Chapter 25 - "It Can't Be"

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I really don't know where I'm going with this but enjoy :)


Elise's POV

I was laid in bed with Sarah sleeping beside me snoring gently; I glanced at the clock it read 3:37 I turned over in hoping to get some more sleep; I closed my eyes just as there was and ear-splitting screech come from Francesca's room, both Sarah and I darted up at the same time and scrambled for her room. Sarah was slightly in front of me I watched as she barged down the door and by the sounds of it tackle somebody to the ground with the almighty thump that came from the room; I peered my head around the dark room and saw Sarah and a mysterious figure laid tackling each other on the floor. Rushing to Francesca I saw her face all wet and red where she had been crying, I picked her up and cradled her into my chest,

"Really Tracy are you that pathetic that you would come and take her in the middle of the night" I snapped as I wandered over to the light switch to switch on the light only when I did I didn't come face to face to with Tracy but a man that seemed to be in his late 20's,

"Who the fk are you?" I heard Sarah say as she was still sat on top of him restricting him to the floor,

"That's none of your business" he snapped but was muffled as his face was squished to the floor,

"It is our business if you break into our home and try to abduct our daughter" I snapped him; something about his face looked familiar but I could assure myself I had never seen him before in my life,

"Who sent you here?" Sarah asked,

"No-one sent me I came voluntarily" he muttered,

"How did you know where we lived?" she said,

"I've been following you for the past 2-3 weeks" he sneered,

"Babe go phone the police" Sarah said as she stood up and lifted the guy up from the floor and pushed him down the hallway and down the stairs and leaving him at the bottom of the stairs attached to the bottom step. I dialled '999',

'Hello what's your emergency?'

"I need police here right away there was an attempted abduction and we still have the abductor in our home" I replied,

'A police officer will be sent straight away'she replied I put the phone back on the dock and turned around to face Sarah,

"You okay?" she asked holding my waist,

"Yeah a little shaken but there is something in the back of my head telling me that I have seen his face before but I never seen him before in my life" I whispered as I glanced down at our sleeping daughter in my arms,

"Why don't you two go back to bed and I will wait for the police officer" she suggested; I nodded and left the kitchen just as there was a knock at the door; I opened the door and two police officers were stood,

"I'm officer Stoneheart and this is my colleague Officer Charts" the older police officer said

"Come on in" I said standing aside and allowing them to come into our home,

"What happened here?" officer Stoneheart said,

"This guy broke into our home made his way into our daughter's bedroom and tried to abduct her" I replied shutting the door,

"Have you seen him before?" officer Charts asked,

"I haven't seen him before in my life but his face just seems so familiar" I replied looking at him again,

"He also mentioned that he had been stalking us for the past 2-3 weeks" Sarah added now standing beside me with her arm securely placed around the small of my back,

"Right we'll take him with us but if you manage to think of any reason as to why he would try and abduct your little girl please don't be afraid to contact us" said Officer Stoneheart handing me a card with his name and number printed on it,

"Thank you" Sarah said as I slunk up the stairs and into our bedroom; I placed Francesca on the bed in the middle of Sarah and I as I watched her sleeping form and thought how lucky we were to still have her with us.

I felt a someone shoving me awake,

"Elise baby wake up" I shot up in bed to see Sarah sat in front of me on the edge of the bed,

"Francesca" I looked beside me and saw she was no longer there,

"Francesca is with your Mam and Dad I asked them to keep her for a couple days just in case" she replied, "What were you dreaming about you started screaming in your sleep" her face apparent with worry,

'He stood there tall and thin his face showed full detail as he loomed over my body laid on the floor with blood puddled around me, his green eyes glanced upon me I took in his whole form as his nose seemed crooked his mouth was a thin tight line and his brown hair all scruffy and shaken, he then disappeared as Francesca came into the picture and also towered over me, the same guy from last night appeared and picked her up as they both looked at me and laughed at my limpless form'

"Francesca" I said again,

"Babe will you talk to me" Sarah became a little agitated,

"It's her Dad the guy from last night is Francesca's Dad" I became fuzzy headed and began to stand up just to be pulled back down again by Sarah,

"Come here" her face was full of anger and yet her eyes filled with tears as we laid down on the bed and was just encased in each others arms. We were laid for a good 10 minutes,

"We need to phone Officer Stoneheart" I said from her chest,

"Already on it" she picked up her phone and dialled his number and waited for him to answer,

"Hello, Officer Stoneheart we have some information regarding last night" she said, I sighed at all the events from last night and worried,

"Okay, certainly" she said hanging up the phone, "Come on we have to go and make a statement" I sighed and headed for the bathroom to take a quick shower.

~20 minutes later~

"Babe you ready" I heard Sarah say from the other side of the door,

"Yeah" I replied glumly,

"You okay?" she asked,

"Why can't life be simple without all the complications, why does it seem to be us that gets knocked down" I sniffed, her finger came into sight as she lifted my chin up so I was facing her, her brown eyes shone and sparkled as she looked at me,

"We have to be the luckiest couple I know" she paused and smiled, "Elise, look where and how we are standing do you think we would be like this right now holding each other if Mrs Whithers had turned us in to the police? and as bad as it may be but do you think we would be an openly gay couple, a young openly gay couple at that, with a daughter" I knew she had a point and I knew what she was saying was true but something inside me still wanted to fight her,

"But-" her lips were on mine kissing me softly and holding me closely, her lips were soft and warm she had kissed my bottom lip and held me close, she then pecked me smiling in between each kiss as she released me,

"Come on lets go" she smiled pecking me on the lips before taking my hand and pulling me from our room and to the car



Yes its short but I really dont know where to go with it please please please give me some ideas to work with thanks guys hope you enjoyed :)

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