A Day of Rain

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Third Person

Annabeth and her friends from UC Berkeley were hanging out at a local park. Annabeth wore her school's sweater along with a pair of skinny jeans. Cassidy, a friend of Annabeth's, studied mechanical engineering. She had her strawberry blonde hair in a messy bun with a pencil sticking through it. Next to Cassidy, was Joshua, who was studying business. His buzz cut, slight beard, and glasses made him look like Simon from Quantico, the show Annabeth was obsessed with. On the other side of Annabeth sat Miranda and her boyfriend Ben. Miranda had her dark brown hair in a tight ponytail. Ben played with it, his brown eyes sparkling.

"So, are we gonna do something or what?" asked Joshua from the ground as he stared up at the sky.

"Let's play tag," Ben suggested. Cassidy could be heard facepalming.

"Are you five years old Ben?" she asked jokingly. Annabeth stifled a laugh as she read her book. "Miranda you're dating a five year old."

"I know," she responded. This time Annabeth couldn't keep her laughter in. She and Joshua laughed simultaneously.

"Hey Annabeth, how's the Ancient Greek architecture stuff, because I am not getting it," said Ben, completely ignoring the outburst earlier. He was in the same architecture course as Annabeth. "I don't get why we have to learn the mythology along with it."

"Why are you doing that?" questioned Miranda. "That's completely pointless."

"I know," responded Ben. Annabeth tried not to get irritated, especially since she was one of those 'pointless myths.'

"I guess it's just to get us more into the feel of it, you know," Annabeth responded trying not to grit her teeth.

"I guess," responded Ben. "But I still think that all those gods are petty and selfish. Especially Zeus," he laughed. Miranda giggled.

Then the clouds above their heads began to roar with thunder. "Speak of the devil," Annabeth muttered under her breath. Then it began to drizzle. Ben's shaggy hair began to move with the strong winds that came in.

"What the hell...," muttered Miranda. No one noticed, but Annabeth flinched at the word hell. "It was literally sunny like two seconds ago."

Just as she said that, more thunder was heard and the drizzle turned into a steady rainfall. Annabeth closed her book, extremely annoyed with her ignorant mortal friends.

"We should go somewhere, before it starts pouring," Annabeth commented. Joshua was quick to agree.

"How do you know it'll start pouring? I mean, the weather guy didn't say anything about it," commented Cassidy.

"He never does," responded Ben. "And Annabeth's right. We should go somewhere before it starts pouring. My apartment is too far and the dorms at Berkeley would be way too crowded."

"Oh come on, it's nothing guys. I bet it'll go away in an hour or less," said Cassidy. Only seconds after she spoke, more thunder boomed and the rain began to pelt down harder. "I stand corrected," Cassidy muttered.

"Stupid, dramatic, old grandpa," muttered Annabeth as she quickly tried to pack her things. "We could go to my place, but there might be a few guests over," she said louder. "It's only a few blocks away."

"Annabeth's place it is then," agreed Joshua.


By the time the group of mortals and demigod arrived at Annabeth's door, they were almost soaked head to toe. Annabeth impatiently knocked on the door.

No one responded.

"SEAWEED BRAIN ITS ME OPEN THE DOOR WE'RE FREEZING!" she yelled over the pouring rain as she continued to knock obnoxiously. Seaweed Brian? questioned all of Annabeth's friends. Footsteps were heard coming toward the door.

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