Chapter 22

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(You P.O.V)

I walk into the store and grabbed a small plastic basket, since movie night was tomorrow with Mikey I decided to buy a couple of things.

As I was passing threw the aisles I spot a clearance bin and decided to check it out. I rummaged through the cheap and rip off products until a bright yellow box with small cotton candy icons plastered everywhere. I picked up the box and read the description.

"Edible Cotton Candy Hair Chalk!"

"Huh, edible it says, and only three dollars?" I shrugged my shoulders and placed the festive box in the basket and continued to shopping at the store. It didn't take long until I had to check out my items and exit the store. I pulled out my keys that were in my black hoodie's pocket. I walked to my mom's car that she didn't know I took and stuck the key inside the lock, once I heard a click I took out the keys and I opened the door and sat inside the driver seat. I placed my groceries in the passenger seat and closed the door. I started up the car and started to pull out of the parking lot and drove back home.

The sound of jingles was heard from my keys as I entered my house. I walked inside the dark apartment and gently closed the door and placed the keys on the counter as it was before I left . I tip-toed upstairs to my room with the bag filled with snacks and hair chalk. I placed the items on a near by desk and crawled into bed and went to bed.

I woke up to sound of my phone buzzing every couple of seconds, I stretched before I grabbed my phone. I turned on my phone to see that I had two text messages from Mikey. I unlocked the screen and started to read.

Mikey: Are you still coming?

Mikey: Angel?

You: Sorry Mikey I just woke up.. lol

Mikey: Do you have any idea what time it is?

You: Uh..... OMG ITS ALREADY 6:30?!

Mikey: You slept through the entire day :/

(Lmao me... *cough* lets continue)

You: Just give me an hour or two I'll be down there, I need to get ready!

Mikey: Take your time, Y/n. I'll see you later. Be careful <3

I placed my phone back on the night stand I had by my bed and I quickly got out of bed. I ran to the bathroom and start to brush my teeth. I came back to my room and saw the yellow box had caught my eye. I took the box out of the bag that it was in and read the back. I giggled at the thought of me having cotton candy colored hair, I tossed the box on my bed and started to put on grey joggers, my light green bra, and an orange ombre crop top-which you can kind of see my bra under. I grabbed the box one more time and went into the bathroom. I brush hair out and put my hand under the faucet and let cold water fall. Once my hand was wet I ran my hand in my hair and made it was damp but not too damp. I opened the box and pulled out the the light blue and pink chalk. Right away the scent of sweet cotton candy hit my nose and my mouth started to drool. I started to rub the chalk in my hair, and suddenly the color appeared great on my (hair color) hair.

My grinned widened while I looked at my hair that was now pink and blue and a tint of purple in the middle. I decided to put my hair in two french braids. I took a glance at my hands that was now covered in specs of blue and pink sugar. I licked my hands and moaned (not a sexually way XD) in delight. I rinsed my hands with water and and grabbed the bag full of snacks and went downstairs . I left the apartment and made my way to the nearest seward lid. I went down the alley way and looked around to make sure the coast was clear. I lifted up the seward lid and crawled inside while closing the lid on my way down. I went down numerous of dark tunnels until I realized I was lost, I sighed and pulled out my phone and dialed Mikey's number. The phone rung but no answer, a shiver went down my spine knowing that I was lost in the seward. My grip tightened around my phone , I looked around and decided to walk down the a dark tunnel. I know it sounds cliched but I was down for anything as long as I wasn't staying in one spot in the dark. I continued to walk down the tunnel, rubbing the back of my phone showing how nervous I was being down here by myself. Suddenly a huge slash was made and I screeched in horror. Almost at the verge of tears I dialed Mikey's number one more time. Finally an answer.

" Y/n, are you here yet?"

"MIKEY!!!" I sobbed, tears started to flow down my flushed cheeks.

"What's wrong?!"

"I'm lost in the sewards and I'm scared! Mikey please come and get me!!!"

"I-I'm on my way!, Do you know where you're at? "

"No I just said I'm lost! I'm in a dark tunnel and I think there was a rat somewhere."

"Oh~ the rat? I think I know what tunnel you're in."

"Just hurry... please.." I breathed. I hung up the phone and I heard my name echo through the tunnels that were around me. I ran to where the noise was coming from, I finally found Mikey and he ran towards and engulfed me with a hug. I was shocked at first but I wrapped my arms around his waist to pull him closer to me. Lifting my head up to meet Mikey's eyes I smiled knowing that I was now safe.

He let go of my embrace and turned around pointing at his shell. I hoped on the back of his green shell and wrapped my my (skin color) arms around his green neck. I laid my head down on his shoulder and closed my eyes, he gave me a piggy back ride on his way to the lair. Once the light hit my eye lids, I fluttered my eyes opened to see the living room. Mikey set me down on the couch and I set my phone on the coffee table. I also set the bag on the table and started to take out all the snacks. I grabbed a bag of chips and got comfortable on the couch as Mikey sat down next to me pulling me close. He was about to peck my forehead until I heard the sound of sniffling coming from him. I looked up at him with a confuse look on my face. I watched as he continued to sniff the air and he licked his lips with hunger.

"Uh... you hungry I got some snacks if you are." I snicker just looking at his face.

"It's your hair, it smells like cotton candy." He said astonished. I giggled and suddenly tensed up at his sudden action.

Is he licking my hair?! I thought, internally screaming.

"S-sorry, I couldn't help myself." He said ,scratching the back of his head nervously.

I blushed madly and start to wave my hands , started to laugh nervously.

"N-No it's fine, the hair chalk is edible so I would have done the same since it's cotton candy flavored."

"So uh... may I?" He asked, referring to my hair. I nodded my head and scooted closer to Mikey.

"I think you did a nice job with the hair chalk by the way." He added before continuing to lick my hair. I winced at the touch of his tongue licking off the hair chalk.

(Me: This is just getting ... sexually? XD Sorry guys don't mind me.. lets continue.."

There was a was a small rattle coming from one of the brother's bedrooms. I could feel Mikey freeze and stopped what he was doing and sat back on the couch as if he didn't do anything. I sat there, next to Mikey waiting whoever that was coming of out there room. I watched the door as I saw Raph walk out of his room and into the kitchen with a pet turtle on his shoulder. I turned back to Mikey that was now covering his face with his green hand, barely noticing the small blush growing on his cheeks.

"Mikey? You okay?" I asked placing my hand on top of his.

"I-It's N-Nothing, let's just watch the movie.." He said in a wavering voice. He shakily picked up the remote and turned on the TV.

(That wasn't the only thing "turned on" *wink*... XD IM SO SORRY! I couldn't help myself, someone help me..)


I'm sorry for not updating lately, school has been busy!

It's too much for me, but I finished this chapter and I hope you like it!

Lots of Love,

YummKimchii <3

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