Jason at High School

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I kind of hated being popular. Kind of is an understatement.

I absolutely despised being popular.

Girls kept hitting on me and suggesting really disgusting things and the guys are just dicks. They act all high and mighty and treat every girl like a piece of meat and I hate it.

I just want Piper with me. But then she'd have to deal with all this high school crap and I don't want to do that to her just because I can't handle it myself.

I found my place with the labeled 'band geeks.' They were probably the nicest people on campus and even though I didn't know how to play an instrument I still hung out with them.

"Hey Jason, whatcha thinking about?" asked Mary, a freshman who was in Pit.

"My girlfriend," I answered without thinking. Mary's eyes lit up.

"Oohhh what's she like? Tell me everything," she said. I laughed.

"Her name is Piper and she's actually the daughter of Tristan McLean but don't tell her I said that because she hates it when people judge her for her dad. She's also extremely beautiful, and her eyes change color so often I don't even know what color they actually are. And even though she's really beautiful she tries to down play it by cutting her hair with safety scissors and making it look really choppy but I think it makes her even more beautiful. And also-"

"Lemme stop you right there Jace," said Mary. My eyes focused and saw that the entire table was looking at me. I blushed and adjusted my glasses.

"That was the cutest thing I've ever heard," said Valerie, who was a junior who played mellophone. (A MELLOPHONE IS NOT A BIG TRUMPET PEOPLE)

"I love her," I said.

"Dammit Jason you're making me look like a bad boyfriend," said Gary who was a senior, like me, who had his arm around Sam. Gary played flute and Sam played snare. And she was bad ass. Sam just laughed.

~after school~

Gary, Sam, Valerie and I were all waiting for the bus. Mary had left claiming that her mom didn't like her hanging out with males that are older than her. Mary's mom was scary.

Just then a familiar car pulled up. It was Piper's black hummer. Why she wanted a hummer, I don't know.

I smiled and said to my friends, "Do you guys wanna meet my girlfriend?"

"Oh my god yes where is she. I need to know who it is that can handle you for long periods of time," said Valerie.

"Rude," I said and adjusted my glasses.

"So which car?" asked Sam.

"The black hummer believe it or not."

Then Piper stepped out of the front, went to the side and opened the door for Leo. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Pipes!" I yelled and ran towards her. I hugged her and lifted her off the ground.

"Missed you too Sparky," she said and kissed me. When we pulled away it was just then that I noticed the entire school staring at us.

"Enough of the lovey dovey crap. I'm about to throw up here. Now Sparky, where's my hug?" said Leo.

I rolled my eyes and "bro-hugged" Leo.

"I want to meet your friends," said Piper, who then jumped onto my back. "Take me to your friends, peasant."

"Yes master." I rolled my eyes.

Piper was still on my back when we reached my friends.

"Hey guys this is Piper, my girlfriend and this idiot over here is-"

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