Back in time

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Percy and Annabeth were sitting down by the docks. Neither of them said a word as being in each other's company was enough comfort. Percy suddenly felt uneasy, like something that's not supposed to happen was going to happen. He sat up straighter.

"You feel that Wise Girl?" he asked, looking around.

"Yea.." she trailed off. Then suddenly they were enveloped in a bright light and gone a second after.


"What in the name of Zeus just happened?" Annabeth asked. She looked around and noticed her surroundings. "What the Hades? How did we get to Half Blood Hill. We were just on the docks..."

"I have no clue."

"Let's go see Chiron. Maybe he might know what happened," Annabeth said as she gripped Percy's hand tighter.

They began to walk up the hill and when they reached the border, they noticed something was wrong.

"Um Wise girl? I'm pretty sure there are more than twelve cabins now. And where's the Athena Parthenos?" said Percy. Annabeth stared out in shock.

"Oh my gods." She turned to face Percy. "I think we time traveled to the past, Percy."

Percy didn't want to believe her. But she was Annabeth, and his girlfriend, so he had no choice but to believe her.

"Wha-how?" he questioned.

"I have absolutely no idea," Annabeth responded. Percy wanted to make a remark about how she didn't know something but decided against it.

"Well, I mean, we've got to be here for a reason right?"

"Yea..," Annabeth trailed off. "Let's find out what time period we're in first. Without screwing up the spacetime continuum."

"Spacetime Vaccuum?"

"Continuum, Seaweed Brain. Continuum."

"Right. What does that mean again?"

"This is why you should watch Doctor Who."

"I don't wanna watch your nerdy daughter of Athena shows."

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused." Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Let's just get to the big house before you ruin everything."

"I'm not gonna ruin anything!" Percy yelled defiantly.

"Who're you?" asked a voice from the camp border. Percy and Annabeth whipped their heads around to the voice. Once they caught sight of who it was, Percy gasped.

"Oh gods..." Annabeth mumbled.

The boy raised an eyebrow. "I take it you know you're demigods? But who are you? I should've seen you at camp at least once."

Percy began to panic. Well, the older one, not the one in front of them. He looked at Annabeth.

"We're returning campers. We haven't been here for a few years. We're here to see Chiron," Annabeth lied easily.

"Oh," said mini-Percy. "Sorry to bother you then. This gods damned war has gotten me so stressed lately. Just saying, you guys might wanna turn back around. It ain't pretty."

"Thanks," mumbled older Percy really quietly. Mini-Percy raised an eyebrow, but let Percy and Annabeth go anyway.

Annabeth gripped Percy's hand and dragged him to the big house, hidden in the shadows.

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