Chapter 4

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Your POV

"(Y/n)!" The faint voice of my mom was heard in the distance as I slowly gained consciousness. "(Y/n)! Some boys are waiting for you!" My eyes shot open as I realized that I'd overslept again. "Shi- I'm coming, give me like 5 minutes!" I quickly stood up, running to the wardrobe, grabbing the closest pair of shirt and pants which was a black sweatshirt and a pair of light blue jeans. I then put on some makeup and put my hair up into a messy bun. "(Y/n), They're waiting!" I grabbed my bag before running down the stairs. "I know, I know. I'm ready!" I stopped for a moment, expecting to only see Kyle and my mom but the other three guys Kyle usually was with was there too. I shrugged before putting on my jacket, waving my mom goodbye before walking towards the school with Kyle and the three guys.

"Err, I'm sorry. I usually walk with these guys and they insisted on walking with us" I looked up at Kyle who was scratching the back of his head. "N-No, I don't mind. I'm just glad that I get to walk with someone" I gave him a smile, earning a smile back before hearing a cough from behind him. Kyle let out a sigh before looking back at the brown haired boy who'd coughed. "What is it Cartman?" "Aren't you going to introduce us?" The brown haired guy said. "Well, this is Stan, Kenny and Cartman." He pointed at everyone as he said their names. The guy named Kenny then walked up to me, putting his arm around my shoulder. "So, do you have a boyfriend?" I felt my face heat up as I struggled to answer him. "Knock it off!" Kenny then held up his hands, looking at Kyle. "Oh man Kyle, chill out. I was just making a new friend." My gaze went from Kyle to the obviously flirting blonde, earning a wink from him. "Whatever." I could see Cartman smiling, staring at Kyle.

"So, (Y/n). Has any of the guys caught your attention yet?" Cartman asked, walking closer. I looked up at Kyle before answering. "Err, I don't kn-" "I saw Clyde and you talking yesterday, he's kind of hot isn't he? I'm not gay or anything but man." I felt Cartman's arm around my shoulders as I struggled once again to come up with an answer. "Well, I guess-" "Cartman you fat piece of shit-" "Calm down" Cartman said before putting his hands up in the same position Kenny was earlier. "You're being very aggressive today, If I didn't know any better I'd think that you liked (Y/n)." I looked at Carman with wide eyes before looking at Kyle, waiting for his reaction. "No I don't, I just met her yesterday." I felt my heart sink as he said that, not really sure why though.

"Well we're here." I looked up, seeing the yellow building. "Our first lesson is math right?" I nooded at Stan as he just nodded back, mouthing 'thanks' "I guess I'll see you guys at the lesson." I waved them goodbye before hurrying to my locker. As I hurried to my locker I looked down at the floor, which made me run into someone. "Hey watch it!" I looked up at the angry male, meeting a pair of ocean blue eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't l-looking." I looked down again, waiting for the boy to pass me. I started getting nervous when he didn't move, not even an inch. I looked up again, meeting his cold eyes again. "You're the new girl right?" His voice was cold, emotionless and very VERY deep. "Y-Yes, (Y/n), And you are?" "Craig." I smiled at him, making him flinch slightly. "Well it's nice to meet you Craig." I looked down again."Well I should get going, See you." I walked away, trying to get those ocean blue eyes out of my mind.

Small Time skip

"Hey (Y/n)!" I looked up, seeing Nichole waiting for me in front of the math classroom. "Hi" I waved at her, smiling. "I have to talk to you later." My eyes widen at her sudden change of attitude. "Sure, about what?" "It can wait, we'll talk at lunch. Just wait by your locker." I shrugged, nodding as we walked into the classroom. I looked at all of the students already sitting by their benches, meeting a pair of gorgeous green eyes. I quickly looked away, feeling my face heat up. I then sat down. "Hey, (Y/n)." I looked up, meeting the ocean blue eyes from before. "Oh, hey Craig. What is it?" He then held out his hand, holding a familiar key chain. "You dropped it earlier." I took it, smiling at him. "Thanks." He then nodded before walking over to his bench.

Kyle's POV

I waved at (Y/n) as she hurried into the school, followed by Kenny and Cartman leaving. "Hey why did you say that?" My eyes widen as I looked at Stan. "What?" He sighed while putting his hand in his face. "Why did you say that you didn't like her, it's obvious that you do." I narrowed my eyes while looking at him. "I really don't, I don't even know her." He shrugged before continuing. "Well that's to bad, she's hot and it seemed like she liked you, but I don't know." He started walking away. "No she doesn't." He shrugged again. "Okay, sure whatever." I opened my locker, taking all of my stuff before heading towards the classroom. "Hey Kyle." I looked towards the voice, meeting Bebe's eyes. "Oh, hi Bebe." I waved at her while smiling at her. "What're you doing this weekend?" "Sorry I can't, I'm working on the Group project with (Y/n)." She grabbed my arm, hugging it while pouting. "The whole weekend?" I scratched the back of my head, smiling at her. "The whole weekend." She let go of me, crossing her arms. "You're no fun." I shrugged, walking into the classroom. I sat down, letting out a sigh as I did.

"Hey Kyle, you sure was angry this morning." Cartman sat down in front of me, giving me an anoying smile. "Oh shut up." He kept on talking ignoring me. "It seemed like you really like (Y/n), But I can't blame you..." I sighed, looking towards the door to meet a pair of (e/c) eyes. "...She's a total babe." I looked back at Cartman, about to coment how fat he was but he cut me off. "Aw man, your chances are ruined." I tilted my head before looking back at (Y/n) to see Craig talking with her. I let out a sigh, cursing under my breath before looking at Cartman again.

"For the last time Cartman, Shut the fuck up."

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