Chapter 23

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(You P.O.V)

"NO PLEASE STOP!" I begged my voice nearly cracking.

The drunk,husky man roughly slammed me on the ground that took place in an dark alley. Air was knocked out my lungs, he took this as advantage and held both of my wrists above my head. I tried wiggle out of his grasp but a sudden sting across my cheek caught me off guard. I slowly turned my head to meet his somewhat hazy eyes, the strong hint of alcohol reeked through his breath which nearly made me gag. His dry chapped lips were smashed into mine, I kept my lips sealed tight not knowing if he was gonna try something "funny". A small lick was felt upon my lips and eyebrow furrowed of his disgusting action. I opened my mouth a just bit, once his tongue slowly enter my mouth I bit his tongue which made him hiss in pain. I let go his tongue as he backed away from my face. With one hand still holding my wrists above my head, he took the other and wiped off the blood that was now trickling down from his mouth. He darkly chuckled and quickly sat on my legs so that I wouldn't move. The pace of my heart quickened , a slight cool breeze was felt on my bare stomach. His rough hand crept upon my skin. I tried to removed his weight of my legs but it didn't work.

"MIKEY!" I cried.

His hand reached my back, fingers fiddling with the clip.

Before he could undo the clip his glance switched on me. One tear finally decided to shed as others followed, my face was flushed, and my hair was a mess. My lip started to quiver and and shook my head begging for mercy. But his eye color was deepened only showing one emotion... lust. A wide creepy smile was spread across his face that sent shivers down my spine. He undid my clip and my upper chest felt loose, I suddenly felt his hand grope my chest. A scream escaped my lips one more time trying to call for help.


Running footsteps was heard, my body loosened up as a wave of relief hit me. I watched as the drunk man hovering over me froze for a second. His hand left under my shirt and his grip loosened around my hands , I took the opportunity to escape. As I wiggled one hand out of his grip and punched him straight in the jaw. He flew right off of me and I ran out of the alley. When I turn the corner and came face to face with a teenage boy. He worn torn grey and black clothing , jet black hair, light brown eyes, and for some reason had a taped up hockey stick strapped behind him

"W-Whoa! Are you okay?"

I shook my head 'no' and and pointed at the alley way. He nodded and grabbed his hockey stick from behind his back and gripped the handle. He entered the dark alley and I went under a street light and just wait until he came out. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the lamp post. It didn't take long until the teenager came out of the alley and met me under the light.

"What happened back there?" He asked. I looked the other way not wanting to face him for what I was about admit.

"He was gonna rape me..." I responded, on the verge of tears.

I turned around to see the teenager in a state of shock. He came closer and brushed some hair behind my ear, I flinched at his touch but he calmly shushed me.

" Hey it's okay, I just wanted to see your face. You have a cut and some blood"

"B-Blood?!" I yelped, I placed my hand on my cheek and looked at the red liquid in my palm. I looked at the teenager one more time before I fainted.


(You P.O.V still..)

I groaned as I rubbed the back of my head and sat up on the cot that I was laying in.

I looked around and noticed I was in Donnie's lab. I sprung out of bed and went in front of a small mirror that was on his desk. I looked at my reflection and placed my hand on the patch that was on my cheek. The corner of my eyes started to sting and tears started to swell up.

"No,No,No.. don't cry Y/n not now." tears started to stroll down my face and I sunk to cold cement floor. Holding my knees to my chest and burying my face into them. Sobbing was heard through the room, shuffling could be heard outside the closed door. But soon light was brought to my attention, it was the boy that I saw earlier. He came in the room and crouched next to me and stroked my head with his hand which for some reason made me calm down a bit. He chuckled and called for Mikey, who eventually came in too. I watched as the boy left the room and shut the door behind him leaving Mikey and I alone. I took a quick glance at Mikey and looked down not knowing what to do. But he quickly engulfed me with a hug. His warmth made me tear once more. I changed my position to be more comfortable and buried my face into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his body and cried . All I could do was cry, I needed him, especially when I needed him the most.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I really am.. you needed me and I wasn't there.." I felt his body shake in my arms and I hold him tighter,drying off my tears.

"It's okay, I'm fine now."

"No, You have bruises, a cut, and you were almost raped..."

"But I got away, Mikey there was nothing you could do at that moment. We were both in different places at different times."

"I want to make it right.. as your boyfriend I promised to protect and I broke that promise."

I gently pushed him off me and cupped both of his cheeks and look right into his eyes. I leaned in closer to his face and placed my lips on top his. He hesitated at first but he soon melted in the kiss and wrapped his arms around my hips and pulled me into his lap. I deepened the kiss by wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Ehmm... sorry um... Mikey I have to get something real quick." Donnie annouced rubbing the back of his head akwardly.

I broke the kiss and pushed Mikey,harshly and got off of his lap embarrassed on what he just saw. Donnie quickly got his clipboard that was on his desk and went back out the lab shutting the door behind him. I got up as Mikey did the same and grabbed both of my hands, I could feel them shake in my touch and I could feel my heart ache.

" Mikey I'm okay, and you're fine. You did nothing wrong, there was nothing you could do at that moment. Let's just be glad I'm alive right now. And my amazing fighting skills." I giggled as I "flexed" my right arm. He chuckled at my gesture and pecked my forehead.

"Y/n...." He began, I hummed in response.

"I think I might love you..."

'Love me?!'


Word count: 1260

Pages: 3.3

I know it's been for awhile since I updated but I warned you guys lol, I hate school!

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