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Hazel was having the most fun she had in a while since the giant war ended. Frank had taken her to Disneyland in Anaheim since he had bought the tickets. They were squished inside the little cars at Autopia. Frank's bulky frame took up most of the car which let Hazel very little room to drive the makeshift car. She loved every second of it anyway.

"You're a horrible driver, Hazel," commented Frank as he jerked to the side from Hazel's poorly timed turn.

"Hush, Frank." Her boyfriend grumbled in response. They continued to drive in a comfortable silence, Frank jerking side to side from Hazel's maniacal driving.

"Where to next?" asked Hazel. Frank pointed to Splash Mountain in Frontierland. "That sounds like fun. Let's go," she said and grabbed his hand.

"One hundred and ten minute wait," said Frank frowning slightly. "You up for it?" He turned to Hazel.

"Of course! This is Disneyland! Everything is worth the wait!" (Except for the food) Frank smiled widely and fingered the folded paper between his fingers in his jeans pocket.

"This is why I love you," said Frank as he squeezed her hand. Hazel blushed and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too," she whispered in his ear. He blushed and smiled "Now let's get in line."

After one hundred and ten minutes of impatient waiting they were finally at the end. The employee looked up and eyed Frank's arms.

"How many in your party?" she asked still looking at Frank. Hazel glared at her.

"Just the two of us," she responded curtly. Frank looked at her strangely, wondering where the change of tone came from. (Smh) The employee gave a light glare.

"One and two over here please," she said. Hazel tugged on Frank's hand and dragged him to the entry area for the front of the log.

"Hey, What was that all about?" asked Frank.

"She was staring at you, Frank," she said. "Girls these days," she mumbled to herself.

"Really? Why was she staring?" Frank asked. He turned around to look at the employee but Hazel smacked his arm.

"Don't look at her!" She whisper yelled. "She'll get the wrong idea!"

"Idea?" Frank repeated.

"Now I know what Annabeth feels like when she's out with Percy."


"Nevermind, let's just get on the ride."

"And Hazel, just so you know, the front is where you get the most wet." Hazel smirked and the employee was long forgotten.

"Even better."

"Welcome to Splash Mountain. Please remember that all hands and feet should remain inside the log. Thank you, and have a great time," said another employee.

"I'm so excited Frank!" Hazel whisper yelled. She had never been to Disneyland. It probably didn't even exist when she was alive before.

The log began to move. It went up and down and through the creepy area where automatons sang Zipadeedooda. Frank was very creeped out. (If y'all ever go on splash mountain, those automatons are like the reincarnates of five nights at Freddy's) Hazel didn't seem to mind them too much. They looked like something Leo would make for a prank to scare them.

Eventually, after a bunch of tiny drop and whole waves of water coming and soaking Hazel and her boyfriend, he had reached the massive incline.

"Is this it Frank?" Hazel asked excitedly.

"Pretty sure yeah," he responded. And in his pockets he began to carefully unfold the paper. Hazel was at the edge of her seat of noticing anything that Frank was doing. They had passed the part where the rabbit automatons sang and told them not to go up the hill because the wolf will eat them. How wonderful.

Soon enough, they reached the end of the incline. Hazel's nerves were on over drive and Frank's paper was unfolded and ready to put over his head. Then, extremely unexpectedly, the log started to go down at a speed which Hazel could only guess was one hundred miles an hour. She screamed in delight and when they hit the bottom a huge spray of water came and soaked the two in the front. Frank's paper was soaked so when Hazel turned around to ask him what it was, he just responded with "you'll see."

"I am completely soaked, but the wait was entirely worth it," Hazel said as they stepped out of the log. "Oh! I almost forgot! The picture!"

Frank raced after her laughing.

When they got to the picture area there was a crowd around one picture awing and taking pictures of the pictures. Hazel was too short to see but Frank saw it. It was the picture of their log. Frank was holding up a piece of paper that said, "Hazel, Prom?" Meanwhile Hazel sitting in front of him was completely unaware and looked like she was screaming her head off.

"Are they looking at our picture?" Hazel asked.

"Why don't you look and see," commented Frank. The crowd of people made way for the couple, recognizing them from the picture. Hazel looked at it and a smile graced her features.

"Of course I'll go to Prom with you, Frank," she said. She ran up to him and kissed him. The crowd awed and cheered.

Shitty ending I know but I was at Disneyland the other day and I had this amazhang idea and so I was like "I must put on Wattpad" I thought percabeth would be cute for this but then I thought of Frazel and I'm like it HAS to be Frazel.

And here's a pic of me on the log on splash mountain. I'm the one in the red sweater btw :)

This is why Splash Mountain is my favorite ride

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This is why Splash Mountain is my favorite ride.

And just some advice, if you're going to Disneyland and you wanna go on splash but the wait is too long get a fast pass or go at night when it's cold and no one wants to get wet. It's great.

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