Percy's Mortal Friends

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Annabeth POV

I was lying next to Percy on his couch. He had fallen asleep after he got bored of playing with my hair about an our or so ago. I just continued reading while his arms were still tightly wrapped around my waist. Then all of a sudden the doorbell rang. Percy shifted in his sleep. I carefully untangled myself from Percy's grasp so I could go open the door. What I saw on the other side of the door surprised me. I saw a group of six kids standing in front of the doorway trying to get a look at me.

"Um, not to be rude or anything, but who are you?" asked a girl with layered brown hair and brown eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing," I retorted back a her.

Then a loud snore erupted the silence.

"Annabeth?" Percy asked from inside the house.

"Hang on," I told them,"What, Percy?" I asked as I walked back into the house.

"I'm thirsty. I want water," he said.

"Go get it yourself. Oh, and you have some guests at the door," I told him.

"Crap," he said as he immediately sat up from his spot on the couch. He didn't have his shirt on and his hair was even messier than usual. He even had a line of drool from the corner of his mouth. He looked so adorable.

He stumbled toward the door where the six teens were still waiting. He still didn't have a shirt on.

"Hey guys," he said nervously while he glanced back at me, "I, uh, sort of forgot, then, um, fell asleep," he informed them, but to me he sounded like he was asking a question.

"Perce, you might want to put a shirt on," said a guy with curly brown hair, short at the sides and back, with glasses, while I was openly glaring at a girl with short cropped blonde hair staring at Percy.

"Oh, right," he said. I rolled my eyes. Once Percy came back with a shirt on a short ginger haired girl said,

"So are you gonna introduce us?"

"Oh, uh, right," Percy said sheepishly. "Guys and gals, this is Annabeth, my girlfriend, Annabeth, these are my school friends."

"A little more specific Seaweed Brain," I said.

"Fine Wise Girl," he responded back. The ginger girl cooed. "This is Lucas," curly brown haired boy with glasses, "Carrie," brown hair brown eyes, "Lily," ginger, "Lee," an Asian boy with a beanie, "Tracy," blonde-Percy-starer, "and last but not least, Vince," a hispanic boy. "Come on in you guys." Percy opened up the door wide. The six entered, but were wary of me. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't bite. You can talk to me you know," I said. Vince visibly relaxed.

"Thank, God," he said. "I thought you were some crazy person." I rolled my eyes. Vince and Leo would get along great.

"So, Annabeth. How long have you known Percy," asked Tracy as Percy laid his head down on my lap while his legs rested over his friends.

"Since we were twelve," I said. I saw her gaze harden. "Percy was the short skinny little annoying boy that I had to show around camp."

"So you're from this famous camp that Percy keeps talking about huh?" asked Lee.


"How come we've never seen you around before?" asked Lily.

"I go to a magnet high school down in Brooklyn. I share an apartment with my friend Piper, but I'm really busy most of the time so I can't visit this idiot as much. So he usually visits me when he has the time."

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