Chapter 20 - "This Is Elise"

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chapter 20 hope this is upto standards :-)


Sarah POV

Today was the day that I was taking Elise to meet my parents; I was completely cool and collected about the whole thing, Elise on the other hand was an absolute wreck she changed her outfit six different times before she finally decided on an outfit she felt was appropriate for when she met my parents,

"Elise babe just calm down, they're not bothered about what you look like" I assured her snaking my hands around her waist as she looked over herself in the mirror,

"I know but I don't want them to think I am using you" she muttered as she turned around in my arm and buried her head into my chest,

"They won't I promise" I assured her pecking her on the lips as we heard Fran giggle and blow raspberries behind us, we chuckled at her as Elise walked over to her; she picked her up and looked at her attire and began to strip her of the clothes I had just put on her, I walked over to her and took Francesca out of her hands,

"Go and finish getting ready" I told her holding Fran to my chest and pecking her on the cheek she wandered back into the bathroom starting on her hair; shaking my head I glanced at Francesca,

"Mammy E is such a worry wart" I said to her she responded with a giggle and started flailing her arms, I laughed at her as I started to re dress her with the clothes Elise had just took off her.

I had been sat downstairs with Francesca all ready to go for the past 15 minutes,

"ELISE COME ON WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" I shouted up the stairs all I got back was,

"I'M COMING!" I sighed and picked Fran up and when to strap her into her car seat; just as I had finished Elise emerged from the house I chuckled at her,

"Babe seriously" she looked up at me and shook her head,

"What?" she asked nonchalantly,

"Seven times, you have now changed seven times" I chuckled,

"Nothing wrong with being presentable" she huffed as she headed towards the passenger side until I pulled her back into my body,

"My parents are the coolest people on this planet, they wouldn't care one little bit as long as you made me happy" I said to her,

"Do I make you happy?" she muttered hoping I wouldn't hear her,

"As happy as they come, you and Francesca mean the entire world to me if anything happened to either of you I would seriously struggle, I wouldn't know where to put myself" I smiled at her, "now get your sexy ass into that damn car because we are late" I said slapping her ass as I pushed her away towards the car.

Elise POV

We had been driving for the past 20 minutes when we pulled upto a huge house that looked as though it had 3 floors to it as well as 2 huge front rooms, I was sat gawking at the sight of the house,

"Ready?" I heard Sarah say behind me,

"You didn't tell me your parents were rich" I muttered as I slowly climbed out of the front seat as Sarah went and pulled Francesca out of her car seat,

"Here I'll take her" I said holding my hands out, she smiled at me and handed Francesca over and kissed me on the cheek,

"You'll be fine" she said before taking my hand and pulling me towards the door of the huge house. We walked through the door and I stopped and looked at the huge entrance of the house just like a hotels foyer,

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