Chapter 32 - 'Sarah's'

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Here's Chapter 32 hope you enjoy the adventure :-P


Elise POV

I had been in hospital for 10 days now and I was fed up of the same four walls but fortunately for me I get to go home today. I was waiting for Sarah to come and collect me as the doctor said I couldn't drive for a few weeks he also said I had to be careful as to how much exercise I was doing too much would strain the wound and could in short term expose the wound as the stitches would have burst causing some problems.

Doctor Ainsley walked through the door holding a clip board,

"Elise how are you this morning? " he smiled,

"I'm good can't wait to get home though and be with Francesca" I replied as he began to check my blood pressure,

"Ah yes how is she?" he asked,

"I haven't seen her for a couple days but Sarah hopefully should have her with her today as she comes and pick me up" I replied,

"Mammy's ear is burning that must mean that Mammy E is talking about me" I heard a voice say as she came through the door,

"Like I said" I said to Dr Ainsley he smiled at me,

"I'll just go and get your discharge letters for Sarah to sign" he hung his stethoscope around his neck before leaving the room,

"Hello princess" I said as I held my arms out for Fran,

"Hi babe" Sarah said as she pecked my lips before handing Fran over, I pecked her back as I smiled up at her beaming face,

"You seem happy" I smiled at her as I moved Fran into a comfortable position on my knee,

"Well you know" she shrugged, " It's been cold in bed without you in it the past week, Fran wasn't really up for many hugs" she smiled,

" Aww baby" I blushed at her, "I missed you too" I began to play with Fran's hands as she began to smile and laugh at me,

"Charlene said she wanted us to pop in before we went home are you okay with that?" asked Sarah,

"Charlene?" I looked at her quizzically,

"Mrs Whithers, she said she just wanted to see you and that you could go and speak to some of your teachers" she smiled,

"Oh right, yeah we can pop in for a bit" I replied as Dr Ainsley came back in to the room holding my discharge papers,

"Okay if both of you could sign this then you are free to go" he said to me as he handed me his clip board with the discharge papers on it, I signed my name and then handed it over to Sarah to sign she then signed it and handed it back to Dr Ainsley,

"Okay, have a safe journey" he smiled before leaving the room; I was already dressed it was the case of just collecting my belongings and leaving,

"Right come on then baby" said Sarah as she grabbed my bag and I had Fran in my arms as we headed towards the entrance of the hospital. We got to the car and I strapped Fran into her car seat and climbed into the front of the car as did Sarah and we headed to my former school; we were a good 30 minutes from the hospital but the roads seemed strangely empty so we made it in 20 minutes,

"Are any of my year still left?" I asked as I climbed out of the car,

"I've only seen Riley kicking about but that's about all" she replied,

"Aww yey" I smiled lifting Fran from her car seat and held her to my chest, "We going to go and see Auntie Riley" I said playfully to Fran in response she looked at me and smiled; I met Sarah at the front of the car and took her hand as we walked up to the school entrance and into the reception; once we got into the reception there was a different receptionist sat,

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