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Percy and Annabeth sat in Charon's boat to the underworld. When they had died of old age, the gods gifted them their last gift. Their hearts went out in sync at the age of 89. Percy and Annabeth couldn't be more grateful.

Once Percy and Annabeth crossed the River Styx, they magically resumed into their sixteen year old selves. Before Tartarus, but after the Giant War. Their best forms of themselves.

That would be awkward when their three kids get there.

Percy and Annabeth both went to the judging line. They walked hand in hand to the pavilion.

King Minos, Thomas Jefferson, and William Shakespeare all looked up.

"Name?" they asked simultaneously.

"Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Jackson," responded Percy.

Their eyes widened.

"You might as well walk right into Elysium," said King Minos.

"Before we do that, I have something to give to Mr Thomas Jefferson," Percy said. Annabeth looked at him strangely. He pulled out the hundred dollar bill in his pocket that he carried around wherever he went, incase he died.

Percy walked up to Jefferson and handed him the one hundred dollar bill. He looked shocked.

"Oh, and there's also a musical about your good friend Alexander Hamilton," reminded Percy. Jefferson's eyes widened even more.

"A musical? About that old fool? You know what, never mind. Just get on with it. The gates to Elysium are right over there."

The judges shooed them off.

They stood silently in front of the gates.

Percy looked at her.

"You ready, Wise Girl?" he asked, his signature lopsided smile showing.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she responded.

And so they walked through the gates hand in hand.

It was a little while before they had seen anyone they recognized.

Then two identical curly mops of brown hair turned simultaneously. Both of their jaws dropped at the same times.

"The Stolls. This is the first time I've ever been happy to see you," said Annabeth.

"Annabeth! Now we're not scared of you because you can't kill us since we're already dead!" Exclaimed Connor. Percy and Travis laughed.

They all shared a hug.

Then Annabeth asked something that had been on both their minds since they got here.

"Is - is Luke here?" She asked uncertainly. Connor and Travis' smiles both turned to sad ones.

"He tried for rebirth. I'm sorry Annabeth," said Travis. Annabeth's lips formed a small oh. "But, there are a few demigods that would definitely love to see you." Percy nodded.

The four of them walked through Elysium, glancing at the large houses and the empty streets.

Then they finally reached an open pavilion full of lively, er, deadly people.

Then, a certain daughter of Aphrodite noticed them.

"Oh my gods," said Silena as she stared at the smiling forms of Percy and Annabeth. "Charlie, Charlie look!"

"Huh? Oh wow," he said. They ran up to the both of them. Connor and Travis had walked off a little while earlier.

"Oh my gods, oh my gods," said Silena over and over again. "You guys don't hate me right?" She asked uncertainly, referring to the time she was a spy for Kronos' Army.

"How could we ever hate you, Silena," said Annabeth. Silena burst into tears and hugged the both of them.

Then Percy noticed Beckendorf.

"Beck, I'm-" started Percy.

"Don't say you're sorry, Perce. I'm just happy to see you, man," Beck said. Percy and Beckendorf then bro hugged.

Once the hug fest was finished and all tears were shed, Silena only then noticed their conjoined hands.

She screamed.


"It's not Chase," said Annabeth.

"Huh?" responded Silena.

"My last name. It isn't Chase. It's Jackson."

And once again, Silena screamed.

And so, the four demigods talked and talked and talked. When Percy and Annabeth finally met every demigod they had known, they walked off to get rebirth.

In every other life, they never fell in love with another person. Not a single mortal, god, Roman, Greek, Norse or Egyptian came between their invisible love.

When they finally reached the Isles of the Blest, they reunited with Luke and met the few others who were there.

And so, for the rest of eternity, they shared kisses under the trees in the Isles of the Blest.

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