Chapter 12

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(Y/n) POV

I slowly gained consciousness as I shifted position. I stretched before hugging my pillow, pulling it closer as I rubbed my face in it. I tilted my head slightly when I breathed in, it smelled different. It smelled like Kyle. I opened my eyes slowly, widening them when I saw that I wasn't in Ike's room. "You awake?" I looked towards the source of the sound, seeing Kyle. "Yes." I was about to put my head on the pillow again when I saw that it wasn't my pillow, it was Kyle I was hugging. "Ah- I-I'm sor-" I backed away, trying to get away from him, causing me to fall of the couch. "F*ck." "H-Hey, are you okay?" I nodded, looking up at Kyle as he cracked, bursting out in laughter. "It's not funny." I hit him slightly on the shoulder as he tried to stop laughing. "I'm sorry, it's just that you tend to fall a lot. You must have very bad luck." I blushed, looking away as he kept laughing slightly.

"Slept good?" I looked up at Kyle again, nodding. "Well I didn't, you shift a lot in your sleep and you laid on my chest all night, it wasn't comfortable. I feel kind of sore on that one spot." I scratched my neck as I blushed slightly. "I'm sorry." He stood up, stretching. "It's okay, it was kind of nice having a girl snuggling you all night." I snapped my head towards him, widening my eyes . "H-Hey stop that." His eyes widen, probably realizing what he'd just said. "Ah, j-just kidding." He then quickly walked towards the kitchen. "I-I'll be in the kitchen if you want something." I sat there, trying to calm my racing heart by taking a few deep breaths. I stood up, stumbling a bit while doing so. "I must've hurt my foot." I looked down, feeling throbbing pain coming from my ankle. I shrugged before walking upstairs, managing to ignore the pain while doing so. When I'd entered my room I changed into a grey hoodie and a pair of black pants, putting my hair in a messy ponytail. I then laid on the bed, watching some YouTube all day. Sure I ate something but I did it alone since Kyle said he wasn't hungry.

Time skip

I jumped slightly when the alarm went of. "Oh shut up." I then turned around, putting my pillow over my head. I tried to ignore the alarm but I couldn't, so I stood up changing into a black and white T-shirt and a pair of light blue skinny jeans. "Hey (Y/n)! We're leaving now!" I hurried down the stairs, twisting my ankle slightly at the last step. I stumbled, inhaling sharply as I tried to ignore the pain once again. "H-Hey, you okay?" I nodded, standing up straight. Kyle looked at me with a suspicious look on his face while I walked over to him. "Where's the guys?" He opened the door before answering. "We don't always walk together, they decided to walk alone today since they have P.E. first." I nodded slightly. "And you have science, right?" He let out a small hum as he nodded, leaving us in total silence as we walked the last way to school.

Once we'd entered the building I waved Kyle goodbye before walking to my locker to grab stuff for my first lesson. Kyle had science but I had math, but I wasn't alone since I had it with Nichole and the girls. "Hey, (Y/n)!" I closed my locker, locking it as I turned around to see Bebe, Nichole and Wendy. "O-Oh, Hi guys!" I waved, giving them a closed eyed smile as they approached me. "You done?" I nodded, causing them to walk towards class as I followed them. As I did I noticed Nichole looking at me weirdly, she looked sorry for some reason. I shrugged it of as we got to class, about to spend one and a half hour just having counting numbers and stuff.

Time skip

I yawned as I wrote the last number, cracking my fingers as I looked at the clock. "So class, see you tomorrow, and don't forget about the test next week." I grabbed my stuff before walking out of class, yawning. "Hey, (Y/n)! P.E. won't start until half an hour or so. Can you come with me for a second?" I looked at the suddenly appearing Bebe with wide eyes before nodding. "Great, follow me." She grabbed my hand, dragging me across the halls. She stopped after about three minutes of walking, looking left, then right before walking into a small room. The room was filled with cleaning supplies and other things, so I guess it was the janitor's closet.

"H-Hey, couldn't we just go to the bathroom or something?" She turned around, her smile had faded into a serious face, filled with anger. "Didn't Nichole tell you?" I tilted my head, not understanding what she was so angry about. "What do you me-" "OH CUT THE BULLSH*T!" She hit the wall, causing stuff to fall of some shelves. I looked at the stuff that had fallen before looking at her with wide eyes. "I s-seriously don't know w-what you're talking about." I backed away from her, my back hitting the wall. "Yes you do. I saw you this weekend with Kyle." She looked at me, smiling weirdly as if she'd just revealed one of my secrets. "Yeah, and?" Her smile faded, replaced by an frown, but it was filled with hate and anger. "What do you mean so what?" She walked over to me, grabbing my shirt. "Kyle and me, we're in love. We're a pair! SO STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" She walked over to the door, stopping slightly before walking out. "Nichole warned you, but you didn't listen."

"But you better listen to me, 'cus you do not want to mess with me."

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