Chapter 23

613 23 4

It's been a week and each day I'm still stuck in my thoughts occasionally sleeping on the dirty mattress and still being fed with scrapes of food.

I was sprawled out on the mattress staring up at the white chipped ceiling, thinking. The door knob jiggled. before a click filled the empty air and in came Tom with his customary smirk.

"Hello, there," his sickly sweet voice said before he chuckled humorlessly. "Come in boys!"

My eyes widened as the room filled itself with men almost the age of my father who was already greying. Terror struck my heart with more force than the first day I came here. My hands were shaking as they pushed to get me to sit up.

All of them were staring with smirks that only made my already shaking figure shiver more vigorously.

"Twenty thousand. How does that sound?" A man thin on his scalp was the first to break the silence. At the sound of his deep voice a shiver runs down my back and my body just trembles when his words registered in my head.

He couldn't buy me. I'm not an object at the shops you can buy. I'm a human like you, you monster. I've got a mother and a father, who are worried about me. I've got limbs like you do but somehow you make it seem like I'm just an object for you to buy.

I shake my head frantically tears spilling from my eyes as I back away from them, pressing myself hard against the wall trying to create as much distance as possible. I want to yell and lash out at them but I couldn't force my lips to move nor could I make my palpitating heart calm down.

"I'll give you ten thousand!" a man hollered. And just like that more and more bets were place until a man with dark brown hair and an aged face placed the highest bet. "Two million!"

Without thinking an awestruck Tom immediately agreed. I watched in fright as the dark haired man passed the invisible line Tom made everyone stay behind. Tom allowed him as a smirk crept on his face. He was obviously enjoying this, much like everyone else in the room.

The man crouched down next to me making me shrink down to the corner to stay away from him. His eyes looked me up and down as he licked his lips looking like he was about to pounce on me.

"You're all mine now." He quietly growled, only to me. Endless tears kept spewing down my cheeks as I kept squirming in the corner, my back stinging from the friction I was creating with the wall.

His face turned into a scowl, obviously not liking how I reacted to him. His hand was brought up and attached itself around my ankle, pulling me towards him making my body fall on the mattress only to sit back up and shake my leg to get his hand off. But instead his grip tightened and the scowl turned to a look of disgust.

"When I come back to pay you'll get it." His growl was heard all around the room making some men chuckle and others watch with smirks. He turned towards the men smirking in mischief towards them. "If all of you have the right money I'll let you have your fun with her, but-" he turned back to me his smirk only widening. "Only after I pop her cherry already."

He chuckled throwing his head back as the men joined along. It took a moment for the words to sink in but when they did my blood boiled. Men like him make me truly disgusted and hell if I'll ever go with him, no matter what he pays. He completely forgot about my foot that he held in a loose grip. I pulled my foot back then, before I could even think about it, I kick him hard in his groin.

He doubled over in pain grunting loudly making the room go dead silent. I widened my eyes in fright as I realized what I had done. I knew I was not getting out of this place without a bruise or a scratch to show for it.

The man cupped his privates rolling around in his spot. My eyes connected with Tom and when they did a new type of anger, one I have never seen nor was I accustomed to, appear in his face. A scowl so heart wrenching and terror filling was etched on his face.

"Everyone out! Out of this room! Out of this house! Now!" His voice boomed against the walls making the men scurry away and the dark hair man looked up at me and shook his head while barring his teeth.

"Once this pay is done. You have hell to pay." He too, walked out in anger, slightly limping by the pain.

Tom walked over to me and bent, sticking his hand to my hair, he gripped it pulling me towards him while I screamed and whimpered in pain and fright.

"No! No please!" His grip tightened as I tried to pull away but he wouldn't have any of it.

"Shut the fuck up!" I couldn't help the sob that left me. The sob was so strong and pure as it left my body shudder at its power. I never thought I'd be this scared of something in my life. "You're lucky. None of those men would want you if I ruined this pretty little face of yours."

All with that he stood to his full height and kicked his feet to my stomach making me bend over and clutched as I gasped for air. He kick two more times before pushing me down making me lay on my stomach.

"It's a shame truly. If you have just been a good little girl-" I felt my skin crawl at his words. I'm not a pet. "Maybe you wouldn't be in this position."

He held my head down, this time by pushing against the back of my neck making me press my cheek against the floor. His hand squeezed hard, not exactly choked me but enough to send pain all over my neck. It was like a spot that popped making all the pain seep all over.

"Now did you learn your lesson? Oh maybe this will help." He pulled away and for a second I bought he left but just as that thought came to mind he slammed his foot against my back making me scream in pain.

He snorted before retreating his foot. "Pathetic." He left the room, slamming the door on his way out.

I rolled around choking and gasping for air. The pain felt endless, I was surely going to have to bear bruises for weeks. But the true pain was coming from how powerless I felt in this situation.


Ah some pain. Truly this chapter made my skin crawl. I hope I made all of you cringe at the thought of this. Men who think women are just toys or even women who think that truly make me question what our society has come to.

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