Will's Got Talent

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Music played as Will walked on the stage of America's Got Talent. He glanced back at Nico, who was the only one there with him, who was beside Nick Canon. He smiled at Will and his heart skipped a beat. The crowd cheered as Will walked up. He even heard a few wolf whistles.

"Hello, what's your name," said Mel-B with a wink. Will blushed.

"Um, I'm Will Solace," he responded. There was more cheering from the crowd and even more wolf whistles.

"How old are you, Will?" asked Heidi.

"I'm seventeen years old."

"Is anyone here with you today?" Heidi continued. Will blushed and everyone could notice it. "Someone special maybe?" She teased.

"Um, yea. My, uh, boyfriend is here," he said awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck waiting for the crowd's reaction.

The crowd roared and cheered for him.

"And what will be your act today?" asked Howie.

"I will be singing today," Will responded. The crowd cheered in approval.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck, Will. The stage is yours," he said.

Will let out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding in. He fixed the mic on its stand and waited for the music to turn on.

He heard the base playing then the guitar and the drums.

He began singing and the crowd was on the edge of their seats in anticipation.

Three leagues down the soft side of where you left my
Gold rose crown, you broke down, and left me with a
Chest hum, a black gun, and forty dollars
Chest hum, a black gun, and forty dollars

Mel-B's jaw dropped.

Three weeks down, I drowned myself in whiskey
Came back round, and drowned out, and left me with a
Chest hum, a black gun, and forty dollars
Chest hum, a black gun, and forty dollars

The crowd was cheering really loudly. Will spared a glance at Nico and saw the widest smile on his face.

Streetlights talk the same way my mother told me
I walk the same way my father told me
Back straight, chest out, just like a soldier
Back straight, chest out, just like a soldier

Wise men talk the same way my mother told me
I walk the same way my father told me
Back straight, chest out, just like a soldier
Back straight, chest out, just like a soldier

His singing became more passionate.

You go down south, south
You go down south, south
You go down south, south
You go down south, south
You go down south, south
You go down south, south
You go down south, south
You go down south, south
You go down south, south
You go down south, south
You go down south, south
You go down south, south

Streetlights talk the same way my mother told me
(You go down south, south)
I walk the same way my father told me
(You go down south, south)
Back straight, chest out, just like a soldier
(You go down south, south)
Back straight, chest out, just like a soldier
(You go down south, south)

Wise men talk the same way my mother told me
(You go down south, south)
I walk the same way my father told me
(You go down south, south)
Back straight, chest out, just like a soldier
(You go down south, south)
Back straight, chest out, just like a soldier
(You go down south, south)

The crowd was cheering extremely loudly by now and Will had a hand over his smiling face with tears in his eyes. He looked over at Nico and saw him discreetly wipe a tear away. The crowd was yelling, "PUT! HIM! THROUGH!"

"My god, Will, you have such an amazingly passionate voice I was speechless. A definite yes from me!" said Mel-B.

"Thank you," Will said quietly through the mic but everyone heard anyway.

"I have got to agree with Mel-B. Will, your voice is one of a kind and I can't wait to hear more of it. You're getting a yes from me as well," said Howie. Will said thanks again. Heidi leaned into her mic.

"Oh my goodness, Will! You shocked me! I saw a timid teenager walking on stage then I heard your voice and I almost fell out of my chair!" she laughed with the crowd and Will smiled. "I'm sure your boyfriend will be very proud." The crowd cheered and whistled. "It's a big fat yes from me Will." The crowd roared. "Simon?"

"Now, Will. That was an amazing performance you had there. Your song, I don't even know how to describe it. Your voice was amazing and I can tell that the crowd loves you already. With that voice, you can make millions. Which is why I am doing this." Simon then leaned over and pressed the Golden Buzzer.

Golden confetti rained over Will and he could hardly hear over the roars and cheers of the crowd. He collapsed onto his knees and began to cry tears of joy. Then Nico was beside him and then they were kissing. The roars got louder but Will ignored it and focused it all on the love of his life.

"YOU ARE GOING PLACES!" yelled Simon over the crowd and as Will walked off the stage with his arms around Nico, he never felt more happy.




LMFAOOOOO guys this is me like two years later rereading this and when I tell you I GAGGED at this writing

dear LORD what was my freshmen self  thinking

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