Chapter 18

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They're in love with each other.

I stood there, watching as Kyle's back disappeared. "Y-Yeah, Bebe and him." I looked down, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. I don't know why but my heart hurt, it hurt more than when Bebe kicked me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't feel someone walking into me. "Hey watch where you're-" I looked up, meeting Craig's blue eyes. They actually showed some emotion for the first time, he looked a bit worried. "(Y/n)?" I looked down, sighing. "You okay?" I shrugged while taking a deep breath. "Let's go." He didn't even hesitate as he grabbed my shoulder, leading me out of the school and into his car. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes before he decided to break it. "What's wrong?" I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it. He sighed while shaking his head as well, mumbling something before driving away from school. I looked out of the window as we drove, thinking about what Kyle said. 

I actually thought that I...

What was he going to say?  And why was he about to cry? I looked down at my hands, picking on my nails. Did I do something? I looked up at Craig while replaying Kyle's words. You know, you've been hanging out with Craig a lot lately... Yeah I know I've been, but it's because Wendy and the girls are ignoring me, and Bebe will only get mad if I hang out with Kyle... Craig's the only friend I have. I looked down before looking up at him again, sighing. "But I can't tell him, he won't believe me... I've been through that so many times alrea-" My eyes widen as Craig looked at me, tilting his head slightly. "Tell what to who? Me?" I paniced slightly, looking out of the window again. "N-No, m-my dad. I can't tell him that I only got a D on my last test." I looked back at Craig as he sighed before shrugging. He then drove up to his house before stopping the car, turning towards me. "(Y/n)." I looked up at him, feeling my heart race. "You know that I saw what happened between Bebe and you in the nurses office yesterday, and if she does anything like that again you can just-"

"Wha-? No. Why would she do anything like that again? I'm sure she didn't mean it." Craig then sighed as words echoed through my mind. It won't help by telling them, they won't believe you. Bebe will only make it worse. It's better to keep your mouth shut. You don't want to make the situation worse, do you? "Just tell me if anything happens." I nodded before we both got out of the car, making our way into the house. Craig made his way upstairs, making me follow him as I thought about what he said before shaking my head. We both walked into a room with turquoise walls. "Hey (Y/n)." I let out a small hum as Craig turned around. My eyes widen as I looked at him, Craig seemed kind of nervous. He was looking down while fidgeting slightly with his fingers.

"What's your relationship with Kyle?" He looked up at me while my eyes widen, taken aback by the question. "Well..." I took a deep breath while gathering my thoughts. "I don't know. I'd like to say that we're friends but I'm not sure we're even that." The corners of his mouth moved up slightly before going back down to the usual position. "Do You like him?" I shook my head, holding my hands up while smiling. "No, of course not." Craig then stepped closer as I thought about what I'd just said. I couldn't help but feel as if I wasn't being completely honest when I said that. Sure, I guess I liked him but it was complicated, I can't like him.

"-ith me?" I looked up at Craig, tilting my head as he looked away. "What?" He looked back at me, his face was slightly red as he sighed, opening his mouth to speak again. "I like you (Y/n), even though we haven't even known each other for a week. I can't help but to feel like you're special, so will you go out with me?"My eyes widen at his words, did he just say that? "Wai- Wha- You like me?" He nodded, causing me to look down while laughing awkwardly. B-But I like... I looked up again, meeting Craig's blue eyes. I opened my mouth, about to decline his offer when I got a message. "C-Can I just-" I took my phone out, seeing that I got a text from an unknown number. I opened it, only to feel my heart sink.

Unknown- Just because Stan interrupted us today doesn't mean that I won't do it again. STAY AWAY FROM KYLE.

I didn't have to read the text twice to know that it was Bebe. I sighed as I read the text again, thinking about her and Kyle laughing. "You okay?" I looked up when Craig interrupted my thoughts. Kyle is dating Bebe, and I can't like him. And besides, Craig's kind and he's somehow there for me when Bebe's doing stuff like this. "Y-Yeah." I shook my head before looking up at him, giving him a closed eyed smile. 

"I'll go out with you."

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