing. "I don't know how you didn't laugh, that was hilarious." Kyle opened his mouth, about to answer when the man came back. "Two shitty chicken, that'll be-"

I looked out for a brief moment, taking a deep breath to try to calm myself when I saw Nichole. I waved slightly, trying to get her attention when I saw Bebe, next to her. I then quickly turned around, telling Kyle to hurry up. "Why?" I looked back at Bebe and Nichole before answering him. "J-Just hurry up, I'm hungry." He then let out a chuckle, taking the bag with "Shitty chicken" in it. "L-Let's hurry home." I grabbed Kyle's arm, pulling him slightly. "Wait." He then stopped, causing me to stop as well. "What?" I looked back, tilting my head slightly. "Err... N-Nothing." He then looked away, blushing slightly. I shrugged before grabbing his hand, dragging him as we made out way home.

Nichole's POV

I let out a sigh as I opened my mouth to talk. "Bebe, hurry up. It doesn't take that long to try a few shirts, and I'm hungry!" She then let out a small "Wait", causing me to sigh once again before fidgeting with my phone. "Done!" She got out of the changing room, holding at least 15 shirts and a few pair of pants. "Let's go." I nodded as she went to pay for the clothes she'd buy. "Let's go get some food at city-" I looked towards city wok, about to say that we should eat there when I saw (Y/n) and Kyle with each other. "-Sushi. Let's go to city sushi!" Bebe looked at me, raising her eyebrow. "You always want to eat at city wok, why city sushi this time?" I scratched the back of my neck, trying to come up with an excuse. "Well... I've been gaining weight lately and I think it's all the Chinese food..." She nodded, obviously believing me. "Okay, city sushi it is." She started to walk towards the restaurant, making me let out a sigh in relief. "Wai- Is that Kyle... With (Y/n)?" My eyes widen as I started to panic. "Wha- Nooo, It can't be them." I laughed awkwardly as I looked back, seeing (Y/n) pulling Kyle by his arm. "Wait." They both stopped and (Y/n) looked back, making Bebe able to see her face. "That's definitely (Y/n)." (Y/n) then looked away again, grabbing Kyle's hand.

"That's definitely (Y/n) holding Kyle's hand."

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