Sally Discovers Percabeth

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Annabeth has been the happiest she has ever been in the past two weeks. First of all, the second Titan war was over, second of all, she was Olympus' official architect, and best of all, she's finally dating her best friend, Percy Jackson. The completely idiotic, adorable, loyal, stupid son of Poseidon.

Annabeth was on her way to the Jackson household because Sally had insisted she come for dinner. Sally was like a mother to Annabeth and she couldn't possibly say no. Sally also said that it was like thanking her for saving Percy's loyal butt 24/7.

There was only one problem however.

Sally didn't know that Annabeth had started dating Percy offer the Titan war. Percy kept chickening out and when the two Iris-messaged earlier Annabeth threatened that if Sally didn't find out herself, Annabeth was going to spill the beans.

When Annabeth finally reached their apartment complex in the middle of manhattan, she thanked the Uber driver, payed him, and headed out. She nervously tapped her leg as she entered the elevator with another family.

Once the elevator reached the fourth floor, Annabeth escaped the elevator and headed for room number 420. (blaze it) She knocked on the door and an overly excited Sally Jackson-Blofis opened the door.

"Annabeth! How are you?" She asked. Annabeth was about to respond when Sally interrupted again. "Oh, excuse my bad manners, please come in. You must be cold. You know, Percy has been waiting for you all day then he took a nap and hasn't woken up. Could you wake him up for me please, the cookies won't cook themselves!" she said as she ran off into the kitchen.

"Of course, Sally," Annabeth responded, slightly chuckling. She navigated her way through the hallway when she found Percy's door. It was a pale blue.

She pushed the door open and there, lying on his blue bed, was Percy Jackson drooling whatever he had left of his brains out. Annabeth smiled fondly at the sight of him. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. He didn't look tense, like a monster attack was about to happen, and he didn't look like he held the weight of the world on his shoulders. He looked like any other teenager.

Annabeth closed the door behind her and walked over to his bed and sat herself down on the edge. She ran her fingers through his unruly black hair. She heard him hum.

"Hey Perce," she whispered. He hummed again.

"Hey Annabeth," Percy said in a low, rumbling voice. Annabeth tried to resist the urge to blush. Gods dammit, why do guys have such attractive voices when they just wake up, she thought. She continued to run her hand through his hair once more.

"Why're you here?" he asked sleepily as he sat up. Annabeth rolled her eyes but laughed nonetheless.

"Don't you remember Seaweed Brain? Your mom invited me over for dinner," she said as she tried not to laugh. Percy blushed.

"Oh, right," he said sheepishly. Annabeth laughed again and kissed his cheek. He smiled and pointed to his lips.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and leaned in to kiss her boyfriend. Their lips moved in sync. Annabeth played with the hair at the nape of Percy's neck and he held her waist tightly. Gods he's a good kisser, Annabeth thought. They continued to kiss and Annabeth's hands moved to Percy's chest and Percy was cupping her face with one hand.

They were completely ignorant to the sound of footsteps coming towards the door.

"Percy! Annabeth! Dinner's rea-" Sally abruptly stopped when she saw Percy and Annabeth practically making out on his bed.

Annabeth and Percy sprang apart as quickly as Hermes. Annabeth was extremely red in the face.

"Mom!" Percy exclaimed. "Uh, hi?" Sally was still in a state of shock. Then a grin began to spread on her face.

"I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it!" she yelled. "Thalia and Grover owe me twenty drachmas each!" She then ran out of the room screaming for Paul.

"What? You bet on us?" Percy called after his mom.

"Oh it wasn't just me honey. Clarisse, the Stolls, Katie Gardener, and Arphrodite was in on it too," she said when she returned to the room holding a camera.

"Aphrodite!" Annabeth choked.

"Oh yes! Well have to start planning your wedding now!" Percy seemed to choke on nothing and turned a shade of red that matched a cherry's. Annabeth was blushing so hard that she could've rivaled the poster of the Red Hot Chili Peppers on Percy's wall.

"Oh how cute. Smile!" she exclaimed then proceeded to take about a million photos with her camera.

"Mom! You can stop now," Percy said, still red in the face. Sally ignored him and pinched his cheeks.

"Oh you're so grown up. You've already got yourself a girlfriend. Then you two are going to get married and then I'll be a grandmother-" Percy cut her off.

"Mom! We've only been dating for two weeks," he said. Annabeth somehow got even more red.

"Oh all right, all right. I'll leave you two alone now. But you better come back in five minutes or you won't get cookies," Sally called as she walked out and closed the door with a triumphant smirk.

"Gods that was more embarrassing than resurfacing the lake," Annabeth said. Percy smiled at her.

"You're cute when you blush," he said. In response Annabeth blushed once again. Percy smiled wider.

He kissed her deeply and let's just say that they didn't get their cookies that night.

Hey y'all. Sorry I've been MIA for a few weeks. School has been giving me hell and since I'm a part of winter drumline I have three hour rehearsals twice a week and my marimba part is the hardest piece of music I've played since I picked up a clarinet in the third grade. Which is saying something because I'm in ninth grade now. 4 3 right triplets followed by sixlet runs at 168 bpm. Who does that?!

If you understand, you're my new best friend.

So yea... I wrote this a while ago and I finished it today since I finished my homework early.

I'm a horrible person <3

And I also just died from percabeth overdose.

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