Tears (but better)

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Basically another version of the first Tears chapter but better because now i actually know what heartbreak feels like :)

Annabeth has not shed a single tear since Percy's disappearance. It's been five months already and she knows she's not giving up anytime soon. Every second of every hour has been a constant grind to find her missing boyfriend. She worked so hard that some days she would neglect herself. She stopped showering as often as she should have. She stopped eating as much as she should have. She stopped sleeping as much as she should have.

Her constant work had almost deteriorated her wonderful personality into nothing.

She was just a shell of herself. Without Percy, a huge chunk of her life was missing. A huge chunk of herself was missing. She knew it was unhealthy to be this attached to Percy, but she couldn't really help herself. She had spent almost half her life with him and fallen in love with him. She couldn't simply put on a facade and pretend she was alright. Her insides itched and burned for him. Her hands felt empty without his own holding them. Her lips longed for another kiss. Her heart felt cold without his warm hugs.

"Good morning, Annabeth," said Piper. She snatched two strawberries off of Annabeth's plate.

"G'Morning, Piper," said Annabeth back as she grabbed two pieces of bacon off of Piper's plate.

"Hey I actually wanted to eat those," exclaimed Piper. Annabeth shrugged.

"Well, I actually wanted to eat those strawberries. Suck it up," she joked, but her heart wasn't in it. Piper noticed. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Hey, what do you say we go to the archery range later and pretend the targets are Hera," she suggested. An evil smile graced her beautiful face and Annabeth couldn't help smiling back at her friend.

Breakfast came and went quickly. Soon enough, Annabeth and Piper has made their way over to the archery range. It was pretty crowded so they took themselves to an unoccupied target at the far end.

"Bitch," muttered Annabeth as she shot the first arrow directly into the bullseye. Piper whistled. She shot one as well but she missed by a lot. Annabeth winced at her pathetic attempt.

"Hey! I'm not the daughter of a war goddess incase you hadn't noticed," Piper retorted sarcastically. In response, Annabeth docked another arrow, stared directly into Piper's eyes, and shot it.

Her arrow missed the target completely. Piper let out a loud laugh.

"Ok but it would've been so badass if I had made that," said Annabeth.

"Too bad you didn't make it," Piper shrugged playfully. Annabeth rolled her eyes and lightly shoved her. Despite her playful manner, Annabeth still wasn't feeling much better. It still felt as if a black hole was eating away inside her and she was doing whatever she could to ignore it. Still, she put up her walls and continued to spend time with Piper.


Her and Piper had spent almost the whole day together. Their activities had ranged from archery, to swordplay, to volleyball, and to playing tag with the younger campers. Even though Annabeth knew she couldn't get much happier, she was still very grateful for Piper. Piper helped her take her mind off of things, even if it was for a short time.

By the afternoon, the two friends had split off to do their own thing. Annabeth went to teach the younger campers mythology while Piper left for the rock climbing block with the rest of the Aphrodite cabin. For two hours, Annabeth had taught the children the story behind Psyche and Eros, and the creation of Arachne, which wasn't enjoyable. Annabeth's lesson was successful and by the time it was over, it was time for dinner. She led all the kids in her class to the dining hall and they separated to sit at their respective tables. Annabeth sat with her siblings, which only consisted of herself, Malcolm, and a young boy named Felix since most demigods had decided to stay with their families over spring break.

"Hi Annabeth!" greeted Felix enthusiastically. Annabeth smiled at her half brother. Felix has taken a liking to his older sister more than he has to Malcolm.

"Hey Felix, how was your day?" she asked him. Felix began to ramble about what he did and Annabeth inventively listened to every word. He reminded her of her little brothers Bobby and Matthew whom she missed dearly despite their major annoyance.

Annabeth enjoyed her dinner with her two brothers as best she could. Afterwards, she led the two of them back to their cabin to get ready for the night.

Annabeth tossed and turned all night unable to sleep. Finally, she had decided to go for a walk. She carefully got out of bed as to not wake up her brothers and snuck out the door.

She let her feet take her wherever and unsurprisingly, she ended up in front of Cabin 3. Annabeth hadn't been inside Percy's cabin since the day she found him gone. A shudder went down her spine. Carefully, she opened the door and stepped inside her missing boyfriend's cabin.

It was exactly the way he left it even after all these months. His bed remained unmade and crooked pictures were strung on the wall by his bunk. Annabeth sat down on his bed and spent some time looking at the pictures he had.

A tear shed from her eye. Annabeth wiped it away immediately but they kept coming. She had not cried since he first disappeared and she wanted to keep it that way because she was a strong, independent, young woman who shouldn't let Percy control her every emotion.

But by gods did she miss him.

She stood up and continued to furiously wipe her tears away.

"I will NOT cry," she told herself. "Come on you've kept it in for five months keep it together, Annabeth." Her voice broke.

Then her heart grew cold, a hot lump of misery and sadness formed in the back of her throat, and she collapsed to the floor, unable to hold herself up any longer. Her head fell to rest on her knees as tears dripped down her face.

Get up, she told herself. Get up.

She couldn't.

Sobs racked her body and she had difficulty breathing through the hiccups and gasps. She felt as if Zeus himself had ripped her heart right out of her chest and zapped it with lightning right in front of her. Then proceeded to summon a storm right above it and rain down misery upon her poor helpless heart.

Why can't I ever have a happy ending, she thought. Why me.

Her shoulders shook with every sob and her chest heaved with every inhale. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying so many tears and were blurred by many more to come.

And so Annabeth cried.

And cried.

And cried.

Until she couldn't anymore.

Piper found her the next morning asleep in Percy's bed.

Teehee I hope y'all enjoyed

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