Family Tree

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Ok THIS is a real chapter I promise

This was a request from @biologically-a-demon I hope this lived up to your standards :)

Percy was already exhausted and the first school day was hardly over. His first day as a sophomore was not as appealing as he had hoped. Although, he was grateful that he could spend more than one year at a school. He's always been kicked out one way or another.

The fifteen minute break was now over and Percy went on to find his 3rd period. He followed the crowd of students towards the third floor of the 3000 building and entered the classroom labeled 3307. He picked a random seat near the back of the class and slumped into it. He watched as more students piled into the room and reunited with their old friends. Percy sighed. The only friend he had last year was Rachel and she was gone now since her father moved her to a preppy private school.

The bell rang this signaling the start of third period. The teacher stood up from his desk at the front of the room and introduced himself.

"Hello, class. I am Mr. Perez and welcome to World History. So right now I'm going to pass out the curriculum-" and after that Percy zoned out. He could tell most of the class did as well. Percy was about to fall asleep, but Mr. Perez clapped once loudly. Percy, and many others jumped up.

"Ok now that everyone is AWAKE, I'm going to assign your first assignment," informed Mr. Perez. The class groaned. "I know, I know. Homework on the first day of school sucks. But this is mainly for us to get to know each other. What I would like everyone to do, is to make a family tree from your oldest relative and go all the way down to you." At that Percy perked up. He wasn't so sleepy now. "You'll have until Wednesday to finish this and then we'll have Thursday and Friday for everyone to come on up and present. We're a history class folks. And this is history."

The bell for the end of third period rang shortly after that and Percy went on to finish the rest of his day.


"Hey, Mom, I'm home," Percy called as he stepped into the apartment.

"Hi, Percy," greeted his mother. "How was your first day!"

"It was alright. My history teacher gave us a pretty fun assignment," Percy grinned boyishly. Sally raised her eyebrows and looked at her son.

"What's this assignment?" she asked.

"We have to make a family tree from our oldest known relative."

"Now which side of the family will it be?"

"No offense mom but I'm doing dad's side. And guess what?"


"I'm gonna change all their names so no one has a clue. But I'm gonna make them really good ones. I've already got some ideas," Percy explained to his mother. Sally laughed at him and told him to go to his room and get started on the assignment.


Percy tapped his pencil on in chin. The blank piece of paper stared directly at him.

"Chaos would be first right?" he questioned to himself. "Yes," he concluded. Writing lightly with his pencil, he wrote "chaos" on his paper so that he could easily erase it and replace with a made up name later. And so Percy continued. From Chaos, he branched out to Gaea, Tartarus, Erebus, and Nyx. He continued to Typhon, Uranus, Pontus, Hemera, and so on. By the time he had finished the family tree, he had used every inch of the paper and his pencil had dulled beyond repair.

"Dam," he looked proudly at his work. "Annabeth would be proud of me," he said to himself. He knew he still had to rename them, however. "Time for the fun part."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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