Annoying Mortals

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Nico Di Angelo was annoyed out of his mind. He only went to the mall to get a gift for his boyfriend, Will Solace, since it was their anniversary. He did not expect to get stuck in a crowded bra shop with a bunch of giggling mortal girls in the way of the only exit.

Naturally, the son of Hades felt extremely uncomfortable as he was a gay man in a women's undergarment store. A few people gave him weird looks. He even saw one person mouth perv under their breath. Nico just had to deal with it since their was no way out.

He clenched the small bag with the golden sun necklace resting inside it as he watched another woman stare at him weirdly. The group of giggling mortal girls were still in the way of the exit.

Finally, Nico decided that he would resort to his last option. He took a death breath and screamed.


Instantly the giggling girls shut up and moved. They started whispering amongst themselves.

"What? How is he-"

"I can't believe-"

-he's gay?!"

"He was so hot though."

Nico ignored their comments and marched away.

"Thank the gods," he said as he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Once he was out of mortal sight, Nico shadow traveled back to Camp Half Blood.

This is so short but I had this idea and I'm like THIS CANNOT GO TO WASTE

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