One shot-Human Mikey x Reader

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This is just a one shot.  Has nothing to do with my original fanfic. NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ORIGINAL FANFIC!

(You P.O.V)

"Mikey?! H-How are you..." I trailed off. My eyes focused on every feature that could have possibly be on Mikey's human face. He was cute in a human form but I like his original form better.  

"Donnie made me this wristwatch that can transform me into a human isn't it cool! Just thought I should show before  you go to school, Angel."  He explained.

"Wait I have an idea." I smiled and I saw his eyes widened  slightly at the words I chose. His eyes were glossing of excitement. 

"What if you come to school with me." 

"Hate to burst your bubble but school is boring! " He whines as he threw his head back at the comment.  You sighed and swung your bookbag over your shoulder.

"You always complain how we never spend enough time with eachother in the evening right? It's either because it's a school night or that I'm  to exhausted to do anything because I just want lay  back and relax. Now this could be your chance to spend an entire day to be with your baby. Not only that but you have never been to school before." I smiled,hoping that my little speech can get through to him. He grunted and shook his in a 'no' motion. I pouted and pushed out my lip forming a puppy face. Mikey crossed his arms and kept this best stern face. 

"Pretty please. " I said in soothing pitch voice. I walked over him and gave a hug nuzzling my head in the crook of his  neck. I pulled off a fake whimper which made him loosening up a bit from being so stiff  by his 'serious' act. I knew it was working and that I had to keep going.

"You're making really sad,Mikey. And I'm only asking to do this for me for one day. Do you really want to hurt my feelings...Do really want me to eat pizza all alone...." I said exaggerating on the the last part.

"They serve pizza at your school?" He asked

"Yes and I'm gonna eat it all alone.." added. I felt a pair of hands pull me out of the hug. I looked at Mikey with a small smile as he did the same.

"Fine but I'm only doing this just to eat pizza with you. " He complied. 

"And dont worry about getting registered I can handle that." I grinned. I grabbed his hand and we walked together to school.

Once we made it everyone started to stare at us with awe. We roamed the hallways until we reached my locker. I started to put away the things I didn't need.Mikey leaned against the lockers and waited until I was done. As I shut my locker loud squeaky giggles echoed through the hallways. I grip tightened around my binder as Mikey and started walk down the hall to my first hour. A group of girls passed by us and immedentily stopped what they were doing and called my name. I stopped walking as Mikey did the same we both turned around to find a group of girls sashaying towards us. I gulped but still remained my position not wanting them to know how I want to run from them. They pretty much are the bullies of the school, they have the 'Mean Girls' personality. Which I definitely hate...

"Well whats this handsome guy doing walking with someone like you." One the girls announced,eyeing me up and down.

"She's my girlfriend." Mikey said as he stepped in front of me.

"Really?! That little rachet thang! Why dont you hang out with us and we'll show you some real fun." Another said seductively. I dropped my binder and charge at the girl that said the gross comment. But Mikey held me back , I tried my best to wiggle out of his grip but it didn't work. I decided to try my best to kick the girl but they were to far away for my reach. So I stopped and told Mikey I was calm.

"You sure, because I'm gonna let you go now and better not try to attack her again." He warned . I nodded my head and he slowly let go.  I took a deep breath and charged once more  but he grabbed my hips and pulled me back again. 

"Listen here this guy is my man! Not yours so why don't walk away and stop trying to hit on  every guy that you see ! You f-" Mikey placed his hand over my mouth but I removed it looking at him in a confused expression. 

"You are not gonna be cursing in the hallways right now they aren't worth it." Mikey reasoned.

"Babe I was just gonna say 'freaking hag' that's it." I said. He sighed and said

"Oh ok." He chuckled a bit. I then turned my head to the group of girls that seemed to still be standing there staring at us in a hurt and hate expression. I have them my famous 'death eyes' and added... 

"And that they need to get a fucking life." 

"Y/n,Don't y-" I cut Mikey off as I heard the girls gasp in response as I pulled Mikey into a kiss. He kissed back and closed his eyes as I did the same. I held up my arm in the air and gave them the 'finger' before I finally let go of his lips and grabbed his hand and entered the classroom.

Lunch came around and we finally had our pizza. Even though the morning had a bad start it was still worth it hanging out with Mikey all day.


Hope you like this one shot. Just thought you deserved a special chapter lol


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