Chapter 35

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5 years ago...

Y/n-9 years old...

Y/n watched her Mother hold the phone close to her ear as she talk to her friend,laughing and smiling. Y/n huffed as she tugged on her Mother's sleeve but to only receive a glare from her. Y/n looked around herself for something to entertain herself. Y/n walked over to a newspaper stand where she noticed a small shelf of magazines, most of it was the cheesy teenager ones. She happily picked up a magazine and flipped through the numerous of colorful and creative pages. It wasn't until she heard the voice of the cashier scolding the child and told her to put it up unless she was going to buy something. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and stuck out her tongue at the cashier as she placed the magazine back on the shelf and walked to a clothing shop, not too far from the newspaper stand. Y/n placed her hands on the glass and mushed her nose against it, fogging up the glass. Y/n (eye color) eyes lit up as she found a periwinkle frilly dress hanging up on a silver rail. She noticed the holographic ribbon and beautiful white lace sewn together, on the short-sleeves.

Y/n removed herself from the glass and looked to her side to still see her mother still on the phone, obviously too busy to notice her only daughter. Y/n scrunched up her nose in annoyance and let out a pout. She suddenly felt a light nudge on her ankle, looking down she noticed a white kitty with the cutest gray spot above it's eye- Y/n gushed at the small mammal and stroked it's fluffy fragile head, letting out a small "mew". The kitty began to walk away from the Y/n and disappear into the alley right next to her, being the curious child she was- she followed kitty.

Y/n's Mother hung up and placed her cell phone in her right jean pocket. She held out her hand and awaited for a small palm to be placed with hers but she didn't feel anything. She looked down and felt her heart drop noticing her daughter was no where in sight. "Y/n?.... Y/n?!" She called but no response back. She snapped her head side to side but no sign or sight of her daughter. She quickly ran to the newspaper stand and asked the cashier if he seen a little girl.

"Um, well yeah. I saw her walk over to that clothing shop,over there.She might of went inside." He told, monotone.

Y/n's Mother raced inside the store and went right up to cashiers and asked if they seen a little girl in here but they all just shook their head and apologized. Y/n's Mother just weakly smiled and raced out of the store and called out her daughters name once again,still nothing. Her throat suddenly felt dry and the corner of her eyes stung with tears. She grabbed out her phone once again and dialed, 9-1-1.

Meanwhile as Y/n was in the alley with her new furry friend, she soon realized that there was a possibility that she was lost. She looked up at the sky and notice that it was a mixture on yellow,pink,orange, and purple-sunset. "How long have I been following you?" She questioned the kitty but sadly it gave her no response. She looked around herself and noticed that none of the corners around her didn't even look like the first corner she even past by in the first place. "This is bad... like really bad." She whimpered to herself. She looked up once more at the sky and quickly ran down numerous of corners trying to find an exit or a street like looked remotely familiar to her but no luck. She was panting,throat dry. She plopped herself onto the ground and began to let her tears fall from her face. She looked up at the sky and noticed that the sky was blue,on the darker shade-accompanied with some white,sparkly stars. Y/n brought her knees to her heaving chest and wrapped her arms around herself,burying her head between them.

Its been nearly a couple of hours and Y/n's Mother just couldn't find her even if the police was involved. The best thing that they advised her to do was for her to stay calm as they put out an amber alert and asked around for the little girl. But she wasn't calm, how could she? She didn't acknowledge her daughter while she was on the phone and now she's gone.. it was all because of her. It was her fault and she felt guilty for it. She sipped the wine out of her glass as she locked her glaze on her phone,waiting for anything from the police. There was a sudden knock on the door and Y/n's Mother placed the cup on the coffee table and walked towards the door. "Look, I'm pretty busy right now,so if you can just-" She was interrupted for when she opened up the door she encountered a little girl, her daughter. Y/n's lip quivered as she hugged her Mother's legs and smothered her face into her clothing,taking in her scent. Y/n's mother picked up her daughter and held her tightly and took her inside and closed the door behind her.

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