Chapter 3

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"Hey!" I looked up to meet a familiar pair of green eyes. "I'm Kyle, we were supposed to be partners." He smiled at me, making my face heat up slightly. "O-Oh yeah, I'm (Y/n)" He took the empty chair from the bench in front of mine, turning it around to face me. "You will get until next Wednesday to do this, so almost a week." He sat down, smiling at me again before asking "Any ideas?" "None at all..." I rested my head on my hands, looking at Kyle as he thought hard about a subject. "How about peer pressure in like first and sixth grade?" Kyle looked up, tilting his head slightly. "That's actually good." I gave him a closed eyed smile before telling him my idea, further into detail.

Time skip

I yawned as I exited the school, starting to walk home. "Oh, (Y/n)!" I looked back, seeing Kyle hurrying towards me. "How about you come over this weekend and we'll work on the project." I hesitated at first before shrugging. "S-Sure, what's your number?" He held out his hand making me give him my phone for him to type his number in. "All clear." He have it back. I looked at the screen, only to turn bright red. He'd written his name as 'Kyle<33'

"Well I should get going now." I started to walk, only for him to follow me. "I was also wondering if I could walk with you" I tilted my head before shrugging. "S-Sure Why not?". We walked home, talking about the project and a bit about how my first day in school had been. "Well this is my house..." I turned, facing him. "Yeah, I know. My house is that one." He smiled at me, pointing at the one facing my house. "Oh." He let out a chuckle. "Let's walk to school together tomorrow" I smiled at him. "Sure!" He then waved me goodbye, walking into his house.

I opened the door, seeing mom and dad just in front of it. "Oh, sweetie pie. Me and dad were just about to go out and eat with some neighbors, would you like to come with us?" Both mom and dad smiled at me. "No thanks, I'm good. Have fun." They both left as I walked into the house. I went up to my room, grabbed my headphones and started planing for the group project. "I wonder when we should go and talk to the first and six graders" I grabbed my phone, hesitating before sending Kyle a message.

Me-Hey Kyle, It's (Y/n):P I was just wondering when you think we should go and talk to the first and six graders about our project

I took a deep breath before hitting send, not even having to wait a minute before getting a response.

Kyle<33- I can go whenever. How about Saturday, and then maybe we can do something after that;)

My heart skipped a beat as I looked at the last sentence.was he asking me out? I soon came back to reality and quickly wrote my answer.

Me- Okay, sounds good:) C u tomorrow

I gazed over at the clock before yawning. "I guess it's time for bed." I went over to my wardrobe, picking a grey short sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts, changing into them. I walked over to the window, looking out at the dark sky. "I wonder when mom and dad will come ho-" my face then turned bright red. I forgot to cover the view with curtains before changing. I looked out at the street, letting out a sigh in relief when I didn't see anyone. I then went to bed, falling asleep.

Kyle's POV

I cursed slightly under my breath as the screen showed 'Mission failed' "That doesn't even make sense, I shot him!" I looked at the clock before sighing. "They won't be back for at least another hour." I let out another sigh before turning the computer off, about to do my homework when the phone buzzed, showing a message from an unknown number.

???- Hey Kyle, It's (Y/n):P I was just wondering when you think we should go and talk to the first and six graders about our project

I smiled when I saw who the message was from, quickly typing an answer.

Me- I can go whenever. How about Saturday, and then maybe we can do something after that;)

I looked out the window, out at her house. Her window was facing mine so I was able to look into her room, but I guess she was sitting somewhere else if she was in her room because I wasn't able to see her.

(Y/n)- Okay, sounds good:) C u tomorrow

I smiled yet again. There was something about her, about her (h/c) hair, her (e/c) eyes and her (fair/dark) skin. She's just- I looked over at her window again, freezing for a moment when I saw her walking past the window, then past it again but stopping so that I was able to see her. I looked down at my phone, about to send her a message so that she would look out. I looked up right before pressing send, feeling my face heat up. She took her shirt of, showing her thin yet curvy body. She then took her pants of, turning her back towards me before putting on a shirt and a pair of shorts. I jumped when she walked towards the window. I held up my hands in hope that she wouldn't think I'm a pervert, but she hadn't seen me so I quickly moved away from the window.

After waiting a few minutes I looked back again, she was gone this time. I let out a sigh before walking over to my bed, sitting on it while replaying the scene. I could feel my face heat up when I remembered her hair folding onto her naked skin. My eyes widen as I realized what I was thinking about.

"Man, I need some water." I stood up, walking to the kitchen.

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