Chapter 33

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Y/n entered the school with Valentina by her side.Y/n looked around herself as she watched her fellow classmates pass by her either waving at her or just ignoring her. 'Is everything normal?' She thought to herself. Y/n felt a firm hand placed in her shoulder, looking up she met Valentina's aqua green eyes. Valentina smiled as she leaned towards Y/n's ear and whispered " If those girls mess with you again... It's okay to stand up for yourself even if things get physically. If you can't do it then you know I'm always ready to kick some ass."

"V..Valentina!, language!" Y/n nervously stammered as she lightly remove herself from her bestfriend's face. "But yes, I'll keep what you said in mind.. don't worry about me." And with that the bell rang and the two teenagers went to they're classes.Y/n walked into her class and sat down in her assigned seat. She opened up to her textbook to the requested page number and placed her mechanical pencil beside it. When she lifted up her gaze to the front of the classroom, she noticed a familiar group of girls walk in the classroom. A lump was nearly stuck in her throat  but Y/n quickly shook off the feeling as she focused on her assignments for today.

When lunch came around Y/n was almost relieved that day was almost over, just a few more classes and she was out of this school. She grabbed her lunch tray that held a simple salad, some orange slices, a bag of chips, and milk on the side and sat down next to Valentina. " How's everything so far?" Valentina asked as she began to eat her mash potatoes. 

"So far everything's been fine. Which is honestly kind of 'weird', don't your think?" Y/n asked as she began to dig in her salad. She watch Valentina nod in agreement on what she just said. 

" But maybe they actually decided to leave you alone and move on with they're petty lives. What a shame it is though, I really wanted to kick their ass. Kelly Morvick to be specific." 

" No need to be so harsh on the girl,Val. Yeah, maybe she did kind of drove me to suicide... but I know she's a good person just maybe not to people like me."

"You know I always like how you forgive people and always see the bright side of things but I hate it at the same time. Sometimes it takes someone like Kelly a good punch in the stomach or face to learn how her actions make other people feel." Valentina sighed as she drank her milk.

" Well you know maybe Kelly did move on from this drama that she caused, so maybe we should do the same."

" Fine.." Valentina scoffed as she bit into her apple aggressively. " But I'm not being friends with her or anything."

" I love you,Val." Y/n giggled as she watch Valentina roll her eyes.

The final bell rang,signaling that school was finally over. Y/n walked out of classroom and to her locker to retrieve her backpack. Slinging the strap over her right shoulder she made her way out the building. The weather was rather nice, wind was dancing through the swaying trees, and the sun was shining bright. Y/n closed her eyes for a brief moment as she savored the warm feeling that she got. She continued to walk home, deciding to take a shortcut down a alley way she overheard a faint sound of footsteps behind her. She snapped her head towards the noise and noticed that it was the group... Kelly and the others. Y/n gasped as she turned around and bolted. "GET HER!" she heard behind her, she quickened up her pace. 'The footsteps are getting closer!' She thought to herself. Without noticing she tripped over her own foot and fell onto the slightly gross concrete. The footsteps stop but her the beat of her heart didn't. She looked up to the see the group right in front of her, all smiling mischievously. Y/n held a stern face as she got up and regaining her posture, dusting herself off. "What.. what do you want,Kelly?" Y/n finally spoke. Kelly giggled and snapped her fingers, having her girls circle around Y/n. 

"Oh, nothing really. But your friend, Val was it? Came up to me and kind of told me off today. And pretty much brings me here and why I want to make sure you know when to keep you mouth shut. Girls?, jump her."

"That's it, I'm done with your shit. Come at me!" Y/n yelled as she began to block every signal move the group threw at her. She swiftly dodged every attack as she returned the favors to the others.It wasn't long until all the girls were lying on the ground, groaning in pain all except one. That's right, Kelly Morvick. Y/n blew a lose hair out of her face as she began to walk towards Kelly with almost pure anger in her eyes, Kelly gulped as she began to walk backwards and holding up her hands in defense. "H..Hey, look I'm sorry! I didn't really mean all those things, I was joking around!" Kelly said. Y/n scoffed as she took Kelly by her collar and held her up above the ground and slammed her back against the wall. 

" It was a 'joke'?! You think that all of this was some kind of joke?! Well your fucking joke almost drove me into killing myself, you think that is funny?! Do you?!"

"N..No... I had no idea.."

" Yeah, you're right! You had no idea what kind of shit you put me through but you know I tried to be a good person and not turn into the person that had to solve something like thick skulked people like you,with violence. So this is a warning,Kelly.. You fucking mess with me again or even try to mess with any other poor innocent student or friend of mine, you will end up like these girls on the ground. Do I make myself clear?"

"C..Crystal... Crystal clear!"

Y/n scoffed as she threw Kelly on the ground, after that she fled the scene and continued her walked but this time she wasn't going home.. She wanted to see Michelangelo. 

Michelangelo sat on the couch as he flipped through the many channels on T.V, he sighed as he grabbed his phone to check the time. '3:05' it showed across his t-phone. "Y/n might be home by now, I should go visit her." he said to himself quietly. He got up to only be greeted by a (hair color) girl walking in with a blank face. "Y/n?" Michelangelo called out, snapping Y/n out her trance. She looked up with the biggest smile on her face and ran towards her green boyfriend and engulfing him a hug. She enjoyed the hug as much as he did. Just the fact that the two teens had each other in they're arms and just they're presence was near, Y/n felt a wave of relaxation wash upon her well-being. "What's wrong?" Michelangelo asked as he slowly let go of Y/n. She looked away for a brief moment, stroking back a lock of hair behind her ear. "I..I don't know what your talking about,Mikey." She said.

" Don't lie. I can tell something is wrong, did something happen today at school?" 

Y/n sighed as she set her backpack on the ground next to the couch as she plopped herself on the couch, resting her arm over her eyes. 

"I'm a terrible person,Mikey... I finally snapped.. I snapped on Kelly today."

"When was this? Was this at school?" he asked, Y/n shook her head side to side. 

" School was actually fine, nothing went wrong. But Kelly thought I snitched on her to Val, who decided to go off on Kelly today... So after school I decided to take a short cut and go down the alley.. and.. um her and a group of girls tried to jump me.."

Michelangelo furrowed his non-existing eyebrows as he sat down next to Y/n, lifting up her head and gently placing it in his lap. "You had your right to snap today,Y/n. They're going to be people in this world who just needs a little smack in the head here and there to know to not treat you like trash, even when you're actually a good person. By the looks of your condition I take you it,you won that fight. I know it was hard for you to do but you tried everything that you thought you could do and Kelly didn't stop. You're not a terrible person for what you did, knowing you it was bound to happen at some point."

Y/n quietly chuckled as she removed her arm off of her eyes. She looked right at Michelangelo's baby blue orbs as she took her hand and placed it gently on his green, freckled cheek and stroke his soft skin with her thumb as she smiled. " I love you, dork." 

"You mean, Handsome Dork. Thank you very much,miss."

" Handsome Dork, don't call me Miss, heh. It makes me feel like a old single potatoe. Mrs. L/n, will do my kind sir." 

" I don't like that name or the sound of it! How about... Mrs. Hamato?"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I finally ended up updating. It was really hard to do so on a IPad that I had since 4th grade (4years) lol so if it seems like a mess, my apologizes. I hope you have a good day! Bye!

-YummKimchii <3

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