Chapter 30

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Through Y/n's (eye color) eyes, she could see the warm light shining through the thin fabric on the head of the lamp. Almost in a daze she continued to stare at the lamp, ignoring the vibrations of the missed calls from her phone. Knowing her Mom will be working late  the only person that would be calling at this time  is the one and only Michelangelo.

Finally when the vibrations stopped she picked up her phone and pressed her home button to turn on her phone. Looking at her home screen she saw that there were nearly up to fifty missed calls from the orange clad. With a deep sigh she placed her phone on her night stand as she propped herself on her elbows. As her eyes roamed around her room, her bathroom door caught her eye. The small glimpse from inside the bathroom created this pit of bleakness at the bottom her stomach which felt to be adding up to this urge that knew would probably lead to her doing something stupid.

Checking her phone once more and  unlocking it  she saw that  she gotten a few more notifications from several of her social media accounts. With hard gulp she went to each social media account and to see the updates that she received... from the no other Kelly Morvick. Scrolling through Kelly's newly posted selfies, Y/n came across her activity and saw that Kelly posted a few comments on a simple selfie that Y/n posted a few days ago.

'What a pig! Just gross!'

'Seriously, why is she even  on here posting these  nightmares?!'

'Y/n, I think it's obvious who you think it is. But  just do me a favor and just stop existing, no body even knows you exist anyways. If you were to disappear no one would even notice or care except  for your low-life of a mother.' 

Y/n scanned through all the comments and it seemed that  no one even defended her. Her heart began to sink deeper and deeper as those comments and previous memories began  to flood her head. Letting her phone fall out her hand. Y/n fully sat up and slid out her bed as she began to make her to her bathroom,closing the door behind her.

Once Y/n  closed the door behind her, a certain object caught her eye. So many thoughts roamed her head as it began to feed Y/n's urge from earlier. Slowly walking over to the shelf  she picked up an eyebrow razor. Almost intrigued on how the blade shined against the bathroom light, she held up her wrist. 

"Just do it already!"  shouted a raspy voice .

With a gasp, Y/n dropped the razor out her frail hands as she looked around the bathroom frantically.

"Hey,Hey! Right here in the mirror!" The raspy voice said again. 

Cocking an eyebrow Y/n walked towards the mirror cautiously and slowly. Fulling in front of the mirror all that could be see was her reflection... wait did Y/n always had pitch black eyes? 

"W-What happened to my eyes?!" Y/n shrieked.

"Calm down! You're fine, it's just me!"

"Do I even know you?" 

"Well, yes and no. I've always been a part from you, it's just that we never met until now. But sorry for not introducing myself,heh. I'm the voice in your head!, also known as your self conscious!" Said the reflection, adding a  jazz hands at the end of the phrase.

"How can I see you? Shouldn't you be in my head instead of in my mirror?"

"Geez you ask a lot of questions. How should I put this? You are kind of imagining this?, if that's the right way to put this. You're actually in a deep thought process to where you can project your conscious, but I'm not always there. As your voice in your head, I'm always there in your darkest moments. You know the insecurities,fears,doubts,issues, even at moments like these."

" 'Moments like these'? I-I don't know what you're talking about.."

"Oh!, please! Y/ ,we both know what you wanted to do with that razor. Hell! Of course I did, haha. I'm your conscious!"

"You're wrong... I don't want to commit suicide."

"Who said you had to do something like that? I'm not stupid, we both know what self-harm is. So why not try it?"

"Why should I?.. Wouldn't that hurt even more? Give me more pain?"

"Again with the questions." The reflection said with an eye roll before she continued.  "This is how I think about it. Going through all of this mental pain you need a distraction,right? That's when physically pain comes a long. Yes, it might hurt but at least it would get rid of some of that mental pain. So why don't you try it? Just this once, if you don't like it then... well, you can decided from there."

"What will the others think?"

"Who knows and who cares. Let me ask you something,Sweetie. If Mikey and Valentina cared about you don't you think they would of notice by now. So makes you think they would care or notice about a simple scar on your wrist."

"Y-You're right."

"Of course I am! Now, find that razor and do it."

With a gulp and  a nod, Y/n bent down down and grabbed the razor. Standing up, she took one more look at her reflection before holding up her wrist. Placing the silver blade upon her smooth skin she bit her bottom lip. Applying a little more pressure on the blade, her hands began to become clammy. Looking up one more time at the mirror she saw her reflection smirk and chanting a phrase over and over again.

"Do it. Do it. Do it." The relflection said.

Y/n squinted her her eyes and making a small light grunt, she swiped the the blade across her wrist. Opening her eyes she saw her (skin color) skin slowly becoming damaged. A pinkish puffy line began to rise upon her wrist. A sigh of relief washed over her until she saw a red,thick substance pricked through her skin ( on where the pre scar is.)

"Oh.. you made yourself bleed! Wow, I guess I'm done here." The reflection said to itself.  Y/n looked back into the mirror with horror written all over her face. Tears rolling down her cheeks and the corners of lips weighing down... what have she done? Dropping the blade, Y/n fell to her knees and sobbed as the blood lightly oozed out of her skin.

Suddenly the door was flung opened and running footsteps came towards her. Looking up to see where the figure was coming from, her body froze and the tears stopped. She couldn't stop staring at the person she cared the  most for, almost  as if time stopped.

"M-Mikey... I'm sorry."

Yeah finally updated!!!!! Just have two more fanfics to go lol! Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and stay tune for the next update. Bye! And spread good vibes!

-YummKimchii <3

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