Chapter 13

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(You P.O.V)

"Come on Val, we have to go!" I yelled

"Y/n calm down I just need to put on my shoes. Also we're meeting them on the roof so what's the rush?"

"I don't know-"

"Maybe because a little someone has a crush on a certain turtle."

"I don't have a crush on him!"

"Okay~, whatever you say." She giggle

I huffed and we both left the building to the rooftop , we made sure that my mother knew we're leaving too.

I saw figure jumping to roof to roof and I knew it was Mikey.

He landed gracefully in front of us and smiled.

"Good evening m'lady." He bowed

I laughed and held my hand and he gently kissed it.

I blushed and I pulled my hand away. Mikey saw what was happening and he jolted back with his face red as Raph's mask.

"I'm sorry."

"N-no it's fine!"

Val nudge me and with a sly grin, I just gave a glare and scoffed.

I don't understand why she thinks that I like him!, I mean sure he's a nice guy... with a heart, an awesome personality, thinks just like me, knows me pretty well, great on the skateboard, his sky blue eye~, his cute freckles, his...muscles

I shook the thoughts out of my head.

Do I even like Mikey? and if I do does he like me too? Wait since when did this matter?

Ugh!, this so confusing!

"So are guys ready?" Mikey asked

We both nodded and we followed Mikey down to the fire escape and we approached a seward lid.

Wait what?

"You guys live in the sewards?" Val said, trying to hold back the disgust.

Mikey nodded "But trust me you haven't seen the lair, it's much better!"

He lifted the lid and we all climbed down the ladder. It was pretty dark so I grabbed onto Mikey's belt and Val was holding my hand. It wasn't to long until light started to show and the smell of pizza took over my nose.

"Mmmmm pizza~" I mumbled

Mikey chuckled

"You can have some when we get there, if you want."

It was to dark to notice but I had a small tint of pink dusted onto my cheeks.




"Here we are! Home!"

I saw the girls mouth drop in 'awe' which made smile of course.

"So you guys want to watch a movie while we're here?" I asked

They both nodded and headed to the kitchen where we saw Raph with Spike on his shoulders.

"Awe he's so cute." Y/n whispered

Y/n cute too... wait what?

Mikey stop thinking like that, it's been happening ever since you met her!

Wait do I like her? if so does she like me back? Of course she don't Mikey, I mean you're a mutant who would fall for a mutant?

"Hey are you okay? You seem like something is on you mind?" Y/n smiled and put her hand on top of mine.

I could feel my cheeks heat up and I looked at her.

"I-I'm fine."

"Here's you pizza Y/n." Val handed her a plate

"Oh thanks!"

"Wow to think once you both got here you both would be flirting with eachother." Raph chuckled

"W-what! That's not true!" I protested

"Trust me Mikey, it looks like you both might have a thing for each other." Val grinned

"No, I swear!" Y/n and I said at the same time.

"Whatever, if you need us we're gonna watch a movie. Come on Val." Raph said

"You guys should come and join." Val smiled

We both nodded and stayed in the kitchen for a bit.

" Oh can we watch the Little Mermaid!" I yelled

"Ugh, Fine but you better get you're shell in here!" Raph yelled back

" Come Y/n, it's my favorite movie!"

"Mine too!"

(If it's not, just play along sorry.)


Time skip


( No Ones P.O.V)

Everything was going great, it seemed like Val and Raph were getting a long.

Raph is letting Val rest her head on his shoulder, that's rare and a shocker!

But as for Y/n and Mikey, Y/n was doing the same and singing a long to all the songs.

Right when the Prince and Ariel kiss something was on both of Y/n's and Mikey's mind.....

Crap!, I like Mikey!

Crap! I like Y/n!


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for not updating.

It's been pretty busy with my testing at school.

But anyways...


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