Chapter 26

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" Mom! I'm going out!" Y/n hollered making her way towards the door. She heard faint footsteps down the stairs. Y/n turned around to see her Mother leaning on the railing of the staircase.

"Going out with Mikey.... in that?" She asked as she looked Y/n up and down. Y/n giggled and shook her head side to side.

"Of course not! I just thought it's been awhile since I've been on a jog. So I'll be back in like an hour?"

"Sure, Sweetie. Just be careful."

Y/n nodded as she left her apartment. She plugged in her earbuds into her phone and select her playlist and left the building. When she left the door and took a deep breath and slowly let a smile spread onto her lips. She placed the ear buds into each ear and slid her phone in her side pocket.

Y/n began to jog around a couple of blocks. Her breathing began to start a slight hitch,so Y/n decided slow down and take break. She walked over to another apartment building and sat on the cement stairs trying to catch her breath. She watched as the numerous of people and cars pass by her. She smiled at each couple she saw as it reminded of her and Mikey. But the smile quickly faded away when a certain couple caught her attention. A women that looks almost Asian with ocean blue eyes was linking arms with a man that seemed oddly familiar. She gasped placing her hands over mouth realizing that man was her ..father. She got up quickly from the step she was sitting on and ran past the couple heading back to her apartment.

Y/n's father looked at a teenage girl that just ran past them. For some reason something about him clicked, why did she seem so familiar? Who did she remind him of? A slight nudge interupted his thoughts, he looked down at his precious wife and gave a close-eyed smile.

"What is it,Ayane?" ( Father's name) asked.

" That girl.. do you know her?" Ayane asked. ( Father's name) looked back again at the teenage girl once more. He watched as the girl stopped at the corner and looked both ways before crossing the street. (Father's name) eyes widened as he the slight glimpse of the girl finally rose up a memory from his brain.

"Meet me back at the apartment, I'll see you soon. I need to do something real quick." (Father's name) said before dashing after Y/n leaving Ayane unable to answer.

Y/n began to slow her pace down and began to walk. She furrowed her eyebrows when she felt like someone was calling her name. She stopped and took out both her ear buds as she turned around . She made a slight 'oof' when her body was engulfed with a hug.

"Get off of me, bastard." Y/n scoffed pushing (Father's name ) off of her. (Father's name) backed away with a hurt expession on his face.

"You have no right to hug me." She added

" Y/n, I'm sorry, I-"

" 'Sorry'? 'Sorry! Is that all you have to say? You left us when I was ten and you think one 'sorry' is going to change the struggles we went through. Not to mention your partnership with the Purple Dragons! You leaving your problems for us changed me a lot and Mom! Did you know cause of you I had to join that stupid gang, almost getting to beaten to death trying to get out of it because they were looking for you . "

"Y/n, I had no idea.." (Father's Name) trailed off.

"Of course you don't because you don't ever want to call. You just wanted leave your true family and start a new one. What did you think when you saw and gave me hug? ' Oh Daddy, I missed you so much and I totally forgive you for leaving us for five years!' " She exaggerated . " Just don't bother talking to me again. " She added before walking back home leaving her father behind her.

She closed the apartment door behind her and sighed. She looked around making sure her mother wasn't around. She walked quietly upstairs to her room. Lightly shutting the door behind her. She rested her back against the door and sliding to the floor. She brought her knees her chest and hugged them, she burrowed her face into the small crease of her knees and sobbed.

"Why am I crying?" She whispered to herself. She rose her face from her knees and tried to wipe away her tears but even when she did the tears kept flooding the corner of her eyes. Her breathing started to hitch and hiccups became part of the moment. She stood up as she made to her window, she unlocked the latched and pushed open the windows letting to cold air's impact rest on her damp face. She inhaled and exhaled the wind trying to calm herself down, it worked but there was no success for her tears for which they still continued to droop down her face.

"Y-Y/n?" A familiar voice spoke above her in concern. Y/n's ears perked knowing who it was. She quickly took the sleeves of her silver Nike jacket and wipe the remaining tears as she tries her hardest not to let the other tears fall. A 'thump' came from the fire escape . Y/n backed away from the window as she let Mikey come in. She sat on her bed while Mikey closed the windows behind him before meeting her on her comforter. She hung her head low as her messy hair covered her face. Green fingers were placed under her chin lifting up her face so it could face Mikey's.

"What happened?" He asked her. Y/n bit her lower lip as she took her hand and removed Mikey's hand.

"I-I saw my Dad... and I-" She paused for moment to swallow the lump building up in her throat and continued. " I don't why I was crying over him! I never did before so why now?"

"Maybe it's all the emotions you kept inside for all these years.." Mikey states as he scoots closer to Y/n and hugged her closed to his plastron. He began to calmly hush her down and stroking her head gently.

When minutes pasted Y/n cutely yawned as she let go of Mikey and started to tuck herself in. Mikey smiled, responding that maybe he should so she could rest. But he was stopped from taking another step away from Y/n's bed. He looked down as Y/n's hand that was holding on his wrist.

"What is it?" He asked chuckling at her strange behavior.

"Stay?" She replied softly. She pulled him harshly towards the bed making him fall and landing next to her. Mikey nervously gulped as he began to stare into Y/n's ( eye color) eyes, soon without realizing it, letting his eyes wandered her body and his face became flustered. Y/n giggled noticing that her perverted boyfriend was being seduce by her body so why not toy with him,right? Y/n cleared her throat receiving Mikey's flustered attention back, she quickly licked her lips to add a quick glossy texture. With half-opened eye lids she looked at Mikey and took his arms and wrapped them around her waist. Y/n pulled herself closer to Mikey's plastron, she swirled her index finger in a circular motion in the corner of his plastron. She leaned in to his chest and placed small kisses trailing up to his neck and whispered.

" Watashi to nemuru, Senpai?"

(Translate: Sleep with me, Senpai?)

Mikey's body tensed up as he quickly flip himself leaving him hovering over Y/n's body. He snatched her hands and placing them above her head, a smirk spread across his face looking down at Y/n's now blushing face.

"Oh.. sh!t." She breathed as she regretted on her choices.


Pages: 3.8

I hope you enjoy this chapter and I haven't decided if next chapter should be a little lemon like Chapter 24 part 3, but let me know in the comment section down below please!

Bye,loves! <3

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