Jason at High School (but not really) Part 3

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No one uttered a word in the car as we were on our way to Camp Half Blood. I held Piper's hand with my right and I drove with my left. I glanced at Mary through the mirror. She was clutching her wrapped arm and her head rested against the car window.

I put my focus back on the road. By now, we were nearing Camp. I parked the car in a small clearing in the woods by Camp. The three of us trudged out of the car and over Half Blood Hill. As soon as Mary crossed the borderline, she gasped.

"Wow," she whispered, still dazed from the whole gorgon band practice thing. "This place is like the Dolan Twins warehouse except way cooler and a billion times more cute guys." Piper laughed at Mary's description. I, meanwhile, didn't understand a word of it.

"Welcome," I said flaring my arms out for dramatic purposes. "To Camp Half Blood, young demigod."

"Camp Half Blood?" Mary questioned.

"Ah, yes. I forgot about the explaining part. Um, Piper would you do the honors?" I asked hopefully. Piper rolled her beautiful eyes.

"If I have to do it then you have to do it to," she reasoned.

"Huh," Mary said.

"But first, lets get you to the infirmary," I exclaimed as I grasped of my friend's shoulder and led her over to the Big House.

"This, is the Big House, young demigod. The infirmary and a bunch of other things are also here," I described. Mary snorted at the mention of the name of the Big House. "Yea, yea. Big House. I know. So creative right. Us Romans are way better."

Piper slapped me upside the head. "I was kidding, don't hurt me please."

"Romans?" questioned Mary. "What is going on? Do you mean like Romans, as in the ancient civilization? And- Oh my god that is a horse man."

Chiron clopped out of the Big House.

"Hello Jason, Piper, is this a new camper?" Chiron asked. A hint of amusement was heard in his voice. He probably heard Mary's comment earlier.

"Hey Chiron. And yes this is a new camper. Mary, this is Chiron, trainer of heroes. Chiron this is Mary Thompson," said Piper.

"Very nice to meet you Miss Thompson, but I must return to my archery class. Goodbye, heroes," Chiron said as he ran, er, galloped away. Mary was still in shock. Her jaw was practically on the ground and she was staring at the spot where Chiron used to be.

"Come on, lets get you to the infirmary," I said. Mary didn't respond. As we passed the beds, campers greeted Piper and I. I spotted Will in a far corner talking to Nico, probably reprimanding him for shadow traveling or something. It's a miracle that they're still not together.

"Hey Will," Piper called. "We've got an injured camper!" Will quickly said his goodbye to Nico and came over to us.

"Hey guys, who's this?" Will asked as he examined Mary's arm. She was completely numb to the act as she was staring at everything in awe.

"Oh, I'm Mary. And apparently I'm a demogorgon."

I'm pretty sure Piper's face palm was heard throughout all of Camp. Will chuckled and I started laughing really hard.

"It's - It's demigod - not - not demogorgon," I said between laughs. I heard pipers adorable giggles through her hand. Mary blushed in embarrassment.

"Same thing," she retorted. Will, Piper and I began to laugh harder. Then Nico walked over.

"What's so funny?" he said with a slight smile on his face. He glanced at Will then turned away blushing. I smirked at him.

"Mary here, just called herself a demogorgon, whatever that means," I said as I began to laugh again. Nico cracked a sinister but knowing smirk.

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