Author Note: Please Read

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Dear Readers or also can known as my Fellow Peeps,

I would like to cover a couple of things with you  such as me updating and future fanfics that might be coming out next year or this summer.

So anyways first thing is first, the updating. 

I want to start off saying that I'm sorry for not updating for awhile and most of you might be mad because this isn't a update lol. Well too bad! , no just kidding... but really though. I know you guys must hear this from a lot of from a lot of good authors on here but trust me when I say this that school is being a real BUTT FACE lately and it's been hard trying to catch up on homework and chores at home so please excuse my delays. But if I could estimate that the next chapter might be able be uploaded in maybe 2 or 3 weeks but I can't make any promises ( even though I would like too.) But I've notice that the last chapter that was posted wasn't my best works and I'm too lazy to change any of it but I will say that next chapter will deal with ... attempts of suicide and a bit of self-harm. But obviously it will have an happy ending ,heh.  But I don't know about you guys but this school year for me is about to end and this computer that I'm updating my fanfics on is the school's computer and I will have to turn in the computer before school ends... so depending on how far I get with this fanfic and the other fanfics , they might be a little slow with updating right away.

And last but not least the future fanifcs!!! Yay!

So as for the readers who is reading my Leo x Reader (if not you should go check that out ) that I will be ending that chapter at 100 and sadly I'm think I might be doing the same for this one too. I know! I know! I don't want to do it either but I would love to work on other fanfics. But I was thinking of starting a Raph x Reader this summer or  by next school year. And maybe when I'm done with my Max x Reader (Which if you like Camp Camp you should check that out too lol) I will start a Donnie x Reader soooo you might be expecting those from me : )

Oh! And another reason  why I might be slow updating is because I'm still brainstorming on this fanfic's new chapter  and brainstorming with the Raph x Reader.

But I would like to say thank you for anyone who made it this far and read everything! I appreciate it XD    So have a good day and make sure to smile! 


-YummKimchii <3

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