Chapter 3

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(Mikey P.O.V)



"I can't believe this!" I yelped

"Me either, how ya been!"

"Good!, good. Finally a ninja got a mask check it out!" I said as I pointed at my face

She giggled

"How about you Y/n?, I mean look at you! You're beautiful!" I smiled

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself!, I've been good I live right here... well not on this roof that is but in this building." She laughed, she quickly jumped and gave me a hug. I obviously hugged her back, it's been five years, I don't know if I should continue to talk or cry in tears of joy .

After we both let go her eyes seemed to have a little more sparkle into them, she's about to cry.

"Hey don't cry, it's been five years and look at me now!, look at both of us we changed a bit don't you think?"

She rubbed her eyes, but she nodded in agreement.

We were then interrupted by a 'cough', we both turned around and backed away a couple of feet.

It was kind of awkward, I don't really know how to explain this to the guys...


(You P.O.V)

We were interrupted by a 'cough', I backed away from Mikey a couple of feet.

One turtle in a blue mask spoke

"How do you guys know each other?"

"We're old childhood friends." I replied

Mikey nodded in agreement

"So, you were friends with a human and no one knew about this?"

"Y-yeah" Mikey responded, rubbing the back of his head

"And when was this?" The turtle in the purple mask asked

"About five years ago..." I said

"Mikey is 15 now, so that means he was sneaking out of the lair when he was... 10!"

"Heh, well you looks like you caught me... you're not gonna tell Sensei are you?"

"I mean we might have to, having someone know this long could dangerous ... maybe her own life as well..."

"Well five years has been a long time, but even then I haven't told a soul about you're family not even my best friend here. Well.... she didn't knew until now."

"I can't believe you wouldn't tell me this Y/n..." Val said in shock

"I know and I'm sorry, but I made a promise along time ago to Mikey so I couldn't break it."

"I'm mad at you for keeping this secret from me this long, but I think this is kind of cool... I mean there teenage mutant ninja turtles... what's you're guys name anyway?"

"Well I'm Leonardo but you can call me Leo."

"I'm Donatello, but Donnie is what everyone calls me."

"I'm Raphael, but call me Raph."

"And I'm Michelangelo, I'm the cute one!"

I giggled a bit, seeing Mikey beam in delight of his introduction.

"Well my name is Valentina, but most people call me Val for short."

"It's nice to meet you all." I added

"Valentina?" Raph spoke

"What?" she asked

" You Hispanic?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well you name sounds like if you were, but you're eyes kind of threw me off. I mean I never seen a Hispanic girl with aqua-green eyes."

"Well I guess I'm lucky, speaking of eyes... I never seen anyone with neon green eyes before. I like them.... and you're not to bad yourself either." She said with a wink

I giggled, Val has always been a flirt. With every guy she meets she leaves them wanting to go out with her or with them blushing hard.

Which in Raph's case his cheeks were as pink as Val's shirt.

"Woah... Raph you good bro? You're cheeks are heating up, are you having fever?" Mikey asked

"I-I'm fine!, I'm going home..." He said as he stormed off

As Leo and Donnie did the same, Mikey stayed with us for a bit longer

"Do you really think he's cute Val?" I laughed

"Yeah, I mean even if he's a mutant I don't care." She smiled

I think I ship Val and Raph now, I mean she can have short temper sometimes, along with being stubborn but I don't know Raph that well but the way how he handled her flirting with him, he must like her or something.

I turn to Mikey and smiled

" I should get going, it was really nice to see you Mikey." I said

"It was really nice to see you too."

"Well I'll see you later."

"Um actually!"

I coked my head slightly, wondering what he wanted.

"What is it Mikey?"

"Well since it's been five years maybe we can just hang out just the two of us... maybe hang out by the Skate park, eat some pizza."

Before I could answer, Val interrupted by hugging me and said

"She love too!"

I smiled and nodded in agreement

"Great! So what time do you want me to come and get you?"

" Um... 6 will do!" I said

"Okay!, well see you then!"

"Bye!" I waved as me and Val climbed down the ladder and back to my apartment.

I plopped on the couch with a smile plastered on my face

"Ooh~ someone is in love!" Val chirped

"I'm not 'in love', I'm just... happy that I get to run into him after five years! Man that's so long!, has it been that long? And I still have the shuriken that he gave me!" I laughed

"That ninja star thing?, so that's who gave it to you. I always wondered why it was so important to you."

"Well yeah I mean it was the only thing I could remember him by... before I moved here."

Silence could be heard, but Val broke it with a comment that took me bit by surprise.

"You guys would make a good couple, you know that?"

"A what?!" I said as I stumbled off the couch

"A good couple, I can see you guys hooking up. No need to play dumb I can tell when someone has s liking in someone else... in you case it's Mikey."

"It's not Mikey!, I mean I like him but as friend!" I smirked

"Okay fine, I'm going to bed night!"



Only just a friend?


'2.8' pages wow, I'm so proud of myself haha

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please!, comment down below how you feel or thoughts on this chapter

I don't judge!

Thanks for reading!

Bye~ :3

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