Chapter 32

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Author Note: This chapter will towards the end will be inspired by the song "Here comes a thought" by Rebecca Sugar, so just keep in mind that towards the end will be a Leonardo and Reader moment sooo don't get mad or anything if it seems like I'm shipping the two? Which I doubt it seems that way but anyways the song credit goes to the original owner and I might change a bit in the song so it can fit a little better.
Y/n woke up to a dim light from a small desk lamp beside her body. Turning her head towards the light she saw a turtle with  purple bandanna showing off a toothy grin. Y/n didn't hesitate to return the gesture as she sat up. Looking around herself, her eyes soon fell upon her left wrist. Y/n sighed as the memory of the injury popped into her head. Donatello pulled up a chair beside Y/n and gently held her left wrist his hand. Surprised from the gently touch she felt upon her skin, she looked up to meet a reddish-brown gaze. " I know you probably don't want to be looking at that cut... so I'll just wrap it up,okay?" Donatello said. Y/n gave off a nod as she watched his green hands get to work. "You know, we were really worried about you. Especially Valentina, when Raph called her she came here  as fast as she could. And I mean it when I said fast! She came here in her pajamas and no shoes, just her socks. You really did scared h.." Donatello stopped when he saw droplets of water hitting his skin. Looking up to where it was coming from he saw that the droplets were coming from a stream of tears that were trickling from Y/n's eyes. Furrowing his non-existing eyebrows he leaned over and wrapped his arms around her body. Now that he was close enough he could hear the apologetic mumbles that Y/n kept on repeating. Donatello shushed Y/n gently as he rub his hand in a circular motion on her back. Y/n  wrapped her hands around Donatello as she poured her sadness out even more. Her tears were dripping from her face and streaming down to Donatello's shell. 

As Valentina and Michelangelo walked in the lair they could hear the faint sound of whimpering and wailing coming from the lab. Both teens locked eyes for a moment before looking back at the door. They both walked towards the lab to only to enter. Michelangelo's heart almost sunk as he saw the state his girlfriend was in. Donatello looked over his shoulder and sighed in relief to see his youngest brother and third oldest brother's girlfriend in the same room. "They're here  now,Y/n." Donatello whispered. When he got up up and tried to remove himself from her grasp he could feel that fact that she didn't want to let go,even if she really wanted to Michelangelo. Donatello looked back  at his youngest brother with sympathy is his eyes. Michelangelo followed Donatello out ,shutting the door behind him. "I don't know what to say exactly. But, we both know she needs all the comfort she can get right now.." Donatello said. "Yeah,I know. How was she? When she got up?" Michelangelo asked. Donatello sighed deeply before looking into his eyes. "She was fine for a bit, but I told her how worried everyone was so I think I made it worse."    "I think it has more to do with the incident then whatever you told her. She must be as confused on why she did it as everyone else... I guess the pressure was too much for her?"   "I'm sure you're right, sometimes it gets to our heads."

Valentina walked over to Y/n sat next to her on the cot ad engulfed her with a hug. "Chamaco, I'm just glad you're okay.." She whispered as she nuzzled her cheek on the tip of her head. Y/n slowly wrapped her arms around Valentina's shoulders continuing to quietly sob in the crook of her neck. "Shhh, it's okay now. We're not mad, we're not disappointed... we're here for you. You need to remember that next time." She whispered once more,stroking her hair. A glimpse of warm light caught her eye. Shifting her head to where the light was coming from she notice Michelangelo was entering the lab,shutting the door behind him. "I..Is that Mikey?" Y/n finally spoke between sniffles. Valentina let go of Y/n and motioned Y/n's boyfriend to come near. Valentina got up from her spot and place her hand on Michelangelo's shoulder and gave him a warm smile before leaving the two be.

"How do you feel?" Michaelangelo asked as he sat down next to Y/n.  Y/n shrug her shoulders as she hung her head low, avoiding  her eyes from his. She just couldn't face him, not after for what happened tonight she just couldn't. "Y/n, can you at least look at me?" He asked once more,getting a little bit worried. Y/n lifted up her head but she did not look his way. Michelangelo leaned over with his hands and gently cupped her cheeks, turning her head to face his. "Y/n, please... look at me.", " I... I'm sorry, for everything.." She finally said. Hey eyes finally met his baby blue ones, just the sight of them shocked her with the urge to cry again. "Everything is okay, trust me..."

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