Chapter 15- Part one

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(You P.O.V)

I slowly opened my eyes , but quickly squinted them to the bright light shining in my eyes.

I grunted in pain trying to position myself away from the light.

I looked around to find myself in a ... lab?

"Wait what time is it?" I croaked

I quickly placed my hands on my throat realizing how deep it was.

I found my phone right next to me , I stretched my arm out and grabbed it.

' 1:30 am'

I let out a sigh and set my head back onto the bed I was on.

"I need to go.... How am I gonna explain this to mom?" I mumbled

My eyes started to sting along with my throat.

No don't cry, not now, not here.

I sat up and placed my feet on the ground, they started to wobble. It wasn't long until I collapsed onto the ground.

My face hit flat on the cold, solid ground.

I tried to stand back up but my legs wouldn't move. They couldn't even twitch like if they were dead.

My eye sight started to become blurry, my heart started to race, I breathing started to go faster every second, my head started to feel dizzy.

"HELP!" I yelped in pain

At this point I was having a mental break down, I was a crying mess, my hair sticking on my face.

I kept on slapping my legs trying to make them move, nothing worked. My legs wouldn't move I kept on yelling.

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed on the top my lungs.

I heard shuffling from outside the lab's door, soon enough the door was slammed opened and Donnie was in the entrance.

"Help.... please... my legs won't move!" I said with a quiver.

He rushed to my side and picked me to place me back on the bed.

"Take it easy, okay?" Donnie said

"What's wrong with me?, why is my body doing this?"

Tears stilled flowed from my eyes, I try closing my eyes but I still was crying.

"I don't know Y/n but let me run a few test then everything will be fine."

"What about my mom Donnie? How am I gonna explain to her about this?"

"You don't have to worry about that."

I turned my head slightly to face Donnie.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"We kind of told you're mom. You see when Mikey told us what was happening he told Leo and I to go to you're apartment to tell you mom. She freaked out a bit but she was more worried about you then us being mutant turtles and all."

"So it was Mikey and Raph who saved me."

He nodded in my response.

Hearing that relaxed me a bit.

"So, how is she? My mom I mean anything she said before you guys left?"

"She understood what was happening, she was disappointed that you join that gang. But she said that everything would be tooken care of like school stuff." He explained

"Okay, good to know."

"Hey I'll be right back."

Donnie left the lab and Mikey entered, he pulled a chair and sat next to the bed that I was in.

"Hey..." He said with awkward smile

"You don't have to act like that you know?"

"L-Like what?"

"You know I can tell when you're lying too right? Thanks for saving even though I told you not too."

"You're welcome,you know I couldn't let you go by yourself not like that."

"Why?" I mumbled

"What was that?" He asked

"Why did you come after to me?"

"I was worried.... Y/n I-"

He was interrupted with Donnie entering the room.

"Okay I have some good news about you're legs." Donnie announced

"Well come on tell me!"

"It turns out you're legs are damaged, but it's only temperately. So in a week or so with rest they should be fine. And should be walking in no time!"

"Oh thank god!" I smiled


This is just part one, I'll update tomorrow


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