Chapter 52 - Wedding Plans

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Okay after the events of the last chapter I think I ready to end the story. I have had an amazing time writing it and reading everyones love and feedback.

Okay here's one of the last few chapters.


Elise POV

It has been a good month since the ass whooping I gave Riley and since then she has been trying to contacting me non stop but each time the phone rings I know who it is so I don't bother answering the phone because I know I will just end up getting pissed off and knowing that rightfully I will say something that in the long run I may regret; but deep down I knew something had to be done,

"Babe please I beg you don't go and see her; she's been siding with your Dad what if he tries something again where does that leave me, wifeless and a single mother" I heard Sarah say as she came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders,

"Babe!" I sighed as I turned around and pulled her down and sat her on my knee, "if I don't I'll have no closure as to why she did what she did; 4 years friendship has to mean something" I shrugged,

"I know that but, just promise me you'll be careful like I say I don't want to be a wifeless single mother" she chuckled; I kissed her lips and held her close to me,

"You're gonna have to get up or I'm gonna be late" I said pushing her up as I stood up shoving my phone into my pocket,

"Why don't you take one of the kids then she can't be persuaded to hurt you" Sarah smiled deviously,

"Will you relax; I'll be fine stop worrying" with that I was out the door and on my way to Starbucks to meet Riley.

I was sat at a table in Starbucks waiting for Riley to make a show; just then the door bell of the café rang, turning my head I saw Riley sluggishly walk through the door, I nodded her towards the table and she slunk towards me,

"Hey" she whispered as she sat down opposite me in the free seat, when she sat down she dipped her head and pulled the sleeved of her hoodie over her hands,

"Riley" I said softly; I watched as her head rose and she looked at me, "I just need a simple explanation why you did what you did, you know the trouble I had with my Dad and you went and abused the trust I had in you" I said to her disappointed. Watching her sat in silence as I watched her breathing become rapid and heavy,

"I know, it's just I fell head over heels for you and I didn't know how to react on it" she finally said,

"The best thing would have been for you to tell me Ri; You have been my bestest friend for four years and I love you to pieces but not in the way you want me to and I know it hurts but I fell in love with Sarah and we are engaged" I said as I took hold of her hand and watched her as the tears fell from her eyes,

"El, I'm so sorry you're right I should have said something to you" she sighed,

"I think" I began, "the best thing at the moment is for us to just take a little break and let you come to your senses about what you want; you are still more than welcome to come to the wedding but what you did was unforgivable, I could have lost my fiancée not to mention my kids losing their mother" I shrugged as I pulled my hand back but the pressure from her hand as she kept tight hold of my hand made it harder for me to leave,

"El please" she whimpered,

"It's for the best" I stood up and made my way home.

As I walked through the door a cheerful looking Fran toddled up to me with her arms stretched wide,

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