Chapter 31

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*Only picture I can find to fit  a chapter like this.. heh, credit goes to original owner*

It was ten thirty at night and Valentina was running through the streets of New York City as she tried to find the nearest seward lid she could get her hands on. With her phone in her hands, she stopped for a moment to call Raphael and told him that she would be there in five minutes or less. Hanging up and tucking the device in her side pocket of her fleece pajama bottoms she continued to run towards an alley she spotted not even a couple blocks down.

Lifting up the seward lid and looking around herself making sure she wasn't being followed, she climbed down the ladder and shut the lid on top, sealing off the outside world. Jumping off the ladder and having her feet connect with the dirty mucky water, she didn't care. Something else mattered and that was Y/n, her only best friend since child hood was in Donatello's lab probably in a cot doing god knows what! And Valentina is in the seward and not there beside Y/n. The thought of losing Y/n built pressure against her chest and built a weight that sunk to the pit of stomach. She ran faster, and faster, not caring once again that the water was splashing carelessly around her and against her skin,staining the fabric of her pajamas and fleece socks. Turning a corner way too fast Valentina's foot collided against her left foot making her trip and fall into the seward's water. "Shit!" She cursed at herself as she sat herself up, drenched. Standing right back up she continued to run to her destination.

Finally making it to the entrance, a sigh of relief washed over her. Panting and trying her best to swallow her spit with her dry throat, she walked down the stairs leaving her small wet footprints trailing behind her on the cement along with drops dripping from her locks. Exhausting from all the running she did, she swayed back and fourth trying not to fall again on her way down the steps. Seeing her boyfriend coming out of the dojo, his electric green eyes widened at the sight of his girlfriend's condition. "Val! Are ya' okay?!" He asked in a frantic motion. " Who cares.. is Y/n.. still in the lab? I need to see her.. r..right now." Raphael let out deep sigh and led Valentina towards the doors of the lab and slid opened the doors as they both walked in. Valentina rushed in leaving Raphael's side and pulled up a chair beside's Y/n's cot. Valentina gulped as she saw Y/n lying peacefully among with her covers, that's a relief. Tears were on the edge of the corners of her aqua eyes. Her eyes began to trail off her face and made their way towards her arms. Valentina slowly lifted her damp hand and hovered it over Y/n's left unexposed hand. "Valentina... don't do this to yourself. Please.. I told you everything to make it obvious on what happened with Y/n." Raphael spoke in a low and gently tone. "What are you trying to say? I can't handle it?" "That's exactly what I'm saying.."

Valentina looked up to meet Raphael's gaze. Her expression soften as she turned her attention back onto Y/n who was still sleeping, thankfully. Flipping over Y/n's left wrist Valentina caught a glimpse of her small stitched cut on Y/n's fragile skin. A gasp escaped her lips as she let go of her wrist. A throb of pain exploded in her chest as her tears began to swell up in her eyes. Trying her best to blink away the tears she couldn't help but let a couple slip out. Leaning over and placing her tanned lips on Y/n's forehead and pushed back a couple of loose hairs before she took her leave along with Raphael. When Valentina slid the door shut her back faced Raphael, she couldn't face him.. not when she was in this state. She never cried in front of Raphael and she's certainly not going to do it now.

"Valentina, look at me." Raphael said sternly but Valentina declined, trying her best to dry her tears. "Valentina... mi amor.. look at me." He said once more. Turning around slowly with one hand hovering over her eyes and another wrapped around her waist, she bit her lip walking closer to Raphael. Raphael placed his dark green hands and removed Valentina's hand from her face. "Don't look at me please,Raphael... I'm sorry for letting my emotions get the best of me.. I should have listened to you when you-mph!" Being interrupted by a pair of green lips among hers she pulled away gently as she met his gaze. "Don't apologize for something like this,okay? Just know I'm here for ya' when ya' need it... even if it means if I have to comfort ya' when ya' cry." With a small giggle escaping from her lips she responded, "Well I don't want you to see me cry, mi tortuga." "I know you don't, always want to be so strong." He said softly,stroking her cheek. Valentina pecked his lips one more time before asking where Michelangelo was.

"He just left actually.. he wanted to be alone to 'think'." He answered. "You mind if I go find him and talk to him?"

"Go ahead but be careful will ya'? And if ya' want .. there's always some space in my room as always." He added as Valentina cocked a amused brow. "Yes Raphael, I would love to spend the night. I'll be back okay? I love you!" "I love you too."

" I thought I would find you here." Valentina said as she finished her climb off of the ladder. Stepping onto the roof top she sat next to to Michelangelo on the edge looking down at the view of New York. "You know it's cute how came to the ice cream shop where you took Y/n out too." She added. Still no response from the orange clad. Once she turned away and admired the view along with him she heard him let out a sigh. "I just don't understand,Valentina. I was with her in that lab.. until she fell asleep and I can't help but wonder 'why'.. why would she do something like this?" He finally said. Valentina turned her head facing him , placing her hand upon his. "Mikey, sometimes in life it hands you lemons and as the saying goes you make lemonade. But at some point you'll get tired of the same drink over and over again.. so you'll try something new, to cope with all those lemons. And what she did tonight was her choice.. a new ingredient to add in that drink."

"But it makes no sense! I seen her fight, I've seen her potential! How come she couldn't stand up to that bully? How come she didn't tell anybody when it was getting bad?" " I understand that she can fight and you probably only say that because she was in the Purple Dragons for a while but Y/n didn't choose that life. She never liked violence if anything in any type of conflict she would always make that her last resort if needed. She didn't have a choice.. she never did, she didn't have one when she joined, she didn't when her Dad left, she didn't when she had to move, and she sure in hell didn't have the choice for someone like Kelly Morvick to bully someone like Y/n. Y/n puts her needs before anyone elses even if it means for her to ignore her problems to tend someone who means a lot to her. She's the type of person who puts on a true smile everyday just so that the people around her can remain sane.. not wanting to be a burden.. and I would assume someone like yourself would understand.."

Pages: 3.8

Sorry for the long wait haha, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Anyways spread a positive vibe!


-YummKimchii <3 

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