Chapter 9

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(You P.O.V)

As we arrived at the Jewelry store I made sure everything was tightly adjusted on my face and my body, I also decided to put on some gloves so just in case we did get caught they wouldn't get my fingerprints.

"Lets go." I said as I opened the car door

I went up to the store's door and took a bobby pin out of my hair and started to pick the lock.

Once we heard a 'click' I opened the door and assigned everyone a part of the store to destroy.

We started to smash the glass and take all the jewelry, we didn't take to long on our mission and it was a success... well so I thought.

Hun walked through a laser beam that was barely touching the ground, bells started to ring signaling there was a robbery.

The store to started to glow red, panic and fear was going through my eyes.

At this moment I was glad I decided to put on some gloves before I touched anything here.

"Run go!" I yelled

"Well what about you?" one of the members yelled

"I'll catch with you guys later, I need to wipe out the footage!"

They nodded made a run for it.

I set the bags down and ran to the office.

I wiped out the system and wiped out the video of us. I let out a sigh and heard the siren not to far from the store. I wasn't gonna have time to get the bag. I quickly opened the nearest window and exit out of it. I closed the window and started to run up the fire escape. The fire escape led to the roof where I looked and down and I found Huns and the others being cuffed up and thrown into the police car.

"How is that possible?, They had a head start they couldn't have gotten caught!" I nearly screamed

I felt something was coming my way, I quickly jumped in the air and looked down to see a chain with a sharp weapon attach at the end.

"What?" I mumbled in confusion

I landed on the ground closing my eyes trying to sense the presence.

'There...' I thought

I took out a dagger and threw it right next to me by the air vent.

I heard a sound of metal clashing, there came out the shadow was a dark figure.

Once light touched his body he was green... with a orange mask... Mikey!

My eyes widened, 'oh no.'


(Mikey P.O.V)

I saw a girl with a mask covering half of her face.

Something about her seems familiar, something about her eyes.

"Are you part of the Purple Dragons?!"

she didn't respond, her eyes showed no emotion.

I threw a chain which she dodged, I ran to her and started throwing punches and kicks.

She dodge each move I made, but not all of them.

I took another chance by throwing my chain and it worked. It wrapped around her arms and hips and I yanked her towards me.

When she was right in front of me, bodies barely touching.

Her eyes shimmered with the street lights... wait I know these eyes......

"Y/n?" I whispered

Her eyes widened again but this time it showed emotion.

Fear, sadness, guilt, I let go of the chain and pulled her in a hug.

She started to shake and I let go and looked at her, tears swelled up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Mikey, the girl under the mask is a different person. And she doesn't deserve to be you're friend."

"That's not true!" I reasoned

"Yes it is!, Mikey I haven't seen you in forever and by the looks of it you probably save the world. This city, and me?! I'm the girl that made a mistake and now in gang and steals and do even more bad things that I definitely regret! And yet you stand here and call me you're 'friend'!"

I couldn't say anything, I was speechless I didn't know what was holding me back from saying something to her.

I stared at her, she then pushed me and backed away.

"Mikey I'm sorry, I know we'll run into each other soon hopefully not like this."


"Oh, and by the way Mikey. You have a heart full of kindness and people need that. I like that about you don't forget that, okay?"

I nodded, the last thing I saw was her jumping rooftop to rooftop until I couldn't see her anymore.

It wasn't to long until I heard my name.

I turned around to see my brothers.

"Did you see anybody else?" Leo asked

I shook my head in disagreement

"You okay?" Donnie asked

"Yeah I'm fine." I mumbled

"You sure?" Raph asked

"Yeah let's go home." as I started to walk back.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!


I'm done, I'm proud of myself lol


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