The Boggart

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"Everyone line up line up!" yelled Professor Lupin as everyone rushed to get their try at the boggart. The seventh year students were almost as impatient and the third years.

Annabeth ended up at the front of the line somehow. And she did not want to face a spider.

"Miss Chase, what do you fear most?" asked Lupin.

"Spiders," she responded shakily.

"Now, I've heard that you live with a muggle family correct?" Annabeth nodded. "And that your brothers are quite the trouble makers?" She nodded, but with a slight smile. "Alright. So, I want you to imagine some prank your brothers did onto that spider." She nodded again.

Lupin opened the cabinet and watched as a larger that life spider crawled out. Annabeth's hands began to shake as the boggart came closer and closer. She raised her wand and imagined the spider covered in honey and feathers, one of the pranks her brothers decided to pull on her.

She closed her eyes. "RIDIKULUS," she yelled.

Annabeth opened her eyes to a laughing class and a gigantic spider covered in honey and feathers.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Next student!" yelled Lupin.

Annabeth stood off to the side as she watched the students face their worst fears. She saw a few more spiders, some snakes, a clown, and even a waffle from Octavian.

Then came her boyfriend. The Hufflepuff everyone loved in some way, except for the Slytherins. Percy Jackson gave her his signature smile but in his eyes, she could see he was unsure.

Percy waited with a confident grin as he watched the jack-in-the-box sway. It then morphed into a dead body. The class immediately silenced.

"No no no no no no," Percy mumbled. Annabeth pushed through the crowd and saw what he was staring at along with the rest of the class.

It was herself.

But lifeless.

And bloody.

And limp.

Percy stared at the boggart in horror as tears streamed down his face. The class looked back and forth from the living Annabeth to the dead one.

Professor Lupin then stepped in front of the dead looking student and it morphed into a moon.

"Ridikulus!" he said. Then it turned into a balloon flying and letting out air. No one laughed.

Percy stared and the blank spot in which her body was.

"Class dismissed! Mr Jackson, Miss Chase, please stay."

Once the class was gone, Annabeth ran towards Percy with her own tears in her eyes. He looked at her and began to sob. She hugged him and buried her face in his neck.

"Mr Jackson, are you alright?" asked Lupin while he put a hand on his shoulder. Percy nodded and wiped his tears away. "Here, both of you have this. It'll help. It's just chocolate Miss Chase, I'm not going to poison you."

Percy inhaled the small piece of chocolate along with Annabeth.

"Thank you professor," said Percy.

"Anytime, my boy. I haven't seen a couple as in love as you are since James and Lily got married." Percy and Annabeth turned crimson. Percy thought about having a future with Annabeth which made him somehow even more red.

"Potter's parents?" asked Annabeth.

Professor Lupin stared off into the distance. "Oh yes. James and I were quite the duo. Now go on and enjoy yourselves. And ignore whatever gossip comes around. It won't do any good for either of you."

"Thanks again professor," said Annabeth as they walked out the door.

Percy held her hand and only let go when he reached they reached the shore of the lake.

He turned around and stared at her, drinking in her features. His ebony hair ruffled in the wind and his cloak swished back and forth.

"For a second...," he started, "I thought I actually lost you." Annabeth cupped his cheek with her hand as put the other around his neck. "I was so scared." His voice cracked. "And so heartbroken. Gods, I felt like the world would never be the same."

Annabeth crashed her lips onto his in a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she cupped his face with her hands.

"I love you," she mumbled onto his lips. He smiled.

"I love you more."

And they kissed again, their blue and yellow cloaks billowing in the wind.





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