Chapter 8

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I couldn't believe Mother actually allowed me to go, though she did say John, our driver, had to drop me off and wait in the parking lot incase we needed him. I guess she was just guilty about what happened last weekend, and she too wanted me to have a chance at being a normal teenager, well as normal as I could be.

I ran my way down the stairs. "Bye bye! I'm going!" I yelled as I ran out the door. Mother was in her office which was close by the door so I was sure she heard me. Walking out I see John already in the car staring out at the color-filled garden.

We arrived there at records speed thankfully, because two cop cars and a car with our country's flag on it brought to much unwanted attention. John stayed across the road from Lawrence's house, which he sent me the address of over text.

It's been a few days since he's asked me to go to a park with him and ever since I've been beyond excited. Much like the first time I entered a pool; I was so excited that was jumping up and down and squealing when my foot was in the water.

I walk up to his darkish blue front door with a huge smile plastered on my face. I couldn't believe Mother actually allowed me to go I thought she'd keep muttering 'no' until I got the hint. But luckily she did not.

Knocking, I hear the sounds of a few voice coming out as murmurs through the door. A few moments later the door opened revealing a happy Lawrence standing there in his usual attire of black clothes with his signature leather jacket being held in his hand. Only now did I realize he have tattoos, which all looked amazing on his soft skin.

"Hey." He had a sly smirk on his face probably noticing me staring at him.

"Hello," I say in a singsong way. He opens the door more as a way of telling me to come in.

My heart beat picks up speed not wanting to make a fool of myself because of this being my first time at someone's house who isn't related to me. My legs felt like noodles as they moved to get me in. I felt the air switch to a cooler temperature as I walked through which slightly helped my breathing.

"You okay?" He looked concerned as he looked at me with a cute pouty look on his lips.

"Yeah." I felt my voice turn into a whisper as I spoke the words clearly showcasing my nerves.

"You don't seem alright. Do you want water or something?" He closed the doors and walked me over to the kitchen carefully as if he was ready to catch me if I fall.

"No, no really I'm fine." He made me feel abashed at how weird I probably seemed in front of him.

"Then what's wrong?" I sighed.

"It's the first time I've been to someone's house, who isn't related to me." I spoke the last few words quickly so I would seem like less of a freak but I'm guessing that it's not helping.

He lightly chuckled and ran a hand through his hair all the way to the back of his neck scratching it. I've learned before that guys do that when they're nervous, which left me confused because he had no reason to be.

"Glad to be your first." He smiled warily. He seemed odd to me, but I didn't want to point that out and make him act even weirder. There was a moment of silence as I looked around and him staring at me questioningly.

"I like your home. It's so... calm in here." Being in a palace was really hectic with all the important people who came in and out, regularly, and the maids who were either cleaning all around the palace or serving people. Either ways it was always busy in the palace.

"Oh thanks." There he goes again scratching the back of his neck making me even more oblivious. "I just gotta do something before we go. Forgot to do it before you came, didn't think you'd come on time." He muttered the words to himself, but loud enough for me to here it.

He grabs a pack of sticky notes that sat by the fridge and started to write something down with a pen in his pocket.

"Why'd you think I'd come late? I hate being tardy."

"Just not used to people actually arriving on time, that's all." He plucked the note he just wrote and stuck it on his fridge. Gonna be home late mom. Love you!, was what the sticky note said as it stood with neat cursive writing on the fridge. "Kay, lets get going." He placed his pen back in his back pocket.

We walked out off his house, him leading the way from the kitchen to the front door. After closing and locking the door he turns around to face me and smiles lightly. He places his hand on the small of my back creating small sparks, as we walked all the way to the park in a comfortable silence.

Mother said John had to come for my safety, but being right here next to Lawrence made me feel beyond safe.

Looking ahead of me, my mouth fell open the sight of the colorful park and the luscious trees and plants leaving me in awe. A small giggle falls past my lips as I feel my legs start to move on their own and I find myself running towards the park in complete glee, my dress lightly fluttering on its ends from the wind. I hear Lawrence's laugh and his footsteps as he tries to keep up. But of course he is no match to my giddy self.

Reaching the beautiful entrance my eyes widen with the new and better sight of the park that stood in front of me. The park was enormous and was filled with color from the flowers and the children's swings and slides and benches that littered the whole park.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Lawrence's voice snapped me out of my daze.

"Yeah," I breathed out still captivated in the beautiful sight. I looked over at Lawrence who was already looking at me. He smiled sweetly at me.

"Race you to the slide!" He started running ahead of me. I laughed finding it hilarious and adorable how he looked like such a rebel but acted like a complete kid. My feet started moving too, trying to pass him.

I was still a mile behind compared to him and his long legs. I watch him from far as he scrambles up the small child sized ladders of the slide. His legs fail him and slip a few times, which causes me to lightly laugh, but make their way up the ladder.

Just as he reaches the top of the slide, I reach the ladder.

"I won," he simply states with a bright contagious smile. I slow down as I climb up the rest of the ladder.

"You cheated. You had a head start," I whined almost childlike.

"No I did not." He playfully scoffed causing me to giggle as I saw his contagious smile widen.

Once I reached the top, he stuck his hand out signaling me to go before him. "M' lady," he said as a small chuckle left his lips.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I have an epic idea for the next and I already started it!

- is there any tips you have for?
- what do you think is gonna happen in the next chapter?
- is there anything you think I should improve on?

Thank you for reading! Love you!

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