Chapter 28

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Author Note: ATTENTION MY LOVELY READERS!!!! This chapter may be a trigger warning, and what I'm about to say is that I do NOT condone bullying, self-harm, or suicide

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Author Note: ATTENTION MY LOVELY READERS!!!! This chapter may be a trigger warning, and what I'm about to say is that I do NOT condone bullying, self-harm, or suicide. And for the people that had read my journal entry you guys should know the little message I put at the bottom. For you who don't know this or the future chapter(s) will be inspired by my own experience with attempts and self-harm.


*I do NOT own this image or GIF, credit goes to the original*


Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday,Saturday , Sunday, and repeat. The key word?

"Repeat.." Y/n groaned as she shakily lifted herself from her bed. She sat up and slid off her bed as she hugged herself to keep warmth from gentle cool breeze that engulfed her skin. She walked towards her bathroom flipping on the switch. She looked at herself as a frown weighed down her genuine smile. She slowly removed her arms around her upper body and slid off her sleeve slightly off her shoulder to reveal a few scratches and a couple of soft bruise which were obviously were worse before but had time to heal. A flashback flooded Y/n's head, remembering how she even got these wounds in the first place. She cursed under her breath as she continued to get ready for the day. No one really knew that Y/n was being bullied, physically and verbally. Even Valentina didn't even know but time to time she would be skeptical about Y/n's answer when she ask her if she was 'okay'.

Y/n walked through the hallways that were flooded with her fellow classmates. She held her books and binder close to her, scratching a piece of plastic that was pre-peeled. She flinched as she felt a arm slung around her shoulders. She looked up a bit to see one of the jocks who to her was an asshole, but to most girls he was the most hottest guys in school. Y/n just scoffed and grabbed the rim of his leather sleeve and removed it off of her shoulder.

"What's wrong with you,Y/n?" He asked as he cocked an eyebrow. Y/n rolled her eyes and stopped walking beside him and walked over to the lockers to unlock her lock. Once she opened it the door was closed, revealing the jock's face.

"What do you want,Jake?" She asked harshly. Jake ran his fingers through his hair and smirk leaning his arm on her locker's door and leaned in closer to Y/n's face, which made her scrunch her nose.

" I was wondering if you would like to go this party that Bradd is throwing this weekend? You know just me and you."

"Look Jake, you're a great guy but I have a boyfriend. And you are frankly not my type and I should know since you and Val were 'talking' for a while."

" Are you serious?"

"Yes I am, Jake, you only like me on the outside not for the inside. And you hurt my best friend's feelings by moving on with another girl since she didn't want to 'go all the way' with you. So what makes you think I should hang out with you."

"You know what?, fuck you."

"I know you do but you're just mad because I won't let you." Y/n snickered before she turned around and began to walk away. Y/n left Jake and opened the door to her first hour and entered the classroom. Once she walked in she felt a group of eyes burning through her skin, she glanced her eyes to where the feelings were coming from. And they landed on a small group at least of four teenage girls that were glaring right at Y/n. Some were whispering and the others cocked an eyebrow in irritated matter. Y/n gulped and quickly walked to her seat and sat down. As minutes past she started to take notes on whatever she saw on the board but small yet quiet laughter perked up her ears. She looked around the room as she notice one thing that was being passed around the first row of the classroom. Once the bell rang it knocked Y/n out of her trance. Everyone got out of their seats and started to exit out of the classroom. Once Y/n made it to the door, she notice a crumbled up piece of paper. She looked back at the teacher's desk making sure the coast was clear, when it was she quickly squatted down and grabbed the crumbled up piece of paper and speed-walked out of the classroom and into the girl's bathroom. Where she locked herself in the last stall on right and dropped all of her stuff besides from the wadded up piece of paper. She took a deep breath before she sat on the toilet seat and unraveled the paper. She gasped as she noticed that her name was mentioned through out most of the conversation. Pretty much the group of four she saw in the beginning of class was insulting Y/n behind her back, pretty much out of jealously.

" ' I don't understand why he even likes,Y/n, Jake is so much better than she is and she's just a low life with a single mother.' " She loud-whispered. She placed her finger tips upon her lips as she contiued to read.

' Lol I can't believe you said that!.'

'Well sometimes you have to say what's true, exspecially with stuck up like her.'

' She just needs to be shoved in the locker again, smh.'

Y/n let her arms fall beside her as she dropped the small note in the process. Once the letter dropped gracefully to the ground so did Y/n's tears, remembering how she got the wounds on her shoulder. The memory replayed faintly that the last things she saw was the exact same group of girls were the ones that pushed her. Y/n took a deep breath and wipe her tears as she exited out of the bathroom. Once she turned the corner in the hallways she almost bumped into Valentina. Y/n quickly plastered a smile and greeted her best friend before heading on to class. Valentina raised an confused eyebrows as she watched Y/n head to class and walked into the bathroom. Without knowing Valentina walk into the stall where Y/n was just in. When she closed the stall behind her and noticed a piece of crumbled paper. Valentina picked it up and unraveled it, her eyes began to scan the wordings and letters. Once she reached Y/n's name , her eyebrows furrowed and lip twitched. Valentina gently folded the piece of paper and tuck it in her pocket and grabbed her stuff, not getting the feeling to use the bathroom anymore.

" Someone is going to die today."


Sorry for not updating sooner. I've been busy with school now that we're having parent teacher conference coming up and my muscial will be happening here soon too so it's hard to brainstorm and type all of this while everything is going crazy lol, I'm sorry again. But know that this chapter will obiously build up and contiue. And if you read this please comment whatever you want but to just spice it up a bit please add a " #Pickles " at the end of you comment. I don't know why, haha I'm just random today.


YummKimchii <3

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