Back In Time Part 2

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Previously, on Back In Time

Younger Percy's jaw was on the floor and younger Annabeth stared wide eyed and completely red. The older couple continued kissing even after a knock was heard from one of the doors in the big house.

Older Nico crept around the couple and opened the door only to find a pissed of Thalia Grace from the future.

She looked over his shoulder, glanced at the couple who were still making out, then noticed the past campers around the ping pong table.

"What the fuck."

Thalia's words of wisdom seemed to jar Percy and Annabeth out of their little fantasy.

"Thalia!" older Annabeth exclaimed, still red in the face.

"What the fuck," she repeated. Nico snorted beside her. "Shut it, Death Breath. And what the hell is happening."

"You're in the past," older Percy said. Thalia looked between the two Percys and Annabeths. "And other people, from our time, will be coming too." Thalia smiled evilly.

"Oh this'll be fun. So are you two engaged yet? And I better be the maid of honor Annie," said Thalia with an evil smirk on her face.

Younger Percy and Annabeth turned even more red if possible and so did their future selves. The rest of the council just laughed at them.

"Thalia! We're only 18!" exclaimed older Percy. "Besides, Athena would probably vaporize me on the spot!"

"That'll be fun to watch," responded Thalia. Percy pouted at her response. "Anyway, what time period are we even in?"

"We're planning for the second titan war. Percy here, was just about to read us the Great Prophecy," said Chiron. Older Percy cringed. Annabeth squeezed his hand.

"That was not fun," older Percy recalled.

"Wait so I survive?" asked younger Percy. Younger Annabeth hit him upside the head.

"Your future self is literally right in front of you, Seaweed Brain."

"Oh, right."

"Wow Kelp Head somehow you were even dumber before. Maybe all that time spent with Annabeth improved your vocabulary a tiny bit."

"You're the worst cousin ever," mumbled older Percy. Thalia winked at him.

"Wait so does everyone in this room survive?" asked younger Annabeth. The older demigods eyes shifted to Silena and Lee. No one noticed except for Silena who tensed, probably wondering if she got into the fields of punishment.

"Not.......everyone," responded Nico.

"Can you tell us who? We won't even remember it in when you guys leave," asked younger Annabeth impatiently. The older demigods looked at each other. Nico sighed deeply. Then just as he was about to speak someone fell through the ceiling.

Once the dust cleared, the older demigods were able to identify that it was intact Jason who fell through the ceiling.

"What the Pluto?" exclaimed as he got up from the floor.

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