Chapter 17 - Abandoned, Anger and Betrayal

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2 updates in one day on a role, hope you enjoy


Elise POV

I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing from the bedside table I answered it without looking at it,

"Hello" I said groggily,

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I heard someone shout from the other side of the phone,

"Thank you Mam" I smiled at her enthusiasm,

"Honey, I will be back this time next week and I know it's your birthday but this business just cannot wait and it's so frustr-"

"Mam chill out we will have next week" I giggled at her,

"Okay see you next week Mam" I replied before putting my phone back on the side and heading for the shower. Today was Monday and I really couldn't be arsed with the whole fuss of, 'It's Your Birthday'. I climbed out of the shower pulled on my red skinny jeans, my green converse and threw on my 'City and Colour' hoodie dried my hair; and styled it before picking up my bag and keys and heading for school. The school had given us a no uniform day.

~Period 1~

I was sat in Sarah's class and I was distracted by Sarah every now and again she would catch glimpse of my eyes and smiled at me before looking away again. Luckily though the bell was due to go for Period 2 as if on cue the bell chimed above head,

"Guys complete that sheet for homework for me please" she bellowed above the rustling, "Erm, Elise can I speak to you a second please" she bellowed again. I returned to my seat and waited for everyone to pile out, finally the last student had left and shut the door as they went,

"Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" she asked wandering over to where I was stood near the back of the room and glancing at all the birthday bags Riley had given me as well as the twins Frederic and Michael,

"I didn't think it was important, I'm gonna take the weekend as my birthday present" I grinned at her wrapping my hands around her waist, I leant up on my tip toes and pecked her just as there was a knock on the door, we jumped apart just as Miss Gaunt stumbled through the door out of breath,

"Terri, What are you doing here?" Sarah asked her putting more space between us,

"Its-" she stopped to breath again, "It's Jayne" she tried to say again,

"What about Jayne?" I asked cautiously,

"Here" Terri had said as she wandered out of the lab and wandered back in with a car seat, my brow furrowed as I approached the car seat and saw Francesca,

"Terri, Where's Jayne?" I heard Sarah say as I took Francesca out of her car seat tears flowing down my cheeks at the sight of her, she had gotten so big since the last time I saw her,

"That's the thing I don't know when I left this morning I nearly tripped over her she was left on my porch so goodness known how long she had been there" I heard her say and I looked up at her as anger coursed through my veins at the thought of my little girl outside all night,

"What do you mean?" I heard Sarah say as she walked up behind me and clasped eyes on Francesca,

"Well exactly what I say" she stopped again, "Elise this was left on top of Francesca when I found her this morning" she said handing me an envelope from her bag, I passed Francesca over to Sarah just as I was about to read the front of the envelope and it was addressed to me with Jayne's handwriting sprawled across the front, I tore off the envelope and opened the letter:

Dear Elise,

I know this was the wrong thing to do, leaving her with Terri, I didn't know what else to do with her. Mam and Dad abandoned us and I didn't have a job so I couldn't afford the things she needed I feel absolutely terrible, it seemed that everything I was doing was hurting me, hurting Francesca and especially you. That day I stormed out I wasn't thinking straight and I regret every moment of it but I couldn't come back just like that I mean I had to show you what I meant about the way you were hurting us and sleeping with other people. It's been tough but I couldn't help but cry every night at the sound of our baby crying because she misses Mammy E cuddling her and giving her kisses. I had to leave Elise it seems the easiest thing I could do for her, I can't look after her and I was hoping you could have her. By the time you have read this there is the chance I could possibly be dead, I had nothing to live for, my grades were bad once I had missed alot with having Francesca, I couldn't live with myself knowing she wouldn't have a real Dad, I grew up with my step dad never knowing my biological Dad and well I just couldn't live with all the rumours, as well as living without you. I'll watch over you two though I know you will be able to watch over her, Elise I love you I couldn't have asked for a better person in my life then when I had you.

Love J xx

Tears were flooding my face, she had killed herself and it was all my fault,

"Elise, are you okay?" I heard Sarah soft voice behind me,

"She's gone" I whimpered as I took Francesca from her arms and hugged her torso, "Sarah she's gone, Jayne's dead" I sniffed, "I need the principle down here now" I said I looked towards Terri, in response she nodded her head and ran out of the room as I cast my eyes upon my little girl again,

"Jayne asked me to keep her, and I can't give her up for adoption, she may not have any of my DNA but she's still apart of my life she's still my little girl" I whispered kissing Francesca on the forehead, she stared at me and began to giggle at me as I smiled back at her, her little fingers wrapped around my index finger,

"Baby, whatever you need I'm here I will be here to help" Sarah said facing me and smiling,

"Thank You" I replied pecking her on the lips. There was there someone behind us clearing their voice, Principal Whithers was stood at the door,

"What is going on here" she boomed,

"Principal Whithers, I need to take the rest of the day off" I muttered,

"Why would that be?" she asked her face still solemn,

"You see, Miss Gaunt here was a family friend of Jayne's and when we had fallen out she hadn't spoken to me and when Miss Gaunt turned up this morning she had Francesca along with a letter, in this letter it explained that I had to keep a hold of Francesca because it would be appropriate-"

"What is your point Miss Avery" Principal Whithers snapped at me,

"Jayne has committed suicide and left Francesca with Elise" Sarah had butted in, I turned to her and smiled,

"Oh I see" she stood there in awe at the whole situation, "Elise I'm sorry to hear that" she said her face had softened and she generally looked heart broken for me, "Yes, you may take the day off, have you informed your parents?" she asked me,

"My Mam is away on business so unfortunately it will just be us two til she returns next week" I replied looking at her,

"Do you have any other family members?" she asked,

"No Ma'am, all my family moved away they are dotted about the world, but erm" I paused and looked at Sarah, "Miss Galley, she's a family friend and she has known my family since she was little our parents work together" I replied,

"Sarah, what lesson's do you have left today?" she asked glancing up at her,

"Just PA's" she replied,

"Okay, take these two home and keep and eye out for them for the next week only until Ms Avery returns" she said, "I will notify the school board and have them told of the circumstances" with that she turned on her heel and left the room,

"I'll meet you at home" I replied to Sarah as I placed Francesca back into her car seat.


There's chapter 17 guys hope you enjoyed it


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