Cheeseburgers and Annoying Girls

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Thalia was standing outside Percy's high school beyond annoyed. People had started spilling out about ten minutes ago and Perseus was no where to be seen. They were supposed to go get cheeseburgers with Nico and have some fun "cousinly bonding," as Percy put it.

Many students had given her a weird look. She was after all, wearing her silver parka, leaning against an all black motorcycle, and had hair as short as the boys. Some boys even tried to talk to her. She was royally pissed off.

Instead of waiting for the Kelp Headed son of Poseidon, Thalia decided to take action into her own hands. She looked around the entrance of the school and noticed two distinct groups.

Smelly jocks and wannabe Aphrodite girls.

She figured the girls were a slightly better option then the poor excuses of males in the far corner. She began walking towards them.

Thalia heard a few snippets of their conversation.

Tommy was hot today and -

- Percy's eyes -

He's mine Rebecca back off -

The girl -

- On a motorcycle, I mean

What an attention seeker

Thalia inwardly rolled her eyes.

The preppy girls stopped giggling and gossiping once Thalia came in a ten foot radius of them. Then they all turned towards her as if they've rehearsed trying to look intimidating.

It didn't faze Thalia one bit.

"Do you happen to know a Percy Jackson?" she asked. The girls immediately erupted in chatter.

"Only the hottest guy in the school."

"-Captain of the swim team." What a cheater, Thalia thought.

"Abs as hard as rock."

"I could totally bake cookies on his abs." Thalia did not need to hear that.

"His eyes.."

"Oh my god, I know right."

"Wait, you aren't his girlfriend are you," at that last statement all the girls shut up and looked at Thalia once more. Thalia resisted the urge to throw up. "Cuz, he's like, totally my future husband."

"No way Rebecca he's mine."

"Ugh get your filthy hands off of my soon to be boyfriend."

"He will be mine."

Thalia burst out laughing. That definitely got the girls' attention.

"You-you think-I'm his-his girlfriend," she managed between laughs. "That's probably the nastiest thing I've ever heard. Anyway do you know where he is, we're going for cheeseburgers later."

The girls gaped at her.

The school doors opened and out walked Percy.

The girls immediately began to tidy themselves up. Thalia snorted at their poor attempts. All of them combined couldn't even hold a candle to Annabeth's beauty.

"Hey Kelp Head!" Percy looked over to Thalia and a wide smile graced his features.

"Hey, Pinecone Face," he said. Thalia rolled her eyes.

"Sorry I was late, there was a mon-" Percy cut himself off and glanced at the group of giggling girls in front of Thalia. "I mean, a teacher who wanted to talk to me." Thalia nodded in understanding.

"Well come on then. We've still got-" Thalia was cut off by one of the girls. She gritted her teeth.

"Hey Percy," she said and batted her eyelashes.

"Uh, hey, Amanda was it?" Percy asked. He girls eye twitched. Or it was because she was batting her eyelashes. Thalia couldn't tell.

"Rebecca actually," she responded.

"Oh uh, I was close." Thalia could barely hold in her laughter at the scene happening in front of her. Rebecca chose to ignore this comment.

"So, where are you going? I'm sure I could join," she said giddily. Thalia was laughing behind her hand.

"Um we're going for cheeseburgers," Percy responded warily.

"Perfect!" screeched Rebecca.

"Aren't you vegetarian?" asked Percy. Rebecca's smile faltered for a second. She let out a laugh that was as fake as her Barbie doll minions.

"Of course not silly," she said. Her hand touched Percy's bicep. Thalia was barely able to contain her laughter.

"Um, listen Rebecca," Percy began. He gingerly took her hand off his arm and dropped it causing the crowd of Barbie dolls behind Rebecca to gasp. "This is just a cousin thing, so I would appreciate it if you didn't come."

"Ugh whatever," said Rebecca. "Let's go girls."

They walked away towards the crowd of smelly jocks Thalia had seen earlier.

Now that they were gone Thalia burst in a fit of laughter. Percy was red in the face which made it all the more funny.

Thalia regained her composure, wiped her eye, and said, "Come on Fish Breath, we've still got to get Nico."

"You're the worst Thals. The absolute worst," he mumbled.

"But you love me anyway."

Percy Thalia cousinlyness is my absolute favorite thing.

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