Chapter 7

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Kyle's POV

I let out a chuckle as well as smiling as I thought of (Y/n) and how clumsy she'd just been. But I wonder what was up with her, she behaved strangely. I let the thought go, shrugging. I was finally finished wiping all of the cola of the floor, about to search for a movie which (Y/n) and I could look at when I heard the door bell. I let out a sigh as I made my way to the door, opening it, only to see Stan, Kenny and Cartman. "What do you guys want?" I asked as they all stepped inside. "Oh shut up you stupid Jew, we just wanted to hang out, maybe watch a movie." I shrugged, nodding while saying 'why not' "there's this new scary movie about torture and stuff, there's this killer who murders people and stuff-" "And there's hot girls in bikinis." I rolled my eyes at Kenny's perverted comment. "Well, let me just get my laptop..." I looked all around the room, not finding it. "Aw shit, I forgot it in Ike's room, just let me get it." I hurried upstairs into Ike's room, looking for my laptop. I let out a sigh in relief as I found it, making my way towards the door, only to get bumped into by someone, making me fall.

Your POV

I opened the door, bumping into someone causing us both to fall.

Well I guess the day just got worse.

"F#ck, my head..." I looked up when I heard a male voice, seeing Kyle. "Oh, shit. Kyle, are you all right?" He opened his eyes, putting his hand on his head while looking up at me. "Yeah I'm alright, what abo-" His eyes then widen as he looked away, blushing like crazy. "Wha-" I then looked down, realizing the position we were in. He was laying on the floor on his back while I was laying on my stomach, on top of him. And as if that wasn't enough, I was only in my towel, barely holding it. Causing me to show more than the appropriate amount of chest. "Err..." I quickly got off him and standing up, trying to hide my blushing face. "T-The guys are here, we'll watch a movie so hurry." He then hurried out, not looking at me even once.

"Did that just seriously happened?" I facepalmed, hiding my blush as I thought of his flustered face. "Why does he have to be so good looking?" I shook my head, making my way to the wardrobe to put on a black oversized crop top which was off one of my shoulders, a pair of grey sweatpants, putting my hair in a messy bun and putting on a tad of mascara. I then walked to my door, hesitating as I was about to open the door. "Well I have to face him sooner or later, we'll be living together for a month now." I took a deep breath before opening the door, making my way down to the guys.

"H-hey." I made my way to the couch, causing all of their eyes to fall on me. "Why's she here?" I looked at Cartman, scratching my neck. "Is your hair wet?" I then looked at Stan, opening my mouth. "Well her parents went on a trip with my parents so she'll live with me for a month..." The three guys looked at me, then at Kyle and then at me again. "That's fucked up." Cartman stated with a serious face. "Well, I wouldn't mind living alone with a girl for a whole month, and definitely not if she was as hot as (Y/n)." My eyes widen and my cheeks heat up when I heard Kenny's comment. "Oh shut up, let's just watch this movie." I nodded, sitting down in the couch next to Kyle and Cartman.

The movie we watched was a 'horror' movie. It was mostly about torture and about this group who was trapped in the house of the killer, typical movie plot. I sighed as the group decided to split up into smaller groups, obviously making themselves a easier target for the killer. "Scared?" I looked up at the smirking Cartman, shaking my head. "This movie is to predictable, and it isn't even scary, just gross." He lifted one of his eyebrows, staring at me before going back to watching the movie. I jumped as a screaming doll came out of nowhere, causing all of the guys to laugh. "What?" I asked, slightly flustered. "Didn't you say that the movie was predictable and not scary?" I crossed my arms as I looked at Kyle. "Well, it's not scary, the jumpscare just surprised me, nothing more." He chuckeled as I looked back at the doll. The movie went on and not much happened, the killer killed and tortured the group one by one, except one guy who survived, found the killer and killed him.

"Well that was fun." I said, yawning. The boys began to stand up, turning the lights on. "What time is it?" I checked my phone. "01:37 in the morning." They all cursed under their breaths. "Shit, it's to late to go home now. Is it okay if the three of us spend the night?" Stan asked, making Kyle nod. "Sure, how about we all sleep down here." Kenny then looked over at me smirking. "(Y/n) to?" I felt my cheeks heat up once again, He was such a man wh#re... "W-Well, if she want to." I shrugged, nodding slightly. "Sure, why not? It's not like we're doing anything except sleeping." Cartman and Kenny then looked at each other, smirking.

"Aw shit."

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